


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
api.ts 171 Bajtů
authservice.ts 623 Bajtů
constants.ts 366 Bajtů
homePageService.ts 138 Bajtů
itemservice.ts 338 Bajtů
notesservice.ts 1.13 KB
searchFormService.ts 988 Bajtů
searchService.ts 2.34 KB

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
8040f287 2023-10-16 11:48 Michal Schwob

DEBUG: Added toast for in app debug
FIX: axios version updated
re #10822

84cc4e49 2023-10-11 20:14 Michal Schwob

Fixed error while opening search page, libraries versions updated, api address changed to dev version
re #10798

8c3203e0 2023-06-02 10:11 Schwobik

Switched to production
re #10715

6e9c1c5d 2023-06-02 10:08 Schwobik

Switched to production
re #10715

3fb38666 2023-05-24 14:41 Schwobik

Merge branch 'dev' into searchpage-advencement

  1. Conflicts:
  2. src/pages/Navigation.tsx
  3. src/stores/store.ts
4da7b143 2023-05-24 14:36 Schwobik

HomePage connected to new backend endpoint, SearchPage edited to take argument to display inventory content on open
re #10715

06808454 2023-05-24 14:34 Schwobik

Logout and Login fixed
re #10715

ca44ce3d 2023-05-14 21:19 Schwobik

Added grouping by inventory to ListView, loading of other pages of listView implemented
re #10606

3a226033 2023-05-11 06:49 Fantič

re #10569: NotesView: Create note, update note, triggerRefresh

bb690a9a 2023-05-10 15:33 Fantič

re #10569: NotesView: Get Notes

Zobrazit revize

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