DEBUG: Added JSON.stringify for debug objectsre #10822
DEBUG: Added toast for in app debugre #10822
Merge branch 'dev' into searchpage-advencement
HomePage connected to new backend endpoint, SearchPage edited to take argument to display inventory content on openre #10715
Logout and Login fixedre #10715
Added grouping by inventory to ListView, loading of other pages of listView implementedre #10606
re #10569: NotesView: NotesView in ItemDetail
re #10569: NotesView: Create note, update note, triggerRefresh
re #10569: NotesView: Get Notes
Merge branch 'dev' into 'ItemView-#10343'
re #10454: ItemView: TabBar one / more concordances
re #10454: ItemView: switching notes / item view
re #10454: ItemView: concordances switch fix
re #10454: ItemView: concordance tabs
re #10454: ItemView getItemNotes
re #10454: ItemView concordances switching
re #10454: ItemView: get itemViewState fix
re #10454: ItemView: minor api call update
re #10454: ItemView: getting all required fields from api
SearchPage implementations with base of list view for results of the searchre #10342
#re 10343 ItemView: Redux thunks, slice
#re 10343 checkAuth fix
#re 10343 Check authentication request added
#re 10171Demo of application login with redux, axios and nativeBase. Tested
adding redux for user state management and testing loading images
adding redux for user state management