DEBUG: Added toast for in app debugre #10822
Added menu icons for pages for stack navigationre #10820
Added skeleton of Stack Navigationre #10820
Fixed error while opening search page, libraries versions updated, api address changed to dev versionre #10798
Switched to productionre #10715
General fixes, splashscreen, homepage, searchpagere #10715
Merge branch 'dev' into searchpage-advencement
HomePage connected to new backend endpoint, SearchPage edited to take argument to display inventory content on openre #10715
Logout and Login fixedre #10715
Refactoringre #10715
Search page finishedre #10606
Added grouping by inventory to ListView, loading of other pages of listView implementedre #10606
re #10569: NotesView: ItemView navigation prop
re #10569: NotesView: Create note, update note, triggerRefresh
re #10569: NotesView: Get Notes
re #10569: NotesView: interface implementation
re #10569: NotesView: Sort menu, NotesView page preparation
mergování a úprava kompatibility. proklik na detail itemure #10489
Implementation of multiselect component, search page finished with listviewre #10478
Merge branch 'dev' into 'ItemView-#10343'
#re 10454: ItemView: ItemDetail update
re #10454: ItemView: NoteView class init
re #10454: ItemView: TabBar once concordance fix, back button
re #10454: ItemView: refactor setIndex
re #10454: ItemView: SetConcordance refactor
re #10454: ItemView: Concordance scroll view, Loading Component
re #10454: ItemView: switching notes / item view
re #10454: ItemView: concordances switch fix
re #10454: ItemView: concordance tabs
re #10454: ItemView getItemNotes
re #10454: ItemView concordances switching
re #10454: ItemView: get itemViewState fix
re #10454: ItemView: minor api call update
re #10454: ItemView: getting all required fields from api
Demo of listview implementedre #10342
SearchPage implementations with base of list view for results of the searchre #10342
Navigation beta version with pages templatesre #10340
#re 10343 ItemView: Redux thunks, slice
#re 10343 ItemView page: bottom tab
Drawer navigation design templatere #10345
#re 10171Demo of application login with redux, axios and nativeBase. Tested
adding redux for user state management and testing loading images
Testing of scrollview
Login page base
Adding axios and testing login