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Revize c73d715c

Přidáno uživatelem Pultak před asi 2 roky(ů)

re #9571 fixed typo and text refactoring

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# Automatic detection and documentation of connected Lauterbach Debugger and connected head device - LD Client - Bug Thugs
# Automatic detection and documentation of connected Lauterbach Debugger and its head device - LD Client - Bug Thugs
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## Description
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This client application periodically searches for running process of TRACE32 PowerView. 
Upon detection the application tries to execute t32rem.exe program with specific parameters which generates info file about currently connected Lauterbach Debbuger and connected head device.
The serial numbers from the info file is parsed and along with a timestamp and computer-related information, is sent to the server (API).
Upon detection the application tries to execute t32rem.exe program with specific parameters which generates info file about currently connected Lauterbach Debbuger and its head device.
The serial numbers from the info file are then parsed and along with a timestamp and computer-related information, is sent to the server (API).
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If the application fails to send the data, it will store the payload in a disk-based cache.
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The client then periodically accesses the cache in order to resend the failed payloads to the server.   
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## Requirements
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In order to successfully run the application, the user needs to have .NET 6.0 installed on their machine. 
It can be downloaded from the official site of the Microsoft (
In order to successfully run the application the user needs to have .NET 6.0 installed on their machine. 
It can be simply downloaded from the official site of the Microsoft (
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## Build/Publish
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dotnet publish -c Release -o build -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained true -r win-x86
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If everything goes well, a file called `LDClient.exe` with all its needed dependencies should be created under 'build'.
If everything goes well, a file called `LDClient.exe` with all its needed dependencies and configuration files should be created under folder 'build'.
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You can also build this application by opening the solution of this project in MSVC a using one of its build tools.
You can also build this application by opening the solution of this project in MSVC and using one of its build tools.
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## Execution
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Také k dispozici: Unified diff