LDClient v.1
Client application for the detection of Lauterbach debugger devices
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CLDClient.network.data.DebuggerInfoThis class holds all the information about a specific part of a debugger (head/body).
 CLDClient.network.IApiClientThis interface defines the functionality of an API client which is used to send information (payloads) to the server.
 CLDClient.network.ApiClientThis class implements IApiClient which is an interface defining all the functionality required from an API client.
 CLDClient.utils.loggers.ALoggerThis class implements all abstract functions of the logger. It contains all functions (error, info, debug) that are present in any other standard logger. Class is used as singleton design pattern
 CLDClient.utils.IFileUtilsThis interface defines IO operations.
 CLDClient.utils.FileUtilsThis class implements the IFileUtils interface which defines IO operations.
 CLDClient.network.IHttpClientThis interface defines the functionality of a HTTP client through which the API client sends data (payloads) to the server.
 CLDClient.network.HttpClientImplementation of IHttpClient which defines the functionality of a HTTP client that is used by the API client to send data to the server.
 CLDClient.detection.IInfoFetcherThis interface defines the functionality of an info fetcher which takes care of sending commands to the debugger.
 CLDClient.detection.InfoFetcherThis class implements the IInfoFetcher interface which defines the functionality of an info fetcher.
 CLDClient.detection.IProcessUtilsThis interface defines the functionality of all methods that are used to work with processes (within this project).
 CLDClient.detection.ProcessUtilsThis class implements the IProcessUtils interface. It implements methods that are used when dealing with processes.
 CLDClient.network.data.PayloadThis class represents a single payload that is sent to the server.
 CLDClient.detection.ProcessDetectionThis class takes care of process detection. When t32mtc (process) is detected, it means that the debugger is currently being used. The class keeps track of the current state of a debugger.