


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
auth.html 29.3 KB
bodydevices_web.html 27 KB
devices.html 10.9 KB
devices_web.html 31.2 KB
headdevices_web.html 26.5 KB
index.html 9.85 KB
ld_logs_web.html 14.9 KB
licenses.html 10.2 KB
licenses_web.html 14.9 KB
pcs.html 10.6 KB
pcs_web.html 9.81 KB
teams.html 10.8 KB
teams_web.html 17.8 KB
usb_logs.html 14.9 KB
usb_logs_web.html 15.6 KB
users_web.html 11.7 KB

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
0fcb708f 2022-05-15 13:53 Matěj Zeman

re #9846 Changed keyman devices, body devices views. Added Head devices view. Changed filtering of logs, ldlogs, body devices, head devices and keyman devices. Changed HTML tables style and few labels.

4911f0ea 2022-04-26 21:45 Matěj Zeman

re #9577 Api code documentation.

Zobrazit revize

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