Available endpoints are accessible from selectBox above

Endpoints are:

URL Name Purpose
/logs-web Vector Logs Shows all saved Keyman logs. User can filter through license, team and user
/ldlogs-web Lauterbach Logs Shows all saved LD debugger logs. User can filter through license, team and user
/devices-web Keyman Devices Shows all Keyman devices saved in database and its license, inventory number, last pc and last detection. User can filter through keyman id, license type, license id and team
/body-devices-web Lauterbach Body Devices Shows all Lauterbach Body devices saved in database and its license, inventory number, last pc and last detection. User can filter through body device serial nummber, license id and team
/head-devices-web Lauterbach Head Devices Shows all Lauterbach Head devices saved in database and its license, inventory number, last pc and last detection. User can filter through body device serial nummber, license id and team
/teams-web Teams Shows all teams currently saved in database
/pcs-web PCs Shows all PCS currently saved in database
/licenses-web Licenses Shows all Licenses currently saved in database and its expiration date