Module sql_app.models
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from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, DateTime
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from .database import Base
class Device(Base):
Class defining database table devices
__tablename__ = "devices"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
vendor_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
product_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
serial_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
inventory_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True)
comment = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True)
team_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
# relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with usb_logs and licenses
# tables
logs = relationship("USBLog", back_populates="device")
licenses = relationship("DeviceLicense", back_populates="device_lic")
team = relationship("Team", back_populates="devices")
class USBLog(Base):
Class defining database table usb_logs
__tablename__ = "usb_logs"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
pc_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
timestamp = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
status = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
device_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
# relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with devices and pc
# tables
device = relationship("Device", back_populates="logs")
pc = relationship("PC", back_populates="logs_pc")
class License(Base):
Class defining database table licenses
__tablename__ = "licenses"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
name = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True)
license_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
expiration_date = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
# relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with devices table
devices = relationship("DeviceLicense", back_populates="licenses")
bodydevice_lic = relationship("BodyDevice", back_populates="license")
headdevice_lic = relationship("HeadDevice", back_populates="license")
class DeviceLicense(Base):
Class defining database table devices_licenses
__tablename__ = "devices_licenses"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
device_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
license_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
assigned_datetime = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
# relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with devices and licenses
# tables
device_lic = relationship("Device", back_populates="licenses")
licenses = relationship("License", back_populates="devices")
class PC(Base):
Class defining database table pc
__tablename__ = "pc"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
username = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
hostname = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
# relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with teams, usb_logs and ld_logs
# tables
logs_pc = relationship("USBLog", back_populates="pc")
ld_pc = relationship("LDLog", back_populates="ldpc")
class Team(Base):
Class defining database table teams
__tablename__ = "teams"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
name = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
devices = relationship("Device", back_populates="team")
body_devices = relationship("BodyDevice", back_populates="team")
head_devices = relationship("HeadDevice", back_populates="team")
class HeadDevice(Base):
Class defining database table head_devices
__tablename__ = "head_devices"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
serial_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
inventory_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True)
comment = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True)
team_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
license_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
# relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with ld_logs table
h_logs = relationship("LDLog", back_populates="head_device")
license = relationship("License", back_populates="headdevice_lic")
team = relationship("Team", back_populates="head_devices")
class BodyDevice(Base):
Class defining database table body_devices
__tablename__ = "body_devices"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
serial_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
inventory_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True)
comment = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True)
team_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
license_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
# relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with ld_logs table
b_logs = relationship("LDLog", back_populates="body_device")
license = relationship("License", back_populates="bodydevice_lic")
team = relationship("Team", back_populates="body_devices")
class LDLog(Base):
Class defining database table ld_logs
__tablename__ = "ld_logs"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
pc_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
timestamp = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
status = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
head_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
body_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))
# relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with pc, head_devices and body_devices
# tables
ldpc = relationship("PC", back_populates="ld_pc")
head_device = relationship("HeadDevice", back_populates="h_logs")
body_device = relationship("BodyDevice", back_populates="b_logs")
class User(Base):
Class defining user in database with its own role
__tablename__ = "users"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
username = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
password = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
role = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
class BodyDevice (**kwargs)
Class defining database table body_devices
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class BodyDevice(Base): """ Class defining database table body_devices """ __tablename__ = "body_devices" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) serial_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) inventory_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) comment = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) team_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) license_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) # relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with ld_logs table b_logs = relationship("LDLog", back_populates="body_device") license = relationship("License", back_populates="bodydevice_lic") team = relationship("Team", back_populates="body_devices")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var b_logs
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var comment
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var inventory_number
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var license
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var license_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var serial_number
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var team
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var team_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class Device (**kwargs)
Class defining database table devices
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class Device(Base): """ Class defining database table devices """ __tablename__ = "devices" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) vendor_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) product_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) serial_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) inventory_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) comment = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) team_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) # relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with usb_logs and licenses # tables logs = relationship("USBLog", back_populates="device") licenses = relationship("DeviceLicense", back_populates="device_lic") team = relationship("Team", back_populates="devices")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var comment
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var inventory_number
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var licenses
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var logs
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var product_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var serial_number
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var team
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var team_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var vendor_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class DeviceLicense (**kwargs)
Class defining database table devices_licenses
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class DeviceLicense(Base): """ Class defining database table devices_licenses """ __tablename__ = "devices_licenses" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) device_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) license_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) assigned_datetime = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) # relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with devices and licenses # tables device_lic = relationship("Device", back_populates="licenses") licenses = relationship("License", back_populates="devices")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var assigned_datetime
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var device_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var device_lic
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var license_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var licenses
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class HeadDevice (**kwargs)
Class defining database table head_devices
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class HeadDevice(Base): """ Class defining database table head_devices """ __tablename__ = "head_devices" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) serial_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) inventory_number = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) comment = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) team_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) license_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) # relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with ld_logs table h_logs = relationship("LDLog", back_populates="head_device") license = relationship("License", back_populates="headdevice_lic") team = relationship("Team", back_populates="head_devices")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var comment
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var h_logs
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var inventory_number
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var license
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var license_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var serial_number
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var team
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var team_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class LDLog (**kwargs)
Class defining database table ld_logs
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class LDLog(Base): """ Class defining database table ld_logs """ __tablename__ = "ld_logs" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) pc_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) timestamp = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), status = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) head_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) body_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) # relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with pc, head_devices and body_devices # tables ldpc = relationship("PC", back_populates="ld_pc") head_device = relationship("HeadDevice", back_populates="h_logs") body_device = relationship("BodyDevice", back_populates="b_logs")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var body_device
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var body_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var head_device
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var head_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var ldpc
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var pc_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var status
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var timestamp
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class License (**kwargs)
Class defining database table licenses
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class License(Base): """ Class defining database table licenses """ __tablename__ = "licenses" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) name = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) license_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) expiration_date = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True) # relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with devices table devices = relationship("DeviceLicense", back_populates="licenses") bodydevice_lic = relationship("BodyDevice", back_populates="license") headdevice_lic = relationship("HeadDevice", back_populates="license")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var bodydevice_lic
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var devices
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var expiration_date
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var headdevice_lic
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var license_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var name
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class PC (**kwargs)
Class defining database table pc
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class PC(Base): """ Class defining database table pc """ __tablename__ = "pc" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) username = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) hostname = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) # relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with teams, usb_logs and ld_logs # tables logs_pc = relationship("USBLog", back_populates="pc") ld_pc = relationship("LDLog", back_populates="ldpc")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var hostname
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var ld_pc
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var logs_pc
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var username
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class Team (**kwargs)
Class defining database table teams
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class Team(Base): """ Class defining database table teams """ __tablename__ = "teams" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) name = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) devices = relationship("Device", back_populates="team") body_devices = relationship("BodyDevice", back_populates="team") head_devices = relationship("HeadDevice", back_populates="team")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var body_devices
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var devices
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var head_devices
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var name
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class USBLog (**kwargs)
Class defining database table usb_logs
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class USBLog(Base): """ Class defining database table usb_logs """ __tablename__ = "usb_logs" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) pc_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) timestamp = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), status = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) device_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) # relationships for foreign keys, thus connecting table with devices and pc # tables device = relationship("Device", back_populates="logs") pc = relationship("PC", back_populates="logs_pc")
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var device
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var device_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var pc
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var pc_id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var status
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var timestamp
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
class User (**kwargs)
Class defining user in database with its own role
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
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class User(Base): """ Class defining user in database with its own role """ __tablename__ = "users" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) username = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) password = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False) role = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False)
- sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api.Base
Instance variables
var id
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var password
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var role
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)
var username
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def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self dict_ = instance_dict(instance) if self._supports_population and self.key in dict_: return dict_[self.key] else: try: state = instance_state(instance) except AttributeError as err: util.raise_( orm_exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance), replace_context=err, ) return self.impl.get(state, dict_)