Bug fixes
FE absolute paths, fixed?
Refactoring, fixes
User detail improved
Reset documents selection after action
Recreate document finalization fixed
User annotation preview added
Export fixed
Buttons layout on admin documents management updated
annotator's table scroll improved
Tables - scroll instead pagination, export and delete buttons
Merge branch 'features/9776-ui-improvements' of https://gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz/aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00 into features/9776-ui-improvements
Admin documents table widths changed
Annotators removing from documents
Admin documents table buttons changes, default annotations count redesigned
Document table column widths changed
Layout and minor color changes
Login screen
Merge branch 'features/9833-default-annotation-count' into dev Re #9833
Merge branch 'features/9783-annotation-tag-search' into 'dev' Re #9783
Added search bar to tags panel in the annotation view
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!56
Merge branch 'features/9832-tags-table-sentiment' into 'dev' Re #9832
Added sentiment to tags management
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!57
Merge branch 'bugs/9739-button-tooltip' into dev Re #9739
Merge branch 'features/9668-9669-finalizing-annotations' into 'dev' Re #9668 Re #9669
Create and manage finalized document (merged)
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!62
Finalization - buttons, confirm toasters and navigation were implemented
Loading final annotation
Added global annotation count setter
Added input of global annotation count to the document view
Search tags in annotation view
Added tooltips to buttons in the table
Fixed alignment of icons
Local URL address detection
Annotation document links
Build issues fixed (merge problems)
Merge branch 'features/9664-annotation-count-display' into dev Re #9664
Required annotations count changing - modal - done
Minor table colors changes
Merge branch 'features/9593-tag-management' into dev Re #9593
Changed search of tags
Added copy of tags, used contains instead of startsWith and made search case insensitive
Changed default tag color
Default color in tag modal changed to color of a category
Merge branch 'features/9673-admin-document-preview' into dev Re #9673
Regenerate client api, merged manually
Added management to the tags view
Showing counts of annotations in admin document management
TS Refactoring
Refactoring after code review
Annotators in documents management
AnnotationStrings refactor
Document preview implemented
User filtering implemented
Document filtering implemented
Re #9582
Basic table
Basic table that shows tags
Modal windows for user edit, delete and assigned documents were implemented
Merge branch 'features/9585-document-assigning' into features/9590-user-management
Users table implemented
Document assigning implemented
Admin can also load documents assigned to him for annotation
Document table added for admin (document management)
Documents upload implemented, connected to REST API
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into features/9466-list-documents-annotator
Build fixed
Adding tag/subtag to selected text
Table of annotator's documents implemented
Basic annotation document preview
AnnotationID as dynamic route part in annotation page
Minor login optimisation
API regenerated
Token management implemented, redirections
Added comments
Renamed files, fixed overflow in annotation view, added access to the AnnotationContext in annotation view, deleted visiblity from add document modal window, deleted LayoutProps
AnnotationContext added
Initialization of tags in annotation view
Initialized tags and created event handlers in the annotation view
Removed ant layout and used css grid
Changed layouting technology and added main layout for all pages.
Refactored directory structure
Refactored directory structure and changed structure of layouts of the annotation screen
Merge branch 'features/9452-login-screen' into 'dev' Re #9452
Minor refactoring. Moved loginProps to loginLayout and changed a route of the login screen.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!20
Changed a route of the login page
Changed the route from /authentication/login to /login
Implemented a login screen and added ant-design package to the react project
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!14
Changed email to username
Changed email field to username, changed error message when field is not filled and removed validation of a field format.
Created a layout of the annotation screen
Created a layout with empty panels. They will be done in other branches.
Added documentation comments
Added documentation comments to the login screen and its layout
Added todos for login form events
To test the functionality, login form values are logged to the console when the form is submitted. That is dangerous, so I added todos that will remind us to delete these logs when authentication is implemented.
Streched login button
Login button now fills width of the form
Changed error messages
Changed error messages for required email and password and added check of email address format
Added layout of the login screen
Created a layout in a separate file and added it to the login screen
Added basic login form
WebApp (React + Next + TypeScript) project added