Od 2022-03-21 do 2022-04-19
14:46 Revize 295e9198 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9480-backend-annotation-visualisation' into 'dev' Re #9480
- Beta version of annotation rendering implemented in backend
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!33 - 14:43 Revize c9762683 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Fixed indexing bugs in backend, minor changes in frontend
- 13:37 Revize 0a9f9349 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Backend document rendering
13:35 Revize 778fd294 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9465-documents-upload' into 'dev' Re #9465
- Modal window uploading new documents was finished and connected to server API.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi... -
13:35 Revize 441d6054 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9466-list-documents-annotator' into 'dev' Re #9466
- Table showing anotator's documents was implemented.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!30 -
11:24 Revize 4a7bae81 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Documents upload implemented, connected to REST API
07:01 Revize 414636c0 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): commentary
- new comments for testing classes and messages for failed tests
17:32 Revize 2d8c65b5 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Frontend login testing
- Frontend login tested for correct and incorrect inputs
14:52 Revize 06d1aa21 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Refactoring
14:46 Revize f0567ed4 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): utils
- utils added for frontend testing - drivers
14:46 Revize d65e75d9 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Frontend testing
- frontend testing base
14:46 Revize ba13a48a (aswi20220x00-gitlab): backend login
- login on backend tested (JwtUtils in Utils inicialization)
14:46 Revize ea53e0e1 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): user testing
- first of was user testing mandatory, before testing autentization - with this user should be properly tested
18:23 Revize cb624ba8 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into features/9466-list-documents-annotator
- # Conflicts:
# webapp/pages/documents/admin/index.tsx
# webapp/pages/documents/annotator/index.tsx -
14:05 Revize 4e871c6f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9475-9478-annotations' into 'dev' Re #9475 Re #9478
- Document text selection, adding tag/subtag to selected text, removing annotation occurrences
See merge request aswi/... - 13:56 Revize 51f70e00 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Build fixed
- 13:56 Revize 9fdb7d55 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Deleting occurences
- 13:52 Revize 3f66b624 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Comments added to selection utils
- 13:52 Revize 8316c102 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Last fix
- 13:51 Revize 77667f3f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Minor rename
- 13:49 Revize 2ebf32d0 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Changed Id to OccurenceId in TagInstanceInfo
- 13:41 Revize 0f8d6304 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Endpoint for annotation instance deletion - untested
- 13:24 Revize 4bc99591 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Adding tag/subtag to selected text
- 13:23 Revize abf94f21 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Backend - saving data fixed
- 12:45 Revize d08c4fb0 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Fixed error in AnnotationController
- 12:38 Revize 69af9d49 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9475-9478-annotations' of https://gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz/aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00 into features/9475-9478-annotations
- 12:38 Revize be4deff8 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Minor fixes, added annotation instance endpoint - untested
- 12:12 Revize c2192cda (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Selection detection and calculation of start and end position in original document
12:03 Revize 8837ddf3 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9472-document-preview' into 'dev' Re #9472
- HTML preprocessing and sanitization (removing all original attributes from HTML)
Showing HTML on frontend
See merge ... - 12:01 Revize ec1d738f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9481-frontend-annotation-panel' into dev Re #9481
- # Conflicts:
# webapp/pages/annotation/[id].tsx -
11:48 Revize 8d667501 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9477-frontend-annotation-tag-tree' into 'dev' Re #9477
- Implemented a left panel that shows a tree of tags
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!26 - 11:40 Revize b5f60842 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Document preview on frontend
11:16 Revize bae9fbba (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Table of annotator's documents implemented
- 10:44 Revize b5df208d (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Fixed tag length detection
- 10:11 Revize 3c185841 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): HTML preprocessing and sanitization
00:37 Revize 76242338 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Connected annotation panel to API and updated visual
00:35 Revize 9a41c02f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added mapped annotation
- Mapped annotation to instance and separated them to different tag occurrences
23:14 Revize 2c9bdf18 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Upgraded visual of the tag tree
23:13 Revize 6d6613d4 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Changed colors of dummy tags
- Changed colors of dummy tags to show different colors in the tag tree
- 20:47 Revize 7652cf88 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Basic annotation document preview
20:42 Revize 0441c314 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added comments
20:37 Revize 5593c10b (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Connected tag panel to server
20:33 Revize ab68c8da (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Tag selection
- Report when tag is selected
20:13 Revize b8cae450 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Context for category
- Changed context of tags to context of categories
19:56 Revize ed01528f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Implemented tag panel
- Implemented tag panel and all its items
- 19:52 Revize 7595035c (aswi20220x00-gitlab): AnnotationID as dynamic route part in annotation page
19:49 Revize 484f2ac1 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Tag context
- Added context that handles tags
- 19:43 Revize a37f82ce (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Minor login optimisation
- 19:42 Revize dd747fc5 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): API regenerated
19:09 Revize 351d73ea (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9473-backend-document-annotation-api' into 'dev' Re #9473
- Fixed some issues with GET requests requiring a body
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!25 - 18:58 Revize 351351fa (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Re #9453
- Login, Token management
18:56 Revize 7a32656e (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Refactoring
- 18:49 Revize 8c45ccb0 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Token management implemented, redirections
- 18:30 Revize 42c654f6 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Same fix in DocumentController - moved to QueryParams
16:09 Revize f6eca400 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9481-frontend-annotation-panel' into 'dev' Re #9481
- Renamed files, fixed overflow in annotation view, added access to the AnnotationContext in the annotation view, delet...
- 16:08 Revize c0c74381 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Annotation controller id in path, not request body
15:40 Revize acb8a961 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added comments
14:48 Revize c73aecde (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Renamed files, fixed overflow in annotation view, added access to the AnnotationContext in annotation view, deleted visiblity from add document modal window, deleted LayoutProps
- 09:31 Revize 34e9f2d3 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): AnnotationContext use demo
- 09:30 Revize c057279b (aswi20220x00-gitlab): AnnotationContext added
- 09:29 Revize 3e6b15a7 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Current API model generated
09:04 Revize a80db039 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Initialization of tags in annotation view
- Initialized tags and created event handlers in the annotation view
09:01 Revize 4e91ed40 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Annotation panel events
- Added events that propagate changes between panels in the annotation view
09:00 Revize 967f45fc (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Basic functionality of an annotation panel
- The panel is without css styles. Basic functionality is implemented.
08:31 Revize 3899cd87 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): user testing
- first of was user testing mandatory, before testing autentization - with this user should be properly tested
19:19 Revize e39a1e68 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9473-backend-document-annotation-api' into 'dev' Re #9473
- Beta version with support for returning current annotation state
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!22 - 19:19 Revize c2a89232 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Resolved issues from code review
15:30 Revize 316210d4 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9346-backend-testing' into 'dev' Re #9346
- Creation of skelet for backend testing.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!19 - 15:25 Revize 782b6d38 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Fixed comments from code review, fixed DB access
- 14:27 Revize 09b22f6f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added documents and annotations to seeding
- 14:04 Revize a6675a6d (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added GET /annotation for retrieving annotation state
- 14:03 Revize 37259a80 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added DTOs and mapper profiles for annotation info
- 14:03 Revize 8b2a2c15 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Seeding for an annotation tag instance
- 12:38 Revize 2d7e2ad6 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Fix in AnnotationController
- 11:24 Revize 6bdb3d95 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Endpoint /user/annotations for user's annotations
- Added endpoint to UserController
10:46 Revize 8409298a (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9476-frontend-annotation-screen-layout' into 'dev' Re #9476
- Refactored directory structure and changed hierarchy of annotation screen layout. Deleted Ant-Design layouts and used...
10:22 Revize ce63b2ab (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Removed ant layout and used css grid
- Changed layouting technology and added main layout for all pages.
17:23 Revize 2a6afa14 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Changed path of imports
- Forgot to save files with changed imports
17:21 Revize 6d10fe14 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Refactored directory structure
- Refactored directory structure and changed structure of layouts of the annotation screen
15:12 Revize 8f56b9fc (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9452-login-screen' into 'dev' Re #9452
- Minor refactoring. Moved loginProps to loginLayout and changed a route of the login screen.
See merge request aswi/a... -
14:29 Revize 6b2ab778 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Created more generic layout props
- Props will be used in multiple layouts and all will have the same parameters. It does not have to be assigned specifi...
14:06 Revize deed893a (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Changed a route of the login page
- Changed the route from /authentication/login to /login
14:05 Revize 0f3891f3 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Moved loginProps to loginLayout
- LoginProps are not used outside of loginLayout and it does not make sense for it to exist outside of loginLayout.
12:07 Revize 592b5b81 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9346-backend-testing' of https://gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz/aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00 into features/9346-backend-testing
- 06:23 Revize bc95eeca (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Backend testing skeleton
20:55 Revize ac9bd13c (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Basic functionality of an annotation panel
- The panel is without css styles. Basic functionality is implemented.
19:49 Revize 773d1205 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Backend testing
- Skelet for backend testing
19:12 Revize e4df5943 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Backend testing
- Založení projektu pro testování backendu
- 10:51 Revize 858edfe4 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9474-backend-tag-tree-api' into dev Re #9474
- # Conflicts:
# Backend/Core/Services/Registration.cs -
10:32 Revize ca815fc1 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9467-backend-document-assign-api' into 'dev' Re #9467
- Assigning documents to users and getting a list of users
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!13 - 10:31 Revize ecb333b6 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Optimized database access - prefetch tags and categories
- 10:25 Revize 153d77a8 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Database access optimizations
- 10:10 Revize 1524324f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Shortened GetUsers in UserServiceEF
- 10:07 Revize 1088c14e (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Don't throw if user already assigned to document
- 08:16 Revize 7ceeb02f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Created TagController, implemented GET on /tags
- 08:16 Revize 055ef5b5 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Created TagService, implemented GetTagTree
- 08:15 Revize b9c5b7dd (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added tag-related DTOs and mapping
08:13 Revize 050ce537 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9452-login-screen' into 'dev' Re #9452
- Implemented a login screen and added ant-design package to the react project
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20... -
07:49 Revize 2d3822e7 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Changed email to username
- Changed email field to username, changed error message when field is not filled and removed validation of a field for...
06:00 Revize a13df91a (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9465-frontend-add-document-window' into 'dev' Re #9465
- Created a modal that adds new documents and when API is implemented it will send documents to a server.
See merge re... -
05:58 Revize b3230f99 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9476-anotation-screen-layout' into 'dev' Re #9476
- Created a layout with empty panels. They will be done in other branches.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220...
22:42 Revize 428b6f89 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Created a document adding modal
- Created a modal that adds new documents and when API is implemented it will send documents to a server.
21:45 Revize ac59aec1 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Created a layout of the annotation screen
- Created a layout with empty panels. They will be done in other branches.
18:53 Revize 98568917 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Renamed props.tsx to loginProps.tsx
- Props was too generic so I renamed it to show its purpose better.
18:47 Revize 7a84a6d5 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added documentation comments
- Added documentation comments to the login screen and its layout
18:42 Revize 95311b56 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Updated layout of the login screen
- Changed layout to bootstrap, added a logo and a title.
18:41 Revize e5bc2de2 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added todos for login form events
- To test the functionality, login form values are logged to the console when the form is submitted. That is dangerous,...
18:37 Revize 882caa6a (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Streched login button
- Login button now fills width of the form
18:36 Revize cbd9de5e (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Changed error messages
- Changed error messages for required email and password and added check of email address format
15:27 Revize 77eb11b3 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added layout of the login screen
- Created a layout in a separate file and added it to the login screen
15:24 Revize e9c60748 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added basic login form
15:19 Revize 96b6457d (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Installed ant-design
- 17:38 Revize 329ac528 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Cosmetic changes
- 17:15 Revize a70f3c5f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added UserController and GET on /users
- 17:01 Revize eff8ec56 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added AnnotationController and Service
- Documents can now be assigned to Users
- 16:54 Revize 8722f3eb (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Fix in AuthorizationAttribute
15:56 Revize 6ef78292 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9471-backend-role-api' into 'dev' Re #9471
- Login endpoint now returns user role in response.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!12 - 15:52 Revize 23165326 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Fixed problems after a merge
- 15:48 Revize 52fe46f9 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Minor fix
- 15:48 Revize ecfe3f8e (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9471-backend-role-api' of https://gitlab.kiv.zcu.cz/aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00 into features/9471-backend-role-api
- # Conflicts:
# Backend/Backend/Controllers/DocumentController.cs - 15:40 Revize f0fde45c (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Authentication controller now returns user role
- 15:40 Revize cd91f841 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Moved Enums to Models project
15:36 Revize 730ac905 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9464-backend-documents-api' into 'dev' Re #9464
- Basic DocumentController and DocumentService implementation
Adding documents, getting paged list of documents
- 15:15 Revize 6cb5f77e (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Renamed PLAINTEXT format Enum to TEXTFILE
- 15:14 Revize a9acdf32 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Moved InternalServerError to ControllerBase
- 14:03 Revize 28a7019a (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Move Authorize attribute up in DocumentController
- 14:03 Revize f5c0676a (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Use ContextUtils in AuthorizationAttribute
- 13:37 Revize 3c161f5b (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added ERole check to [Authorize] attribute
- [Authorize] has ERole.ANNOTATOR as default, ERole can be specified as a parameter
- 13:25 Revize 7b2e66d3 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Documents to add expected in base64
- Documents sent in the request are all in base64 and have enum to specify either TXT file or a ZIP file
- 09:38 Revize b782f829 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Authentication controller now returns user role
- 09:35 Revize 1200e6ed (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Moved Enums to Models project
- 20:24 Revize 6e91a560 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added default value to Annotation.Note
- 20:12 Revize 7bbe8f15 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Check number of documents in DocumentService.GetDocuments
- 19:44 Revize 11f447b9 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Code cleanup
- 19:34 Revize 5a08541d (aswi20220x00-gitlab): DocumentService now uses AutoMapper
- 19:34 Revize f2249f10 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added AutoMapper, configured, added DTO mappings
- 19:33 Revize aa425887 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Modified DocumentListInfo
- Added of UserInfo annotating users
- 18:49 Revize bb5a4390 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): DocumentController created
- 18:49 Revize 24e1c89d (aswi20220x00-gitlab): DocumentService created
- 18:48 Revize e37f5a26 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added global error handling middleware
- Two custom exceptions - InternalErrorException for server-side problems and BadRequestException for client-side problems
- 18:47 Revize f053c1b6 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added Document API related DTOs
09:47 Revize 8dab9054 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9469-logged-user' into 'dev' Re #9469
- ClientInfo added to Dependency Injections
ClientInfo contains IP and info about logged user (IsLogged and LoggedUser... - 09:46 Revize 3a6c189b (aswi20220x00-gitlab): ClientInfo in DependencyInjection
- ClientInfo contains IP and info about logged user
09:44 Revize 603dda8b (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9470-backend-dummy-data' into 'dev' Re #9470
- Added seeding of tags and users for use in development environment.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!9
- 15:00 Revize 3d824877 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Static method to seed dummy tags
- 15:00 Revize 204bd181 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Cleanup in seeding
- 14:59 Revize 02d9bb40 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Formatting
18:45 Revize b73f17bd (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9324-backend-authentication' into 'dev' Re #9324
- JWT authentication and authorization implemented on backend
README with description of PostgreSQL server in docker a... - 18:36 Revize c349bab3 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Backend - JWT Authentication done
- 18:36 Revize ee50b93e (aswi20220x00-gitlab): README - run of PostgreSQL in docker
- 18:35 Revize a0d78c9b (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Automatic db (EF Core) migrations on run in debug mode
- 18:35 Revize 29733de8 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): CORS added
- 18:34 Revize b513f9ee (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Password in user ignored for JSON serialization
- 18:34 Revize c99a6c25 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Seeding bug fixes
- 18:33 Revize 04a39336 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Template code removed
- 17:00 Revize 20f7b1c9 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Swagger config updates
16:55 Revize 82200351 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9342-backend-userservice' into 'dev' Re #9342
- Created UserService, and added a registration mechanism for services.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!7 - 16:39 Revize fc0e5b36 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Changed formatting, added comments, database check
- 16:25 Revize 7bbb9c44 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Removed weather controller
16:24 Revize 1cd7285a (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9341-context-ef-entities' into 'dev' Re #9341
- Created entities for EF Core, created DbContext, set up database seeding, tested the database communication
See merg... - 16:23 Revize b8028d82 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Fixed seeding
- 08:34 Revize 897851f8 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Added UserService impl., service registration
- 14:27 Revize 17d0fdac (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Version V2 working with GUID
- 14:19 Revize caa28567 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Version 1 working state of DB and EF with integer IDs
17:11 Revize ae604cd8 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9171-frontend-init' into 'dev' Re #9171
- Frontend (webapp) project created (React + Next.js + TypeScript)
Basic libraries added
ESLint and Prettier added and ... - 17:07 Revize 5e80d91e (aswi20220x00-gitlab): RestApi client generation script based on OpenAPI (swagger)
- 17:06 Revize 9a080f8f (aswi20220x00-gitlab): ESLint and Prettier tools basic config
- 17:06 Revize 56cc66d8 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): WebApp (React + Next + TypeScript) project added
- 17:05 Revize 1c8653e4 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): GitIgnore - WebStorm files added
15:22 Revize 28821c7c (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9340-project-structure-di-logging-openapi' into 'dev' Re #9340
- Basic project structure for backend.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!4 - 15:19 Revize 8001114d (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Project structure done
- 18:01 Revize 35bcdf1c (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Three projects split
17:37 Revize 65cb8db9 (aswi20220x00-gitlab): Merge branch 'features/9170-initialize-backend-project' into 'dev' Re #9170
- Backend initialization, logging setup
See merge request aswi/aswi-2022/aswi20220x00!3
Také k dispozici: Atom