Od 2021-05-25 do 2021-06-23
09:36 Hodnocení projektu
- h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
h2. Doporučení
h2. Tým a komunikace
* pozitiva
** komuni...
08:48 Hodnocení 6. iterace
- h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
h2. Doporučení
h2. Průběh a stav projektu
* pozitiva
** strávený čas o... -
08:41 Task #9005 (Closed): Final meeting with mentor
08:18 Task #8322 (Invalid): Requirements document (v1)
- Invalidated - document was not required
20:22 Revize f0fe22bf (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Update README.md
18:16 Task #9001 (Closed): Create a basic setup menu/launcher for VR application
17:40 Task #9001 (Resolved): Create a basic setup menu/launcher for VR application
18:15 Revize b3afbfa9 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/9001_launcher' into 'master'
- Re #9001 - Launcher
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021virtual-surreality!25 -
18:15 Revize 8abb5582 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #9001 - Launcher
09:09 Revize 9192cdbd (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/9000_tested_adjustments' into 'master'
- Re #9000 - On-site adjustments
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021virtual-surreality!24 -
09:09 Revize a5c3168d (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #9000 - On-site adjustments
20:27 Task #9000 (Closed): On-site testing
18:44 Revize 0ce93836 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/9003_default_config' into 'master'
- Re #9003 - Updated default config based on testing in lab + various improvements
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/as... -
18:44 Revize 84cf5509 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #9003 - Updated default config based on testing in lab + various improvements
21:44 Task #9002 (Closed): Analyze licensing and add more visual scenes to the VR application
21:30 Task #9002 (Resolved): Analyze licensing and add more visual scenes to the VR application
17:02 Task #9002 (Assigned): Analyze licensing and add more visual scenes to the VR application
21:31 Revize d12b74e6 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/9002_scenes' into 'master'
- Re #9002 - Add extra scenes
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021virtual-surreality!22 -
21:24 Revize 84a612eb (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #9002 - Add extra scenes
20:02 Revize b4d47cc5 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #9001 - Base launcher
19:56 Task #9003 (Closed): Client configuration
18:59 Task #9003 (Resolved): Client configuration
19:55 Revize b300a6e1 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/9003_config_file_in_home' into 'master'
- Re #9003 - Moved configuration file to user home directory
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021virtual-surreali... -
19:55 Revize 60d46688 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #9003 - Moved configuration file to user home directory
19:03 Task #8999 (Closed): Iteration 6 - Mid-iteration standup
13:15 Revize a6ce871d (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/9003_client_config' into 'master'
- Re #9003 - Client configuration
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021virtual-surreality!20 -
13:15 Revize c6ecc85a (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #9003 - Client configuration
23:10 Task #9002: Analyze licensing and add more visual scenes to the VR application
- using Assets:
https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/205623589-Can-I-use-assets-from-the-Asset-Store-in-my-comm... -
21:55 Task #9003 (Assigned): Client configuration
19:24 Revize cfd64000 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/9001_server_port_conf' into 'master'
- Re #9001 - Make Qt server port configurable
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021virtual-surreality!19 -
13:31 Revize 207b75a4 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #9001 - Make Qt server port configurable
13:24 Task #9001 (Assigned): Create a basic setup menu/launcher for VR application
09:27 Hodnocení 5. iterace
- h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
h2. Doporučení
h2. Průběh a stav projektu
* pozitiva
** ...
Také k dispozici: Atom