



Od 2021-03-16 do 2021-04-14


12:38 Hodnocení 2. iterace
h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
h2. Doporučení
* při rozhodování, co ještě zahrnout do Architektury ...
Petr Pícha


09:51 Task #8502 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Review
Oto Šťáva
08:44 Task #8622 (Assigned): Iteration 3 Retro + Iteration 4 Planning
Oto Šťáva
08:44 Task #8623 (Assigned): Iteration 3 - Mid-iteration standup
Oto Šťáva
08:43 Task #8628 (Assigned): Iteration 3 - Redmine housekeeping
Oto Šťáva
08:22 Task #8498 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Demo
Oto Šťáva


19:07 Task #8499 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Retro
Oto Šťáva
18:53 Task #8632 (Closed): Create plan for whole project
Oto Šťáva
18:38 Task #8631 (Closed): Specify protocol messages for arm position
Oto Šťáva
18:35 Task #8630 (Closed): Start data client implementation
Settle on technology to use for C# client. Create the basic code structure. Start receiving and displaying arm positi... Oto Šťáva
18:30 Task #8629 (Closed): Start data server implementation
Settle on technology to use for the C++ server. Create the basic code structure. Start sending arm position.
h2. I...
Oto Šťáva
18:20 Task #8628 (Closed): Iteration 3 - Redmine housekeeping
Oto Šťáva
18:16 Task #8627 (Closed): Finalize Vision document (replanned)
Add project plan Oto Šťáva
18:13 Task #8626 (Closed): Architecture document (v1) (replanned)
Oto Šťáva
18:11 Task #8503 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Redmine housekeeping
Oto Šťáva
18:10 Task #8507 (Closed): Architecture document (v1)
To be continued in iteration 3 Oto Šťáva
15:13 Task #8507 (Assigned): Architecture document (v1)
Oto Šťáva
18:09 Task #8506 (Closed): Finalize Vision document
Replanned to Iteration 3 Oto Šťáva
18:09 Task #8505 (Closed): Analyze trajectory curve rendering
Oto Šťáva
17:40 Task #8505 (Resolved): Analyze trajectory curve rendering
Jakub Hejman
18:08 Task #8625 (Closed): Iteration 3 - Review
Oto Šťáva
18:08 Task #8624 (Closed): Iteration 3 - Demo
Oto Šťáva
18:06 Task #8623 (Closed): Iteration 3 - Mid-iteration standup
Oto Šťáva
18:05 Task #8622 (Closed): Iteration 3 Retro + Iteration 4 Planning
Oto Šťáva


17:20 Task #8508 (Closed): Analyze connection between Unity and the original Qt application (2)
Oto Šťáva
17:15 Task #8504 (Closed): Find ways to debug Qt application
Oto Šťáva


20:54 Revize 8d63e7a1 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/8504_test_server' into 'master'
Re #8504 - Add testing server (robot mock)
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021virtual-surreality!2
Oto Šťáva
20:54 Revize 6e6f12dc (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #8504 - Add testing server (robot mock)
Miloslav Kovář
20:10 Revize 741d9310 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #8504 - Add testing server (robot mock)
Miloslav Kovář
18:47 Task #8505 (Assigned): Analyze trajectory curve rendering
Oto Šťáva
18:46 Task #8504 (Assigned): Find ways to debug Qt application
Oto Šťáva


18:25 Task #8505: Analyze trajectory curve rendering
Prvotní analýza renderování křivky trajektorie:
Relevantní části Qt aplikace:
-> m...
Jakub Hejman
17:59 Task #8500 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Mid-iteration standup
Oto Šťáva


14:39 Hodnocení 1. iterace
h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
h2. Doporučení
* rozjet wiki
* DSP není povinná forma, ale specifik...
Petr Pícha


09:34 Task #8501 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Review
Oto Šťáva
09:33 Task #8323 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Demo
Oto Šťáva


18:41 Task #8497 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Planning
Oto Šťáva
17:12 Task #8497 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Planning
Oto Šťáva
18:34 Task #8508 (Closed): Analyze connection between Unity and the original Qt application (2)
General protocol overview; base implementation analysis Oto Šťáva
18:33 Task #8324 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Retro
Oto Šťáva
18:31 Task #8335 (Closed): Analyze connection between Unity and the original Qt application
Oto Šťáva
18:01 Task #8507 (Closed): Architecture document (v1)
Oto Šťáva
17:58 Task #8506 (Closed): Finalize Vision document
Oto Šťáva
17:56 Task #8505 (Closed): Analyze trajectory curve rendering
Find out, how the Qt application renders the trajectory + analyze how to do that in Unity Oto Šťáva
17:53 Task #8504 (Closed): Find ways to debug Qt application
Make it display a trajectory and position even if the robot is not present; simulate robot's presence (current positi... Oto Šťáva
17:39 Task #8321 (Closed): Vision document (v1)
Oto Šťáva
07:53 Task #8321 (Resolved): Vision document (v1)
Oto Šťáva
17:20 Task #8503 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Redmine housekeeping
Oto Šťáva
17:19 Task #8502 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Review
Oto Šťáva
17:17 Task #8501 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Review
Oto Šťáva
17:16 Task #8500 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Mid-iteration standup
Oto Šťáva
17:15 Task #8499 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Retro
Oto Šťáva
17:14 Task #8498 (Closed): Iteration 2 - Demo
Oto Šťáva


20:57 Task #8335: Analyze connection between Unity and the original Qt application
tutorial Unity tcp server:
tutorial Unity tcp client:
Miloslav Kovář


18:54 Task #8326 (Closed): Create base Unity project
Unity project has been created and was verified to be working for all team members during the meeting #8412. Oto Šťáva
18:52 Task #8412 (Closed): Local environment setup meeting
We have verified that we are able to run the Unity and Qt Creator projects and should be ready to start using them. Oto Šťáva
18:43 Task #8335: Analyze connection between Unity and the original Qt application
Unity Network Manager: Oto Šťáva
18:16 Revize 2b564419 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Merge branch 'feature/win-fix-cmath' into 'master'
Fix build on windows.
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021virtual-surreality!1
Oto Šťáva
18:08 Revize 57bf5c97 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Fix build on windows.
Jakub Hejman


20:56 Task #8412: Local environment setup meeting
There were unforeseen problems with Git/SourceTree on Windows today, so we have exceeded the time. Actual project set... Oto Šťáva
15:06 Task #8412 (Closed): Local environment setup meeting
Oto Šťáva
18:32 Task #8335: Analyze connection between Unity and the original Qt application
TcpClient class in C#: Oto Šťáva
16:27 Task #8321 (Assigned): Vision document (v1)
Oto Šťáva
15:07 Task #8322: Requirements document (v1)
Postponed - We do not yet know if a Requirements document is needed Oto Šťáva


19:05 Task #8344 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Mid-iteration standup
Oto Šťáva


16:26 Revize 22201c13 (aswi2021virtual-surreality-gitlab): Re #8326 - Create base Unity XR project
Oto Šťáva


19:48 Task #8320 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Planning
Oto Šťáva
19:25 Task #8320 (Assigned): Iteration 1 - Planning
Oto Šťáva
19:25 Task #8335 (Accepted): Analyze connection between Unity and the original Qt application
Oto Šťáva
19:25 Task #8326 (Accepted): Create base Unity project
Oto Šťáva
19:25 Task #8321 (Accepted): Vision document (v1)
Oto Šťáva
19:24 Task #8321 (Assigned): Vision document (v1)
Jakub Hejman
19:25 Task #8322 (Assigned): Requirements document (v1)
Oto Šťáva
19:25 Task #8322 (Accepted): Requirements document (v1)
Oto Šťáva
18:53 Task #8325 (Closed): Pick version of Unity Engine
Oto Šťáva
18:53 Task #8325: Pick version of Unity Engine
Version selected on It1 planning: 2020.3.0f1 Oto Šťáva
18:37 Task #8290 (Closed): "Battle plan" discussion meeting
Oto Šťáva
18:05 Task #8344 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Mid-iteration standup
Oto Šťáva

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