Od 2021-02-14 do 2021-03-15
19:03 Task #8335 (Closed): Analyze connection between Unity and the original Qt application
- Will the applications use local TCP (or UDP) sockets to talk to each other?
What will the protocol look like? -
18:39 Task #8291 (Closed): Meeting with the ČVUT client
08:25 Task #8291 (Resolved): Meeting with the ČVUT client
11:44 Task #8326 (Closed): Create base Unity project
- Create a base Unity project and commit it to Git. Base requirement is to have the project Git-friendly, i.e. should b...
11:43 Task #8325 (Closed): Pick version of Unity Engine
11:38 Task #8324 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Retro
11:37 Task #8323 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Demo
11:36 Task #8322 (Invalid): Requirements document (v1)
11:35 Task #8321 (Closed): Vision document (v1)
08:23 Task #8320 (Closed): Iteration 1 - Planning
09:59 Task #8291 (Closed): Meeting with the ČVUT client
09:57 Task #8290 (Closed): "Battle plan" discussion meeting
19:39 Task #8253 (Closed): Initialization meeting with ASWI mentor
19:39 Task #8254 (Closed): Initialization meeting with the client
12:21 Task #8254 (Resolved): Initialization meeting with the client
20:43 Task #8254 (Closed): Initialization meeting with the client
- Body k diskusi převzaté z ASWI prezentace:
* Požadavky
* Technologie
* Produkční prostředí
* Současná implemen... -
20:42 Task #8253 (Resolved): Initialization meeting with ASWI mentor
20:39 Task #8253 (Closed): Initialization meeting with ASWI mentor
Také k dispozici: Atom