Wiki » Historie » Verze 27
Alex Konig, 2021-04-28 19:23
1 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | h1. OpenData App Knowledge Base |
2 | |||
3 | 10 | Roman Kalivoda | Project Mentor: @ppicha |
4 | Project Sponsor: @brada |
5 | |||
6 | This is the main page with information related to the custom topic OpenData application project. We decided to make use of the open data published by UWB to create a lecture attendance prediction system. The project is developed by the team "Tři Mušketýři". You can find more info about the members (us) here: [[Team Information]]. |
7 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | |
8 | 26 | Alex Konig | h2. Project information |
9 | |||
10 | [[Product Vision Statement]] |
11 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | [[Minimum viable product]] |
12 | 26 | Alex Konig | [[Project architecture]] |
13 | 27 | Alex Konig | [[List of Requirements]] |
14 | 26 | Alex Konig | |
15 | 17 | Roman Kalivoda | h2. Team Space |
16 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | |
17 | 17 | Roman Kalivoda | h3. Meeting Notes |
18 | |||
19 | 2 | Roman Kalivoda | * [[Meetings with Project Sponsor]] |
20 | 3 | Roman Kalivoda | * [[Meetings with Project Mentor]] |
21 | * [[Weekly Standups]] |
22 | 15 | Zuzana Káčereková | * [[Iteration Plans]] |
23 | 3 | Roman Kalivoda | * [[Iteration Reviews]] |
24 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | * [[Retrospectives]] |
25 | 17 | Roman Kalivoda | |
26 | h3. Code of Conduct |
27 | |||
28 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | * [[Conventions and Guidelines]] |
29 | |||
30 | 25 | Alex Konig | h3. Iterations |
31 | 4 | Roman Kalivoda | |
32 | 25 | Alex Konig | h2. Documentation |
33 | 18 | Alex Konig | |
34 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | This section contains all documentation related to the project topic - the zču attendance prediction system: |
35 | |||
36 | h3. Research |
37 | 11 | Roman Kalivoda | |
38 | 26 | Alex Konig | * [[Data sources]] |
39 | * [[Client application design]] |
40 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | * [[WebGL progress]] |
41 | 6 | Alex Konig | * [[Prediction models]] |
42 | 22 | Zuzana Káčereková | * [[CI-CD analysis]] |
43 | 1 | Roman Kalivoda | |
44 | 26 | Alex Konig | h2. Uncompleted Proposals |
45 | 11 | Roman Kalivoda | |
46 | 25 | Alex Konig | * [[Application predicting class attendance based on weather]] |
47 | 11 | Roman Kalivoda | * [[Available OpenData sources]] |
48 | * [[Initially Proposed Applications]] |