Project architecture » Historie » Revize 5
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Eliška Mourycová, 2021-04-18 14:18
Project architecture¶
The application consists of two parts
- Server
- Client application
Server architecture¶
In the following text will be specified the communication between parts of the server application.
In the simple visualisation below are displayed the relevant classes and requests that take place between packages.
- Model asks parser for information acquired from data
- Parser asks data downloader for path to folder containing data
The path to data folder itself is specified from user as a command line argument upon launching the application.
Model architecture¶
Interface model-parser¶
Handing over information in lists containing separate entries.
Method Parse() enables specifying the interval by which to divide the days. By default parses one day as one entry.
For example if a day is divided with a 3h interval for each day are created entries for the following times
- 7-10
- 10-13
- 13-16
- 16-19
Parser architecture¶
Output from parser is relatively universal, The one thing that is not are zcu specific building tags. Those are noted in TagInfo and could be replaced by different ones.
Interesting classes to note are:
Csv loader¶
Class responsible for loading input data files into memory. Can be swapped for a class processing different types of files as long as it provides the same methods.
Class used for mapping tags. Can be easily modified for different input data.
Interface parser-downloader¶
Parser asks for folder with data files.
Loader architecture¶
Has to be able to handle request signaling dowload of new data, and requests for path to folder with data.
Client application architecture¶
Communication server-client¶
Aktualizováno uživatelem Eliška Mourycová před téměř 4 roky(ů) · 5 revizí