





  • Premek Brada
  • Zuzana Káčereková
  • Alex Konig
  • Eliška Mourycová
We do not have enough time to develop the adroid app
  • we want to focus on the webGL one
  • android app is not necessary


mostly does not work on mobile devices, eventually might be unity support
client and server can now communicate, not yet in the right format (xml)

Discussion about MVP


  • write in mono, that it is a cmd app
  • send prediction once it is ready
    • what does it mean "once its ready"
    • client may wait some time for an answer, however often prediciont might already exist
    • už to může být předpočítané na serveru, to tam cachovat
      • file with existing predictions?
      • add new prediction when computed
    • only if prediction takes a long time
    • change the formulation, "once it is ready" implies a long time
  • write into mvp what data it is not the format (use sources for that)
    • in Data sources from where downloaded and the format
  • not obvious with what server is communicating >> w/ webGL app
  • the important part about protocols is not that we're implementing our own protocol etc. but that the communication exists (from client's standpoint)
  • updating data - make it obvious that it is opendata (+ and which ones)
  • from weahter prediction server we can download data for today, tommorrow and the day after
  • aministrator needs to know which data exists so they know what they want to download
    • add a command
  • model should include the information about what data it was trained on
  • rollback - only one back
    • app remembers 2 models, when training 3rd one it will forget the oldest
  • testing / bugfixes not important to MVP (what is in MVP should be tested)


  • zoom on selected building -> center to building
    • equalssearch for building, also belongs to MVP
  • legend into mvp
  • write into MVP that the app will work for multiple browsers >> user interface
  • communication with server
  • weather downloaded from external server
  • weather either accurate for now or prediction
  • user can specify prediction from when to when


  • has specific problems such as
    • map controlls
    • file system


  • put here
    • csv, json, which server is used for weather prediction, link to opendata, https protocol
    • pages hosting, testing


  • problems with security of certificate
    • browser does not trust the authority that signed it
    • does not matter now, it is important that the certificate can be swapped for another one
  • acces to open nebula: through vpn


  • testing on small increments
    • eg. only on campus, or for smaller time periods

Aktualizováno uživatelem Alex Konig před téměř 4 roky(ů) · 6 revizí