



2021-04-16 » Historie » Revize 2

« Předchozí | Revize 2/5 (rozdíl) | Další »
Alex Konig, 2021-04-16 16:42


Zuzana Káčereková

Alex Konig
Created initial architecture design of server-parts communication, created an UML diagram and summed the architecture up in Project architecture. Started with the implementation of parser part of the server (needs to be further evaluated and reworked in parts. More on this in encountered problems).

Eliška Mourycová

Roman Kalivoda
I checked OpenNebula service at I successfully created a testing VM. There appears an error when I try to create a service (but I do not know if we need that).

Encountered problems

Miscommunication - data needs to be aggregated to buildings, up to now it was being analyzed and processed as aggregated to faculties. Parser and data analysis needs to be modified to reflect this.

Aktualizováno uživatelem Alex Konig před téměř 4 roky(ů) · 2 revizí