- Premek Brada
- Zuzana Káčereková
- Alex Konig
- Eliška Mourycová
- Roman Kalivoda
- improve product vision statement: what are the user roles, what problem are we trying to solve with the app, where do we want to get
- specify maintenance details
- sponsor requirement: visually appealing result visualizations
to vision statement
- what will it be good for
- what it does
- where do we want to get
- data
- prediction method
- user interface
-> not like aswi project is "standardized"´
who are users
what they gain from the app / what they can expect
what problem are you trying to solve
risks + challenges
- technological side of things unclear
- decide if mobile / WebGL
to vision statement
- what would be the prediction
- in more detail
- unify terminology, clarify what is predicted (! only how busy zču is !)
- stuff interesting for stakeholder
- what is needed to input from user
- how it will be maintained
- who / how will be model retrained
- map? do we have enough data for that > we don't know, until then we can't really decide whatever the visualization looks like has to be visually appealing
- map / histogram
Aktualizováno uživatelem Roman Kalivoda před téměř 4 roky(ů) · 1 revizí