re #8610 Fixing mistakes in start times
Git maintenance
re #8611 Login parser for interval lengths
re #8610 Parsing in stable intervals
re #8610 Parsing in intervals dependand on data
Re #8619. Connection handling improvements + simple parser of sent messages.
Re #8619. Simple server and client capable of sending and receiving data.
re #8597 Code maintenance - comments, namespace changes
Re #8620. Data files downloading implemented and plainly tested.
Merge branch 'ServerParsing' into 'master'
Server parsing
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!1
Simple parser - agregates data on "day" granuality
Simple parser - missing comments, code needed asap - minor edit in code
Simple parser - missing comments, code needed asap
Parse data as days - averages, sums
Parser structure 1.0
Unity project test commit
Initial commit
Také k dispozici: Atom