


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
DataDownloader.cs 14.5 KB
Date.cs 3.32 KB
IDataDownloader.cs 1.66 KB

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
127a92b1 2021-06-14 04:57 Eliška Mourycová

Cosmetic changes, documentation adding, warnings fixing.

8800fb76 2021-06-09 20:14 Eliška Mourycová

Refactor, cleanup + usage of logging class instead of 'Console.WriteLine's.

bf95cbdd 2021-06-07 18:30 Eliška Mourycová

Added model commands handling - not tested.

e9ccd3ac 2021-06-07 17:36 Alex Konig

Merge branch 'develop' into 'ParserEditsII'

  1. Conflicts:
  2. Server/ServerApp/Program.cs
  3. Server/ServerApp/Properties/launchSettings.json
cf35739b 2021-06-06 08:34 Eliška Mourycová

Refs #9051, #9050. Added more tests + fixed some bugs revealed by the tests.

27aa66b5 2021-06-04 19:40 Alex Konig

re #9037 Fixing json parser tests to work w/ IDataDownloader

38a18391 2021-06-04 18:42 Eliška Mourycová

Re #9007. Added weather prediction website to the config file + modified method for weather predictoin download.

9547fd4a 2021-05-28 07:11 Eliška Mourycová

Refs #9008, #8919. Data directory path should now be ok on linux + added interface for DataDownloader + changed time span of default downloaded data.

f97dc90a 2021-05-26 17:40 Alex Konig

Merge branch 'develop' into 'ParserTestingIII'

  1. Conflicts:
  2. Server/ServerApp/Program.cs
  3. Server/TestProject/TestProject.csproj
bf906ac5 2021-05-26 17:36 Alex Konig

Push before merge

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