


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
DataParser.cs 8.52 KB
IDataParser.cs 1.2 KB
JisParser.cs 10.6 KB
LogInParser.cs 11.2 KB
TagInfo.cs 5.9 KB
WeatherParser.cs 10.4 KB

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
4b847de5 2021-05-25 11:21 Alex Konig

re #8933 Testing LoginParser

a53b1de8 2021-05-24 18:49 Alex Konig

re #8933 Testing DataParser, JisParser and WeatherParser

4cb8ae48 2021-05-16 10:20 Alex Konig

re #8842 Fixing MergeAttendance

99e5517e 2021-05-16 09:43 Alex Konig

re #8842 Start testing

9fb55c71 2021-05-14 14:11 Alex Konig

re #8840 Update commit - start/endTime in method Parse in DataParser can now be null

cdf3c217 2021-05-10 18:08 Alex Konig

re #8841 Fixing errors in start/end time and adding interfaces for DataParser and JsonParser

c0dffb79 2021-05-10 09:05 Alex Konig

re #8840 Fixing day changes in list of predictions

1407c8ba 2021-05-10 08:51 Alex Konig

re #8840 Finishing up Json parser

c9eed50c 2021-05-07 15:37 Alex Konig

re #8840 First test

d39750f3 2021-04-26 18:15 Alex Konig

re #8682 Modified parser to aggregate data according to buildings. Also added a method that merges information about jis and webauth activity into one list.

Zobrazit revize

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