Cosmetic changes, documentation adding, warnings fixing.
Refactor, cleanup + usage of logging class instead of 'Console.WriteLine's.
Added model commands handling - not tested.
Merge branch 'develop' into 'ParserEditsII'
Refs #9051, #9050. Added more tests + fixed some bugs revealed by the tests.
re #9037 Fixing json parser tests to work w/ IDataDownloader
Re #9007. Added weather prediction website to the config file + modified method for weather predictoin download.
Refs #9008, #8919. Data directory path should now be ok on linux + added interface for DataDownloader + changed time span of default downloaded data.
Merge branch 'develop' into 'ParserTestingIII'
Push before merge
re #8962 Adding reading of file to string to CsvDataLoader
re #8934 Creating unit tests for json parser
Merge branch 'develop' into 'MultiClientConnection_ModelIntegration'
re #8933 Testing LoginParser
re #8933 Testing DataParser, JisParser and WeatherParser
Re #8942. Implemented data and help commands.
Re #8942. Started implementing admin commands.
Re #8941. Started working on enqueueing requests and processing them in a new thread. + Program.cs cleanup + Fixed Date error.
Re #8832 Label creation
Re #8838. Started refining commands accepting + modified GetData in DataDownloader.
Re #8691. Implemented downloaded data retrieving.
Re #8691. Working on retrieving data in time span from a directory.
Re #8691. Url config improvements + thread for commands accepting prepared.
Re #8691. Big refactor + config file added + working on providing methods for Parser.
Refs #8620, #8619. Refactor + testing.
Re #8620. Data files downloading implemented and plainly tested.