Od 2021-04-22 do 2021-05-21
13:27 Revize cdeee9f8 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8955 implemented multiple predictors support
13:25 Revize 60a60164 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8955 refactoring
12:29 Revize c4383c00 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8942. Started implementing admin commands.
11:15 Revize 86c29fc1 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8943. Prepared getting predictions from Model.
19:53 Feature #8936 (Resolved): Crop map textures
07:55 Revize 14bef778 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Fixed build errors
07:50 Revize 79227a05 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8943. Untested integration with Model.
07:33 Revize 6d0d1410 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8941. Started working on enqueueing requests and processing them in a new thread. + Program.cs cleanup + Fixed Date error.
16:53 Revize 77b0eeee (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'ParserEdits' into 'develop'
- ParserEdits vol.1
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!15 -
16:49 Revize 23e9ca21 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8935 Program that can crop textures and outputs cropped versions + coordinates in original + coordinates of centroid in output image
16:30 Feature #8937 (Resolved): Find centroids of each buildings
16:27 Support #8847 (Resolved): Review the 4th iteration
15:47 Hodnocení 4. iterace
- h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
* potenciál za detailní Architekturu
h2. Doporučení
* vzhledem ke speci... -
10:36 Revize fffe7190 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8962 Adding filtering method GetPredictionForTime to json parser + adding attributes with file names to DataParser + fixing bug in json parser method Parse
08:15 Feature #8962 (Closed): Editing parsers
- Due to the needs of other packages
08:12 Support #8932 (Resolved): Meeting about UserCommunication-Model interface
18:41 Enhancement #8958 (Invalid): Plot clustered data
18:41 Enhancement #8957 (Closed): Implement some trivial models and evaluate them
18:40 Enhancement #8956 (Invalid): Apply PCA to features
18:40 Feature #8955 (Closed): Divide models for distinct areas
18:40 Feature #8954 (Invalid): Implement model persistence
18:39 Feature #8953 (Closed): Model-client internal API
18:38 Feature #8952 (Closed): Finalize server communication
18:38 Feature #8951 (Invalid): Create additional building assets
- * create and attach other city and building maps
18:37 Feature #8950 (Invalid): Create building nav
- * "autocorrect" or some form of smart dropdown
18:37 Bug #8949 (Closed): Revise UI
- * and attaching current weather to animations
18:36 Feature #8948 (Invalid): Create a date picker
18:35 Support #8947 (Closed): Document how to connect to server
18:34 Enhancement #8946 (Closed): Properly document server installation + hw reqs
18:33 Feature #8945 (Invalid): Communication - id
18:32 Feature #8944 (Invalid): Testing DataDownloader
18:31 Feature #8943 (Closed): Model-client service API
18:30 Feature #8942 (Closed): Commands accepting
- * new data checking
* retrain
* rollback -
18:29 Feature #8941 (Closed): Multi-client support
- * decide how (one/multiple new threads / no thread)
18:27 Support #8940 (Closed): Redmine administration
18:27 Support #8939 (Closed): Edit wiki
18:25 Feature #8938 (Closed): Process edited textures
18:25 Feature #8937 (Closed): Find centroids of each buildings
18:23 Feature #8936 (Closed): Crop map textures
18:21 Task #8935 (Closed): Edit map textures
18:20 Task #8934 (Closed): Testing weather prediction parser
18:19 Feature #8933 (Closed): Testing open data parser
18:17 Support #8932 (Closed): Meeting about UserCommunication-Model interface
18:15 Support #8931 (Invalid): Git administration
18:14 Support #8930 (Invalid): Weekly standups
18:13 Support #8929 (Closed): Meeting with sponsor
16:45 Support #8849 (Resolved): Plan the 5th iteration
16:45 Support #8848 (Resolved): Meet for retrospective after the 4th iteration
16:45 Support #8846 (Resolved): Demonstration meeting
16:40 Feature #8837 (Invalid): Implement checking for new data
16:40 Support #8839 (Closed): Document HTTPS configuration
16:38 Feature #8835 (Invalid): Plot data clusters
16:38 Task #8834 (Invalid): Implement some trivial models and evaluate them
16:38 Task #8833 (Invalid): Apply PCA to input data
16:35 Feature #8826 (Invalid): Tag building assets with map tags
16:34 Task #8827 (Closed): Revise UI as per latest review
16:34 Feature #8838 (Closed): Refine commands accepting
16:34 Support #8845 (Closed): Administrate redmine
16:33 Task #8825 (Closed): Create building assets
16:32 Feature #8831 (Closed): Implement communication with server
16:27 Feature #8829 (Closed): Mock up incoming predictions
16:25 Support #8823 (Closed): Standup meetings
16:24 Support #8844 (Closed): Detail out the MVP and set up a meeting with client to negotiate
16:24 Support #8843 (Closed): Maintain wiki
16:24 Task #8842 (Closed): Begin testing
16:24 Feature #8841 (Closed): Implement communication with loader module
16:24 Feature #8840 (Closed): Implement JSON parser
16:24 Task #8836 (Closed): Implement HTTPS support on server side
14:29 Task #8836 (Resolved): Implement HTTPS support on server side
16:24 Feature #8832 (Closed): Integrate model into current server architecture
16:24 Feature #8830 (Closed): Implement weather download
16:24 Support #8824 (Closed): Meet to plan testing strategies
16:24 Support #8822 (Closed): Plan 4th iteration
16:24 Support #8821 (Closed): Retrospective after 3rd iteration
16:24 Support #8820 (Closed): Review 3rd iteration
16:24 Support #8819 (Closed): Demonstration meeting
19:47 Task #8842 (Resolved): Begin testing
13:33 Revize 38bc0a91 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'predictor' into 'master'
- Predictor
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!14 -
13:31 Feature #8832 (Resolved): Integrate model into current server architecture
13:27 Revize d358b79e (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8832 Label creation
10:21 Revize d103c273 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into predictor
09:43 Revize 569d5612 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8847 Fixing conflicts in merge
09:17 Revize 2d3a738b (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'UIPrototype' into 'master'
- Ui prototype
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!13 -
09:13 Revize 1087d08f (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'ServerChanges' into 'master'
- Server changes
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!12 -
09:12 Revize 34ff7508 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into 'ServerChanges'
- # Conflicts:
# Server/ServerApp/Program.cs -
09:10 Revize 7c7d7ad3 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'TestingParser' into 'master'
- Testing parser
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!11 -
09:05 Revize 2a7f543a (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8829 Added heatmap visualization
08:57 Support #8843 (Resolved): Maintain wiki
08:57 Support #8843: Maintain wiki
- Changed to 100%, end of iteration, no further wiki changes were needed
04:37 Feature #8831: Implement communication with server
- Missing only the wait for real data.
04:34 Task #8827: Revise UI as per latest review
- On the issues with tabbing between input fields + code:
21:24 Revize 662b2404 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8832 integration
21:02 Feature #8828 (Invalid): Mock up incoming weather
- Resolved fully with real weather download, no need to mock prediction
20:59 Feature #8830 (Resolved): Implement weather download
17:33 Revize 4129ce12 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8838. Started refining commands accepting + modified GetData in DataDownloader.
17:09 Revize 784f9ad6 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'TestingParser' into 'predictor'
- Merge TestingParser into predictor
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!10 -
17:08 Revize f4d8507f (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'predictor' into 'TestingParser'
- # Conflicts:
# Server/ServerApp/Program.cs -
13:56 Revize e75e6857 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8831 Changed deserialization
12:53 Bug #8919 (Closed): Directory separators in path to data directory from server config file stay in windows format on linux
- * the result of this is that on linux it's harder to navigate to the directory
11:58 Revize 6b4c34a2 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8836. Added XML protocol building / parsing.
10:20 Revize 4cb8ae48 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8842 Fixing MergeAttendance
09:43 Revize 99e5517e (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8842 Start testing
20:40 Revize ebe96ca4 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8832 PredictionController implementation
13:03 Revize 3cb70579 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Added communication model and XML serialization
21:51 Revize 755c25f3 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Upload first consistent client demo
19:36 Revize 3e283a5f (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'NBC' into 'master'
- Re #8832 Refactoring
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!9 -
14:15 Support #8824 (Resolved): Meet to plan testing strategies
14:13 Revize 1216a2e3 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'JsonParser' into 'master'
- Json parser
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!8 -
14:11 Revize 9fb55c71 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8840 Update commit - start/endTime in method Parse in DataParser can now be null
14:46 Support #8844 (Resolved): Detail out the MVP and set up a meeting with client to negotiate
09:55 Support #8844: Detail out the MVP and set up a meeting with client to negotiate
- * Edit wiki Vision statement to reflect what was discussed
* Add notes from meeting to wiki -
07:54 Revize cd23df7f (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8836. Fixed errors appearing when client sends POST request by sending an answer to the request.
12:23 Revize 4977ce53 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8832 Refactoring
- Refactored existing classes to comply with the coding conventions
18:11 Feature #8841 (Resolved): Implement communication with loader module
18:08 Revize cdf3c217 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8841 Fixing errors in start/end time and adding interfaces for DataParser and JsonParser
09:06 Feature #8840 (Resolved): Implement JSON parser
- * -research-
* -implementation - 50% done-
* -fix day changes in list of predictions- -
08:53 Feature #8840: Implement JSON parser
- * -research-
* -implementation - 50% done-
* fix day changes in list of predictions
09:05 Revize c0dffb79 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8840 Fixing day changes in list of predictions
08:51 Revize 1407c8ba (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8840 Finishing up Json parser
19:01 Feature #8840: Implement JSON parser
- * -research-
* implementation - 50% done
14:06 Hodnocení 3. iterace
- h2. Hodnocení
h2. Malus/Bonus
h2. Doporučení
* je-li nutno, připravit realistický odhad, co se sti...
18:16 Support #8849 (Closed): Plan the 5th iteration
18:16 Support #8848 (Closed): Meet for retrospective after the 4th iteration
18:15 Support #8847 (Closed): Review the 4th iteration
18:14 Support #8846 (Closed): Demonstration meeting
- Demonstrate progress after the 4th iteration.
18:12 Support #8845: Administrate redmine
- Created issues.
18:11 Support #8845 (Closed): Administrate redmine
- * unclassified wiki changes
* issue management
* ... -
18:08 Support #8844 (Closed): Detail out the MVP and set up a meeting with client to negotiate
18:07 Support #8843 (Closed): Maintain wiki
- * upload meeting notes
* improve the structure of MVP, VS, Req., plan -
18:05 Task #8842 (Closed): Begin testing
18:04 Feature #8841 (Closed): Implement communication with loader module
- * communication of server parts
18:01 Feature #8840 (Closed): Implement JSON parser
- * research
* implementation -
17:59 Support #8839 (Closed): Document HTTPS configuration
- * document how to switch the used certificate for a credible one
* document mono (version, etc.)
* document usable ... -
17:58 Feature #8838 (Closed): Refine commands accepting
17:57 Feature #8837 (Invalid): Implement checking for new data
17:55 Task #8836 (Closed): Implement HTTPS support on server side
- * Research how to get a certificate
* research how to get it to work with mono on Linux, find minimum HW reqs
* use... -
17:50 Feature #8826 (Assigned): Tag building assets with map tags
17:17 Feature #8826 (Invalid): Tag building assets with map tags
- *centre of gravity of actual building shape! centre of gravity should (probably) be inside the building - that might ...
17:40 Feature #8835 (Invalid): Plot data clusters
- * Try K-Means clustering on the attendance data
* plot the clusters -
17:38 Task #8834 (Invalid): Implement some trivial models and evaluate them
- * prepare multiple trivial models
* select appropriate metrics to evaluate the created models.
* evaluate the models -
17:35 Task #8833 (Invalid): Apply PCA to input data
- * try to visualize the data after PCA.
17:34 Feature #8832 (Closed): Integrate model into current server architecture
- * rework the InputModel class to comply with the current format of parser data.
17:23 Feature #8831 (Closed): Implement communication with server
- depends on resolving server HTTPS issues.
17:21 Feature #8830 (Closed): Implement weather download
- A parser must exist
17:20 Feature #8829 (Closed): Mock up incoming predictions
17:19 Feature #8828 (Invalid): Mock up incoming weather
17:18 Task #8827 (Closed): Revise UI as per latest review
17:15 Task #8825 (Closed): Create building assets
- Firstly, review compliance with division data in response.
17:11 Support #8824 (Closed): Meet to plan testing strategies
- Define QA strategies and conventions.
17:09 Support #8823 (Closed): Standup meetings
17:07 Support #8822 (Closed): Plan 4th iteration
17:06 Support #8821 (Closed): Retrospective after 3rd iteration
17:05 Support #8820 (Closed): Review 3rd iteration
17:03 Support #8819 (Closed): Demonstration meeting
- Demonstration of the progress from 3rd iteration.
14:44 Task #8771 (Closed): Run server in OpenNebula's Debian VM
14:44 Feature #8770 (Closed): Change networking in server
14:44 Task #8691 (Closed): Changes in server
14:44 Task #8686 (Closed): Client app + Server - Implement communication protocol
14:19 Task #8690 (Closed): Propose server-component architecture
14:19 Task #8689 (Closed): Propose server-client communication protocol
14:19 Support #8688 (Closed): Prepare Project Plan
14:19 Support #8687 (Closed): Standups
14:19 Task #8685 (Closed): Client app - create runnable prototype
14:19 Task #8684 (Closed): Client app - revise UI design
14:19 Task #8683 (Closed): Merge Git branches
14:19 Task #8682 (Closed): Parser - modify to aggregate data by specific buildings
14:19 Support #8681 (Closed): Wiki maintenance
14:19 Support #8680 (Closed): Sponsor demo meeting
14:19 Support #8604 (Closed): Meet for retrospective
14:19 Support #8603 (Closed): Plan next iteration
14:19 Support #8602 (Closed): Review 2nd iteration
11:03 Task #8686 (Accepted): Client app + Server - Implement communication protocol
11:02 Task #8686 (Assigned): Client app + Server - Implement communication protocol
22:00 Task #8684 (Resolved): Client app - revise UI design
21:59 Task #8685 (Resolved): Client app - create runnable prototype
19:09 Task #8690 (Resolved): Propose server-component architecture
19:07 Support #8688 (Resolved): Prepare Project Plan
- The plan is written into descriptions of the iteration versions.
14:33 Task #8689 (Resolved): Propose server-client communication protocol
14:31 Support #8687 (Resolved): Standups
09:37 Revize 43334784 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'UIPrototype' into 'master'
- Ui prototype
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!7 -
08:00 Revize 3dc0ae76 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re 8683 Fix merge errors
07:55 Revize bda033c3 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'DataHandlerChanges' into 'master'
- Data handler changes
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!6 -
07:55 Revize bcd81e04 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'master' into 'DataHandlerChanges'
- # Conflicts:
# Server/ServerApp/Program.cs -
07:38 Revize 0edb4a56 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Merge branch 'ServerParsingFix' into 'master'
- Server parsing fix
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021tri-musketyri!5 -
06:38 Revize 3aba3c34 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8770. Refactoring
20:57 Revize e257ae8f (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8770. Somewhat working example of HttpListener. Can receive requests from other than host machine. Firawall adjustment was necessary.
06:16 Task #8771 (Closed): Run server in OpenNebula's Debian VM
- * build server for linux
* run it in the VM
** https://nuada.zcu.cz/
* test connection with client
** https://kac... -
06:12 Feature #8770 (Closed): Change networking in server
- * Change the networking type to what should work for both WebGL and Android apps
17:19 Task #8690: Propose server-component architecture
- Proposed model architecture. Image available at [[Project architecture]].
23:45 Revize e426de23 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8686 Testing a networking solution
06:17 Revize 55d35561 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8691. Implemented downloaded data retrieving.
00:04 Revize 62a48ad4 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8685 Android server connection test
21:51 Revize 2d2b8d48 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8685 Prototype base
19:33 Revize 085453be (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8691. Working on retrieving data in time span from a directory.
18:15 Revize d39750f3 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): re #8682 Modified parser to aggregate data according to buildings. Also added a method that merges information about jis and webauth activity into one list.
18:06 Task #8682 (Resolved): Parser - modify to aggregate data by specific buildings
18:06 Task #8682: Parser - modify to aggregate data by specific buildings
- -discard data from Cheb-
-edit wiki data analysis-
-modify parser to aggregate data by specific buildings-
Added... -
12:58 Revize 4a417b8b (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8691. Url config improvements + thread for commands accepting prepared.
08:54 Revize 7a998d66 (aswi2021tri-musketyri-gitlab): Re #8691. Big refactor + config file added + working on providing methods for Parser.
Také k dispozici: Atom