



Od 2021-04-11 do 2021-05-10


18:11 Feature #8841 (Resolved): Implement communication with loader module
Alex Konig
09:06 Feature #8840 (Resolved): Implement JSON parser
* -research-
* -implementation - 50% done-
* -fix day changes in list of predictions-
Alex Konig
08:53 Feature #8840: Implement JSON parser
* -research-
* -implementation - 50% done-
* fix day changes in list of predictions
Alex Konig


19:01 Feature #8840: Implement JSON parser
* -research-
* implementation - 50% done
Alex Konig


18:16 Support #8849 (Closed): Plan the 5th iteration
Roman Kalivoda
18:16 Support #8848 (Closed): Meet for retrospective after the 4th iteration
Roman Kalivoda
18:15 Support #8847 (Closed): Review the 4th iteration
Roman Kalivoda
18:14 Support #8846 (Closed): Demonstration meeting
Demonstrate progress after the 4th iteration. Roman Kalivoda
18:12 Support #8845: Administrate redmine
Created issues. Roman Kalivoda
18:11 Support #8845 (Closed): Administrate redmine
* unclassified wiki changes
* issue management
* ...
Roman Kalivoda
18:08 Support #8844 (Closed): Detail out the MVP and set up a meeting with client to negotiate
Roman Kalivoda
18:07 Support #8843 (Closed): Maintain wiki
* upload meeting notes
* improve the structure of MVP, VS, Req., plan
Roman Kalivoda
18:05 Task #8842 (Closed): Begin testing
Roman Kalivoda
18:04 Feature #8841 (Closed): Implement communication with loader module
* communication of server parts Roman Kalivoda
18:01 Feature #8840 (Closed): Implement JSON parser
* research
* implementation
Roman Kalivoda
17:59 Support #8839 (Closed): Document HTTPS configuration
* document how to switch the used certificate for a credible one
* document mono (version, etc.)
* document usable ...
Roman Kalivoda
17:58 Feature #8838 (Closed): Refine commands accepting
Roman Kalivoda
17:57 Feature #8837 (Invalid): Implement checking for new data
Roman Kalivoda
17:55 Task #8836 (Closed): Implement HTTPS support on server side
* Research how to get a certificate
* research how to get it to work with mono on Linux, find minimum HW reqs
* use...
Roman Kalivoda
17:50 Feature #8826 (Assigned): Tag building assets with map tags
Roman Kalivoda
17:17 Feature #8826 (Invalid): Tag building assets with map tags
*centre of gravity of actual building shape! centre of gravity should (probably) be inside the building - that might ... Roman Kalivoda
17:40 Feature #8835 (Invalid): Plot data clusters
* Try K-Means clustering on the attendance data
* plot the clusters
Roman Kalivoda
17:38 Task #8834 (Invalid): Implement some trivial models and evaluate them
* prepare multiple trivial models
* select appropriate metrics to evaluate the created models.
* evaluate the models
Roman Kalivoda
17:35 Task #8833 (Invalid): Apply PCA to input data
* try to visualize the data after PCA. Roman Kalivoda
17:34 Feature #8832 (Closed): Integrate model into current server architecture
* rework the InputModel class to comply with the current format of parser data. Roman Kalivoda
17:23 Feature #8831 (Closed): Implement communication with server
depends on resolving server HTTPS issues. Roman Kalivoda
17:21 Feature #8830 (Closed): Implement weather download
A parser must exist Roman Kalivoda
17:20 Feature #8829 (Closed): Mock up incoming predictions
Roman Kalivoda
17:19 Feature #8828 (Invalid): Mock up incoming weather
Roman Kalivoda
17:18 Task #8827 (Closed): Revise UI as per latest review
Roman Kalivoda
17:15 Task #8825 (Closed): Create building assets
Firstly, review compliance with division data in response. Roman Kalivoda
17:11 Support #8824 (Closed): Meet to plan testing strategies
Define QA strategies and conventions. Roman Kalivoda
17:09 Support #8823 (Closed): Standup meetings
Roman Kalivoda
17:07 Support #8822 (Closed): Plan 4th iteration
Roman Kalivoda
17:06 Support #8821 (Closed): Retrospective after 3rd iteration
Roman Kalivoda
17:05 Support #8820 (Closed): Review 3rd iteration
Roman Kalivoda
17:03 Support #8819 (Closed): Demonstration meeting
Demonstration of the progress from 3rd iteration. Roman Kalivoda
14:44 Task #8771 (Closed): Run server in OpenNebula's Debian VM
Alex Konig
14:44 Feature #8770 (Closed): Change networking in server
Alex Konig
14:44 Task #8691 (Closed): Changes in server
Alex Konig
14:44 Task #8686 (Closed): Client app + Server - Implement communication protocol
Alex Konig
14:19 Task #8690 (Closed): Propose server-component architecture
Alex Konig
14:19 Task #8689 (Closed): Propose server-client communication protocol
Alex Konig
14:19 Support #8688 (Closed): Prepare Project Plan
Alex Konig
14:19 Support #8687 (Closed): Standups
Alex Konig
14:19 Task #8685 (Closed): Client app - create runnable prototype
Alex Konig
14:19 Task #8684 (Closed): Client app - revise UI design
Alex Konig
14:19 Task #8683 (Closed): Merge Git branches
Alex Konig
14:19 Task #8682 (Closed): Parser - modify to aggregate data by specific buildings
Alex Konig
14:19 Support #8681 (Closed): Wiki maintenance
Alex Konig
14:19 Support #8680 (Closed): Sponsor demo meeting
Alex Konig
14:19 Support #8604 (Closed): Meet for retrospective
Alex Konig
14:19 Support #8603 (Closed): Plan next iteration
Alex Konig
14:19 Support #8602 (Closed): Review 2nd iteration
Alex Konig


11:03 Task #8686 (Accepted): Client app + Server - Implement communication protocol
Alex Konig
11:02 Task #8686 (Assigned): Client app + Server - Implement communication protocol
Alex Konig


22:00 Task #8684 (Resolved): Client app - revise UI design
Zuzana Káčereková
21:59 Task #8685 (Resolved): Client app - create runnable prototype
Zuzana Káčereková
19:09 Task #8690 (Resolved): Propose server-component architecture
Alex Konig
19:07 Support #8688 (Resolved): Prepare Project Plan
The plan is written into descriptions of the iteration versions. Roman Kalivoda
14:33 Task #8689 (Resolved): Propose server-client communication protocol
Alex Konig
14:31 Support #8687 (Resolved): Standups
Alex Konig


20:14 Support #8681 (Resolved): Wiki maintenance
Alex Konig


06:16 Task #8771 (Closed): Run server in OpenNebula's Debian VM
* build server for linux
* run it in the VM
* test connection with client
** https://kac...
Eliška Mourycová
06:12 Feature #8770 (Closed): Change networking in server
* Change the networking type to what should work for both WebGL and Android apps Eliška Mourycová


17:19 Task #8690: Propose server-component architecture
Proposed model architecture. Image available at [[Project architecture]]. Roman Kalivoda


18:06 Task #8682 (Resolved): Parser - modify to aggregate data by specific buildings
Alex Konig
18:06 Task #8682: Parser - modify to aggregate data by specific buildings
-discard data from Cheb-
-edit wiki data analysis-
-modify parser to aggregate data by specific buildings-
Alex Konig


18:11 Task #8683 (Resolved): Merge Git branches
Alex Konig
15:11 Task #8682: Parser - modify to aggregate data by specific buildings
Alex Konig napsal:
> * discard data from Cheb
> -* edit wiki data analysis-
> * modify parser to aggregate data by...
Alex Konig


16:31 Support #8602 (Resolved): Review 2nd iteration
Alex Konig


18:46 Task #8691 (Closed): Changes in server
* URL config (for data download)
** both -"base" url- and -file names?-
* Implement commands accepting
* -Pass roo...
Eliška Mourycová
18:26 Task #8596 (Closed): Propose server-component interface
Alex Konig
18:25 Task #8690 (Closed): Propose server-component architecture
Figure out the interfaces + architecture of the server's components Alex Konig
18:23 Task #8595 (Closed): Propose server-client communication protocol
Alex Konig
18:23 Task #8689 (Closed): Propose server-client communication protocol
Figure out and document server-client communication protocol
Alex Konig
18:22 Support #8657 (Invalid): Prepare Project Plan
Alex Konig
17:03 Support #8657 (Assigned): Prepare Project Plan
Roman Kalivoda
18:21 Support #8688 (Closed): Prepare Project Plan
Write down all necessary activities.
Assign priorities.
Estimate time.
Alex Konig
18:00 Support #8687 (Closed): Standups
Standup meetings during the iteration - at least two (each estimated as 1h long) Alex Konig
17:58 Task #8686 (Closed): Client app + Server - Implement communication protocol
Establish connection between server and client applications Alex Konig
17:57 Task #8685 (Closed): Client app - create runnable prototype
Create runnable/usable prototype of the client webGL application Alex Konig
17:56 Task #8684 (Closed): Client app - revise UI design
Revise UI design based on last sponsor meeting Alex Konig
17:55 Task #8683 (Closed): Merge Git branches
Merge existing git branches to create a runnable server application Alex Konig
17:53 Task #8682 (Closed): Parser - modify to aggregate data by specific buildings
* discard data from Cheb
* edit wiki data analysis
* modify parser to aggregate data by specific buildings
Alex Konig
17:51 Support #8681 (Closed): Wiki maintenance
* go through existing wiki pages
* update all information to be current
* fix the repeating of information (especia...
Alex Konig
17:08 Support #8602: Review 2nd iteration
The meeting is scheduled for 20th April. Roman Kalivoda
17:05 Support #8680 (Closed): Sponsor demo meeting
Demonstrate current state of the product to customer. Roman Kalivoda
17:01 Support #8603 (Resolved): Plan next iteration
Roman Kalivoda
17:00 Support #8604 (Resolved): Meet for retrospective
Roman Kalivoda
16:04 Support #8656 (Closed): Meet for standup
Zuzana Káčereková
16:04 Task #8597 (Closed): Finalize input data processing and parsing
Zuzana Káčereková
15:59 Task #8597 (Resolved): Finalize input data processing and parsing
Zuzana Káčereková
16:03 Task #8601 (Closed): Handle server-side connection
Zuzana Káčereková
16:03 Support #8605 (Closed): Editing wiki
Zuzana Káčereková
16:00 Feature #8620 (Closed): Change directory structure for downloaded data
Zuzana Káčereková
16:00 Feature #8619 (Closed): Implement data receiving and sending
Zuzana Káčereková
16:00 Task #8618 (Closed): Research C# classes for parallel client connection
Zuzana Káčereková
16:00 Feature #8612 (Closed): Create a parser for weather data
Alex Konig
16:00 Feature #8612 (Verified): Create a parser for weather data
Alex Konig
07:01 Feature #8612 (Resolved): Create a parser for weather data
Alex Konig
16:00 Feature #8611 (Closed): Create a parser for log-in data
Alex Konig
16:00 Feature #8611 (Verified): Create a parser for log-in data
Alex Konig
16:00 Task #8609 (Closed): Decide on inner parser architecture
Alex Konig
16:00 Task #8609 (Verified): Decide on inner parser architecture
Alex Konig
16:00 Task #8600 (Closed): Design and prototype Android UI
Zuzana Káčereková
07:00 Task #8600 (Resolved): Design and prototype Android UI
Zuzana Káčereková
15:59 Feature #8610 (Closed): Create a parser for jis data
Alex Konig
15:59 Feature #8610 (Verified): Create a parser for jis data
Alex Konig
15:59 Task #8599 (Closed): Design and prototype WebGL UI
Zuzana Káčereková
07:00 Task #8599 (Resolved): Design and prototype WebGL UI
Zuzana Káčereková
15:59 Task #8598 (Closed): Draft prediction model
Zuzana Káčereková
15:58 Task #8613 (Invalid): Organize cooperation of parser and model
Zuzana Káčereková
15:57 Support #8594 (Closed): Meet with mentor for review
Zuzana Káčereková
15:56 Task #8376 (Closed): Analysis of Usefulness and Applicability of CI/CD
Zuzana Káčereková
07:01 Task #8376 (Resolved): Analysis of Usefulness and Applicability of CI/CD
Zuzana Káčereková
15:53 Task #8378 (Closed): Prepare for Development
Zuzana Káčereková


23:50 Task #8376: Analysis of Usefulness and Applicability of CI/CD
Find the notes in [[CI-CD analysis]]. Zuzana Káčereková
20:57 Task #8598 (Resolved): Draft prediction model
Implemented trivial NBC. Roman Kalivoda
13:58 Task #8601 (Resolved): Handle server-side connection
Eliška Mourycová
13:56 Feature #8619 (Resolved): Implement data receiving and sending
Eliška Mourycová
13:54 Feature #8620 (Resolved): Change directory structure for downloaded data
Eliška Mourycová


17:50 Support #8605: Editing wiki
divided time into subissue. Roman Kalivoda
17:48 Support #8657 (Invalid): Prepare Project Plan
Write down all necessary activities.
Assign priorities.
Estimate time.
Roman Kalivoda
17:37 Task #8378 (Assigned): Prepare for Development
Roman Kalivoda
17:02 Support #8656 (Resolved): Meet for standup
Meeting happened. Roman Kalivoda
16:52 Support #8656 (Closed): Meet for standup
Weekly standup.
- Discuss progress
- Discuss problems
- Discuss problem resolution
Zuzana Káčereková
06:04 Task #8598: Draft prediction model
Implemented simple NBC. Roman Kalivoda


14:37 Feature #8611 (Resolved): Create a parser for log-in data
Alex Konig
10:00 Feature #8611: Create a parser for log-in data
Enables parsing for whole days, and for given hourly interval Alex Konig
14:37 Feature #8610 (Resolved): Create a parser for jis data
Alex Konig
10:00 Feature #8610: Create a parser for jis data
Enables parsing for whole days, and for given hourly interval Alex Konig


15:56 Task #8618 (Resolved): Research C# classes for parallel client connection
Eliška Mourycová


18:27 Support #8380 (Closed): Confirm Achievment of PRI milestone
Roman Kalivoda
18:27 Support #8380 (Verified): Confirm Achievment of PRI milestone
Roman Kalivoda
18:27 Support #8380 (Resolved): Confirm Achievment of PRI milestone
Milestone achieved in 1st iteration. Roman Kalivoda
18:23 Task #8376 (Accepted): Analysis of Usefulness and Applicability of CI/CD
Moving leftover issue to next iteration. Roman Kalivoda
18:16 Task #8378: Prepare for Development
Moving leftover issue from 1st iteration. Roman Kalivoda
18:06 Support #8594 (Resolved): Meet with mentor for review
Moved the issue to 2nd iteration and updated the estimated time. Roman Kalivoda


14:09 Feature #8620 (Closed): Change directory structure for downloaded data
Implement saving automatically downloaded data in the following structure:
* The root directory containing all data ...
Eliška Mourycová
14:00 Feature #8619 (Closed): Implement data receiving and sending
* Implement methods for receiving data from connected clients and sending data to clients
* Prepare for using the pr...
Eliška Mourycová
13:57 Task #8618 (Closed): Research C# classes for parallel client connection
Eliška Mourycová


19:54 Task #8609 (Resolved): Decide on inner parser architecture
Alex Konig

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