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Revize efca2344

Přidáno uživatelem Ondřej Drtina před téměř 4 roky(ů)

#8645 - zadavatelky požadovaly seznam smazaných rows -> dodal jsem. Skript nyní pracuje ve dvou modech - 1) merge, 2) otestování přítomnosti všech finished záznamů (finální podoba DB: dal_MERGED_AFTER_FINISHED_CHECK.sql)

Zobrazit rozdíly:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
  <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
    <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/.." vcs="Git" />
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.8\bin\java.exe" "-javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.1\lib\idea_rt.jar=50078:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.1\bin" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath C:\xampp\htdocs\aswi2021mr-proper\merge_db\out\production\merge_db;C:\xampp\htdocs\aswi2021mr-proper\merge_db\lib\postgresql-42.2.19.jar Starter
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 12635context='' AND date='2013-07-10 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='30' AND position2='56' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='osmého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!12635
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 13230context='' AND date='2013-07-10 00:00:00' AND description='(sic)' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ý' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='42' AND position2='30' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='pátý';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!13230
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 13231context='' AND date='2013-07-10 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='y' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='05' AND position2='42' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='pátý';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!13231
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 13232context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='é' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='06' AND position2='17' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='páté';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!13232
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14371context='u' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ích' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='10' AND position2='37' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvních';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14371
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14372context='' AND date='2013-06-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='x' AND ending='iem' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='10' AND position2='21' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='prvniem';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14372
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14373context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ieho' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='21' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='prvnieho';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14373
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14374context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ieho' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='48' AND position2='00' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='prvnieho';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14374
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14375context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ieho' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='00' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='prvnieho';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14375
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14376context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='x (n. nom. sg. n.)' AND ending='ie' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='07' AND position2='13' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='prvnie';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14376
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14377context='' AND date='2013-07-10 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='í' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='32' AND position2='15' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='první';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14377
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14400context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='éj' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='02' AND position2='25' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvéj';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14400
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14378context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='í' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='29' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='první';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14378
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14379context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='í' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='32' AND positiondetail='P1' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='první';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14379
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14380context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='í' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='32' AND positiondetail='P4' AND prefix='' AND suffix='ní' AND word='první';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14380
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14401context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='éj' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='07' AND position2='13' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvéj';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14401
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14381context='u' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ích' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='10' AND position2='37' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='pirvních';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14381
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14402context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='í' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='47' AND position2='59' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prví';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14402
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14384context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='é' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='02' AND position2='25' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvé';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14384
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14403context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='E.P.:num.?! Není prvním (F,L,P,Jš), prvého (Fs).' AND ending='ým' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='48' AND position2='19' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvým';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14403
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14415context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ý' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='19' AND position2='24' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvý';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14415
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14404context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='02' AND position2='39' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14404
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14390context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='é' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='26' AND position2='00' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvé';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14390
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14391context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='é' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='02' AND position2='39' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvé';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14391
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14392context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='é' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='02' AND position2='37' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvé';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14392
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14405context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='02' AND position2='37' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14405
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14393context='' AND date='2013-06-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='x' AND ending='é' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='07' AND position2='13' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvé';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14393
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14394context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ej' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='32' AND positiondetail='P1' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvej';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14394
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14406context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='41' AND position2='20' AND positiondetail='P2' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14406
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14397context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ém' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='10' AND position2='00' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvém';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14397
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14416context='' AND date='2013-06-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='x' AND ending='ý' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='07' AND position2='13' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvý';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14416
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14398context='' AND date='2013-08-16 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ém' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='10' AND position2='21' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvém';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14398
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14407context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='21' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14407
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14399context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='éj' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='26' AND position2='00' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvéj';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14399
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14408context='' AND date='2013-09-24 00:00:00' AND description='(!)' AND description2='ne' AND description3='x chyba m. pravého (v. pravý)' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='41' AND position2='20' AND positiondetail='P1' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14408
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14409context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='05' AND position2='00' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14409
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14410context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='48' AND position2='00' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14410
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14411context='u' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ých' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='10' AND position2='37' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvých';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14411
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14418context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ý' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='29' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvý';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14418
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 14412context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ý' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='23' AND position2='32' AND positiondetail='P1' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='prvý';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!14412
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 16860context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ě' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='36' AND position2='22' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='stě';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!16860
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 17897context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='37' AND position2='30' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='šěstého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!17897
Not FOUND: dbdalimil1, id: 17898context='' AND date='2013-04-26 00:00:00' AND description='' AND description2='ne' AND description3='' AND ending='ého' AND finished='t' AND namedentity='0' AND position1='37' AND position2='30' AND positiondetail='' AND prefix='' AND suffix='' AND word='šestého';
ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!17898

Process finished with exit code 0
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.8\bin\java.exe" "-javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.1\lib\idea_rt.jar=55548:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.1\bin" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath C:\xampp\htdocs\aswi2021mr-proper\merge_db\out\production\merge_db;C:\xampp\htdocs\aswi2021mr-proper\merge_db\lib\postgresql-42.2.19.jar Starter
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3261 context:  date: 2013-07-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ie finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 92 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čie lemma_id: 279 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: čí dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3484 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3485 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 75 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3486 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtý lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3487 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 66 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: liiij lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3488 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvirtý lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 1, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3490 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3491 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 37 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3492 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 47 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3493 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 62 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3494 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 60 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3495 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 66 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3496 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 4, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3497 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 75 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3770 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 32 position2: 50 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: devátého lemma_id: 355 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: devátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4334 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4318 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3: chyba n. nom. sg. m. ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4328 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: (druchi) ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 44 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druchý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4319 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4320 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 32 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4321 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 32 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4322 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4316 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3: x chyba m. dlúhé ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 113 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PF1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4317 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 44 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4323 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4338 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 70 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4324 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 64 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4330 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 18 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhá lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4325 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 60 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4326 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhému lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4335 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 60 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4327 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhému lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4331 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhá lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4332 context: u date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druha lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 60 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4333 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: iej finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druziej lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4344 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 40 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 3, 6, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4339 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 02 positiondetail: P8 prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4337 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4341 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4340 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 15 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 10, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4343 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4342 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 78 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4345 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhéj lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4346 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhéj lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 6, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4347 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 36 position2: 20 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druzí lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4348 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druzí lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4349 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druzí lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4350 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 88 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4351 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 40 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4352 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 55 position2: 32 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4353 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4354 context:  date: 2013-05-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 66 position2: 08 positiondetail: N prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4355 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 81 position2: 32 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4356 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 41 position2: 20 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5574 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5568 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5561 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 72 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádnému lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5562 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 60 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádné lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5569 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádná lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5563 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5578 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 4D position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5564 context:  date: 2013-05-18 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 82 position2: 53 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5570 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 65 position2: 18 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádnému lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5566 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5575 context:  date: 2013-07-01 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 17 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5567 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5571 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5572 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5573 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 49 position2: 51 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5576 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 44 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5579 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 1D position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5577 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5580 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6298 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P3 prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6293 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ém finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každém lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 79 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6302 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6302 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6294 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každéj lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 3, 6, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6299 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6295 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 23 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6296 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 63 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6297 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 32 positiondetail: P3 prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6300 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 19 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6303 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 05 position2: 23 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6301 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 00 position2: 47 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6305 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 17 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6304 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6307 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 100 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6306 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 01 position2: 22 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6308 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6309 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 01 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6310 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6310 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6311 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 68 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6312 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6313 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6314 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6315 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 31 position2: 46 positiondetail: P5 prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6316 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 74 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6339 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 65 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6317 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 44 position2: 65 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6318 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6319 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6340 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6320 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6321 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 59 position2: 50 positiondetail: P11 prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6322 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 89 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6341 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6323 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6324 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6325 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6326 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6326 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6327 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6328 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6343 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6343 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6329 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6330 context: ot date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6330 context: ot date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6331 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6344 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6332 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6333 context: od date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6333 context: od date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6334 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6334 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6345 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6335 context:  date: 2013-06-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 63 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každí lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6336 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 18 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každú lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6337 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 01 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6346 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6346 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6338 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 43 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6347 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 64 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6356 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kerým lemma_id: 755 tag_id: 96 dd_lemma lemma: kerý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6348 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 43 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8841 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 32 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterého lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8845 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: které lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 43 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8842 context: ní date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterého lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8839 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterým lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 96 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8840 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éž finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 03 position2: 47 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kteréž lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8848 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 55 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: která lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8843 context: ni date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterého lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8846 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 00 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: které lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8844 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 53 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterého lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8850 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8847 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 03 position2: 47 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: které lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8849 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýť finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýť lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8851 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8852 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 14 position2: 24 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8853 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 44 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8854 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 59 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8855 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: chybný tvar, asi m. které ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 43 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8856 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýžť finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýžť lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8858 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýž finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýž lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8859 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýž finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýž lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8860 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýž finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 59 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýž lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 4, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9835 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9835 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9836 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9836 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9837 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9837 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9838 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9838 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9839 context: bez date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 73 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 37 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SN--- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9829 context:  date: 2013-05-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ě finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: lzě lemma_id: 1094 tag_id: 1 dd_lemma lemma: lzě dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N1SF--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9840 context: na date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9830 context:  date: 2013-05-31 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ě finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 104 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: lzě lemma_id: 1094 tag_id: 1 dd_lemma lemma: lzě dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N1SF--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9841 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9841 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9842 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9842 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9843 context: bez date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 77 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mála lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 37 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9844 context: zadv date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mála lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 37 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9845 context: bez date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 73 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mála lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 37 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11504 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někaké lemma_id: 1325 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: někaký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11536 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 96 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11537 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 85 position2: 03 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11520 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix: ký word: některaké lemma_id: 1329 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: některaký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11538 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 35 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11521 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 59 position2: 10 positiondetail: P2 prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 41 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1CS in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11522 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některá lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11551 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11551 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11523 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: něterý lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11524 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3: (niekte) ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 70 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někte lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11526 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 77 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některú lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11540 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 97 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11528 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 95 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některému lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11529 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některý lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11541 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 102 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11530 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 84 position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11531 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description: (!) description2: ne description3: chyba m. některé ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11552 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 70 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11532 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 42 positiondetail: P1 prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11542 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11533 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 47 position2: 30 positiondetail: P1 prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11534 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 100 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11535 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11543 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 100 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11553 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 98 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11544 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 85 position2: 03 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11545 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 92 position2: 11 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11546 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 42 positiondetail: P2 prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11547 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 22 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11547 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 22 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11548 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 15 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11549 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 22 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11550 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 77 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11555 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11556 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 15 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 12635 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 56 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: osmého lemma_id: 1493 tag_id: 99 dd_lemma lemma: osmý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN-C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 12899 context:  date: 2013-06-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: neskl. ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 66 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: padesát lemma_id: 1533 tag_id: 7 dd_lemma lemma: padesát dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SM--- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 13230 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: pátý lemma_id: 1561 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: pátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 13231 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: y finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 05 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: pátý lemma_id: 1561 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: pátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 13232 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 06 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: páté lemma_id: 1561 tag_id: 43 dd_lemma lemma: pátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14371 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ích finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvních lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 202 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6PM1CS in manuscripts: 6, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14372 context:  date: 2013-06-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: iem finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvniem lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 26 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14373 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ieho finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvnieho lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14374 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ieho finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 48 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvnieho lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14375 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ieho finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvnieho lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14376 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x (n. nom. sg. n.) ending: ie finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvnie lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14377 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 32 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: první lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14400 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvéj lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14378 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: první lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14379 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix: ní word: první lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14414 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14380 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix: ní word: první lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14401 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvéj lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 6, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14381 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ích finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: pirvních lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 202 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6PM1CS in manuscripts: 5, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14383 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14383 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14383 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14383 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14402 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 47 position2: 59 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prví lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14384 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14385 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14385 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14386 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: - adv. ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14386 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: - adv. ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14386 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: - adv. ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14386 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: - adv. ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14403 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: E.P.:num.?! Není prvním (F,L,P,Jš), prvého (Fs). ending: ým finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 48 position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvým lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 96 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14387 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: (adv.) ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14387 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: (adv.) ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14388 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 179 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14388 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 179 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14388 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 179 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14388 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 179 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14415 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 19 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14389 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14389 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14389 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14389 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14404 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14390 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 26 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14391 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14392 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14392 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14405 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14393 context:  date: 2013-06-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14394 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ej finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix:  word: prvej lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14395 context:  date: 2013-05-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ém finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 10 positiondetail: N prefix:  suffix:  word: prvém lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 26 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14406 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 41 position2: 20 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14397 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ém finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvém lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 26 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14416 context:  date: 2013-06-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14398 context:  date: 2013-08-16 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ém finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvém lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 124 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SM-C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14407 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14399 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 26 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvéj lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14408 context:  date: 2013-09-24 00:00:00 description: (!) description2: ne description3: x chyba m. pravého (v. pravý) ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 41 position2: 20 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14417 context:  date: 2013-06-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 32 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14409 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 05 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14410 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 48 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14411 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ých finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvých lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 202 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6PM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14418 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14412 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14413 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15884 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 31 position2: 51 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15859 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 24 position2: 36 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samého lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15853 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 2D position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15860 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 74 position2: 22 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samého lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15854 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 12 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama desáta lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 70 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15855 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samým lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 80 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15866 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: y finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 63 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samy lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 141 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15856 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samým lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 80 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3PM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15861 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: o finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samo lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 210 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15857 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samým lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 96 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SM1C- in manuscripts: 3, 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15858 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samého lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15862 context: <s> date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samú lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 118 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SF-C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15872 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 25 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 70 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15863 context: z date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samú lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 118 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SF-C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15867 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: y finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samy lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 141 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15864 context: s date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samú lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 76 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15870 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 14 position2: 22 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 70 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15865 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: y finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 51 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samy lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 141 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15868 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15869 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15874 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 84 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 70 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15871 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 26 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15873 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 90 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15876 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 55 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samému lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15875 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 53 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15877 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 77 position2: 20 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: samému lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15878 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15879 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 40 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15880 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 48 position2: 20 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15881 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 53 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15882 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 12 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15883 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 32 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15885 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 55 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15886 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 24 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15935 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 102 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15887 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 36 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15888 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15889 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 104 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15925 context:  date: 2013-05-12 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 74 position2: 43 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15890 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15911 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 89 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15891 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 104 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15892 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15893 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15912 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 60 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15894 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15895 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 29 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15896 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15913 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15897 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 44 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15898 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 36 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15926 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 40 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15899 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15914 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15900 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 38 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15901 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 00 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15902 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 36 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15915 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 78 position2: 03 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15903 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15904 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 64 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15905 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 44 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15916 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15906 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15907 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description: (!) description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 25 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15927 context:  date: 2013-05-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 72 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15908 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 00 position2: 59 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15909 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 99 position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15917 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 10, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15936 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 81 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15918 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 27 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15928 context:  date: 2013-05-16 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 12 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15919 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15920 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15921 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15929 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: E.P.: v edici není ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 12 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15922 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 01 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15923 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 55 position2: 32 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15924 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 37 position2: 24 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15930 context:  date: 2013-05-17 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 81 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15937 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 102 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15931 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15932 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 102 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15933 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 93 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15938 context:  date: 2013-05-13 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 76 position2: 04 positiondetail: P10 prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15934 context:  date: 2013-05-16 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 11 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15946 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samé lemma_id: 2012 tag_id: 128 dd_lemma lemma: samý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN-C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15939 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 89 position2: 36 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15940 context:  date: 2013-05-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15941 context:  date: 2013-05-16 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15945 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samého lemma_id: 2012 tag_id: 49 dd_lemma lemma: samý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM-C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 16855 context:  date: 2013-05-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: stú lemma_id: 2178 tag_id: 173 dd_lemma lemma: sto dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2DN--- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 16853 context: po date: 2013-06-12 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ech finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 56 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: stech lemma_id: 2178 tag_id: 82 dd_lemma lemma: sto dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6PN--- in manuscripts: 4, 9, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 16860 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ě finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 36 position2: 22 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: stě lemma_id: 2178 tag_id: 231 dd_lemma lemma: sto dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N1DN--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17897 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 37 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: šěstého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17898 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 37 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: šestého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17901 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 10 positiondetail: N prefix:  suffix:  word: šestého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17903 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: šestého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17904 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: šestého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 9, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18174 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 47 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18169 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 54 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takéj lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18170 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 18 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takému lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 165 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SN1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18171 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 44 position2: 36 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: tací lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18172 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 70 position2: 50 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18173 context:  date: 2013-05-08 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 12 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18175 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 03 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18176 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 10, 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18177 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 17 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18200 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 23 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18178 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18179 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18180 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 12 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18201 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 80 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18181 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 22 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18182 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 4D position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18183 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 40 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18202 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 98 position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18184 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 26 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix:  word: takú lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18186 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 92 position2: 54 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takú lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18187 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takú lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 76 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18188 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 46 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: takého lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18189 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 65 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takého lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18204 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 12 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takýto lemma_id: 2361 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: takýto dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18190 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 105 position2: 03 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18191 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 98 position2: 43 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18192 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18205 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 18 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takémuž lemma_id: 2362 tag_id: 165 dd_lemma lemma: takýž dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18193 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18194 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 33 position2: 11 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18195 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18196 context: při date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ých finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takých lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 149 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18197 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18198 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 93 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 113 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18199 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18375 context:  date: 2013-07-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: xxx ch ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 60 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: třidcátého lemma_id: 2425 tag_id: 99 dd_lemma lemma: třidcátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN-C- in manuscripts: 10, 

Process finished with exit code 0
skript při mergování pracuje s 2 DB:
dalimil1 - obsah první dodané DB (dalimil1), NEmergnutý
dalimil2 - obsah druhé dodané DB (dalimil2), NEmergnutý //zde bude finální obsah!

skript při kontrole pracuje s 5 DB:
dalimil1 - obsah první dodané DB (dalimil1), zpracován mergovacím skriptem
dalimil2 - obsah druhé dodané DB (dalimil2), zpracován mergovacím skriptem //zde bude finální obsah!
dalimil1original - obsah první dodané DB (dalimil1), NEmergnutý
dalimil2original - obsah druhé dodané DB (dalimil2), NEmergnutý
dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant - obsah dalimil2, zpracován mergovacím skriptem
//že jsou některá z id nedostupná je ok (viz merge log, který ekvivalenty vyhodí + shody - okomentované_rem_VYHODIT.txt od zadavatelek)
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.8\bin\java.exe" "-javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.1\lib\idea_rt.jar=49725:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.1\bin" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath C:\xampp\htdocs\aswi2021mr-proper\merge_db\out\production\merge_db;C:\xampp\htdocs\aswi2021mr-proper\merge_db\lib\postgresql-42.2.19.jar Starter
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3261 context:  date: 2013-07-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ie finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 92 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čie lemma_id: 279 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: čí dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3484 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3485 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 75 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3486 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtý lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3487 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 66 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: liiij lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3488 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvirtý lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 1, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3490 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3491 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 37 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3492 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 47 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3493 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 62 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3494 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 60 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3495 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 66 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3496 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 4, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3497 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 75 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: čtvrtého lemma_id: 305 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: čtvrtý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 3770 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 32 position2: 50 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: devátého lemma_id: 355 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: devátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4334 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4318 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3: chyba n. nom. sg. m. ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4328 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: (druchi) ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 44 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druchý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4319 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4320 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 32 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4321 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 32 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4322 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4316 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3: x chyba m. dlúhé ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 113 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PF1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4317 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 44 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4323 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4338 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 70 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4324 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 64 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4330 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 18 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhá lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4325 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 60 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhý lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4326 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhému lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4335 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 60 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4327 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhému lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4331 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhá lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4332 context: u date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druha lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 60 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4333 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: iej finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druziej lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4344 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 40 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 3, 6, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4339 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 02 positiondetail: P8 prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4337 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4341 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4340 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 15 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 10, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4343 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4342 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 78 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhé lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4345 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhéj lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4346 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhéj lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 6, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4347 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 36 position2: 20 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druzí lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4348 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druzí lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4349 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druzí lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4350 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 88 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4351 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 40 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4352 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 55 position2: 32 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4353 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4354 context:  date: 2013-05-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 66 position2: 08 positiondetail: N prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4355 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 81 position2: 32 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 4356 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 41 position2: 20 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix:  word: druhého lemma_id: 410 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: druhý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5574 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5568 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5561 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 72 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádnému lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5562 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 60 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádné lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5569 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádná lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5563 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5578 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 4D position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5564 context:  date: 2013-05-18 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 82 position2: 53 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5570 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 65 position2: 18 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádnému lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5566 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5575 context:  date: 2013-07-01 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 17 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5567 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádného lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5571 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5572 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5573 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 49 position2: 51 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5576 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 44 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5579 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 1D position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5577 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 5580 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix: i suffix:  word: ižádný lemma_id: 642 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: ižádný dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6298 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P3 prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6293 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ém finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každém lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 79 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6302 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6302 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6294 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každéj lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 3, 6, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6299 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6295 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 23 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6296 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 63 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6297 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 32 positiondetail: P3 prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6300 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 19 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6303 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 05 position2: 23 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6301 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 00 position2: 47 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6305 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 17 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6304 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6307 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 100 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6306 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 01 position2: 22 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6308 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6309 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 01 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6310 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6310 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6311 context:  date: 2013-08-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 68 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6312 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6313 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6314 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6315 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 31 position2: 46 positiondetail: P5 prefix:  suffix:  word: každý lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6316 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 74 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6339 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 65 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6317 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 44 position2: 65 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6318 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6319 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6340 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6320 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6321 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 59 position2: 50 positiondetail: P11 prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6322 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 89 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6341 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6323 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každému lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6324 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6325 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6326 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6326 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6327 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6328 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6343 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6343 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6329 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6330 context: ot date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6330 context: ot date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 226 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6331 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6344 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6332 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6333 context: od date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6333 context: od date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6334 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6334 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každého lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 58 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6345 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6335 context:  date: 2013-06-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 63 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každí lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6336 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 18 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každú lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6337 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 01 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6346 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6346 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 09 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6338 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 43 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každá lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6347 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 64 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6356 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kerým lemma_id: 755 tag_id: 96 dd_lemma lemma: kerý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 6348 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: každé lemma_id: 751 tag_id: 43 dd_lemma lemma: každý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8841 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 32 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterého lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8845 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: které lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 43 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8842 context: ní date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterého lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8839 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterým lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 96 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8840 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éž finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 03 position2: 47 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kteréž lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8848 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 55 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: která lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8843 context: ni date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterého lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8846 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 00 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: které lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8844 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 53 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterého lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8850 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8847 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 03 position2: 47 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: které lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8849 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýť finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýť lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8851 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8852 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 14 position2: 24 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8853 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 44 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8854 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 59 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8855 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: chybný tvar, asi m. které ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 43 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: který lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8856 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýžť finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýžť lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8858 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýž finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýž lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8859 context:  date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýž finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 28 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýž lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 8860 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ýž finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 59 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: kterýž lemma_id: 941 tag_id: 59 dd_lemma lemma: který dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 4, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9835 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9835 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9836 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9836 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9837 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9837 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9838 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9838 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9839 context: bez date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 73 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 37 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SN--- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9829 context:  date: 2013-05-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ě finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: lzě lemma_id: 1094 tag_id: 1 dd_lemma lemma: lzě dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N1SF--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9840 context: na date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9830 context:  date: 2013-05-31 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ě finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 104 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: lzě lemma_id: 1094 tag_id: 1 dd_lemma lemma: lzě dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N1SF--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9841 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9841 context: v date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 38 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9842 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9842 context: u date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: e finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mále lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 46 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9843 context: bez date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 77 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mála lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 37 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9844 context: zadv date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv. ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 08 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mála lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 37 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 9845 context: bez date: 2013-07-09 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3: adv.\ndoplněno ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 73 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: mála lemma_id: 1099 tag_id: 37 dd_lemma lemma: málo dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SN--- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11504 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někaké lemma_id: 1325 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: někaký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11536 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 96 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11537 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 85 position2: 03 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11520 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix: ký word: některaké lemma_id: 1329 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: některaký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11538 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 35 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11521 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 59 position2: 10 positiondetail: P2 prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 41 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1CS in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11522 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některá lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11551 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11551 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11523 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: něterý lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11524 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3: (niekte) ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 70 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někte lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11526 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 77 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některú lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11540 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 97 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11528 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 95 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některému lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11529 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některý lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11541 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 102 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11530 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 84 position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11531 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description: (!) description2: ne description3: chyba m. některé ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11552 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 70 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11532 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 42 positiondetail: P1 prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11542 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11533 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 47 position2: 30 positiondetail: P1 prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11534 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 100 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11535 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11543 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 100 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11553 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 98 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11544 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 85 position2: 03 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11545 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 92 position2: 11 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11546 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 83 position2: 42 positiondetail: P2 prefix: ně suffix:  word: někteří lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 81 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11547 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 22 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11547 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 22 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11548 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 15 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11549 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 22 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11550 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 77 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11555 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 11 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 11556 context:  date: 2013-08-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 15 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix: ně suffix:  word: některé lemma_id: 1330 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: některý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 12635 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 56 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: osmého lemma_id: 1493 tag_id: 99 dd_lemma lemma: osmý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN-C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 12899 context:  date: 2013-06-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: neskl. ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 66 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: padesát lemma_id: 1533 tag_id: 7 dd_lemma lemma: padesát dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2SM--- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 13230 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description: (sic) description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 42 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: pátý lemma_id: 1561 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: pátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 13231 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: y finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 05 position2: 42 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: pátý lemma_id: 1561 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: pátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 13232 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 06 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: páté lemma_id: 1561 tag_id: 43 dd_lemma lemma: pátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14371 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ích finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvních lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 202 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6PM1CS in manuscripts: 6, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14372 context:  date: 2013-06-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: iem finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvniem lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 26 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14373 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ieho finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvnieho lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14374 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ieho finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 48 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvnieho lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14375 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ieho finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvnieho lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14376 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x (n. nom. sg. n.) ending: ie finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: prvnie lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14377 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 32 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: první lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14400 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvéj lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14378 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix: ní word: první lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14379 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix: ní word: první lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14414 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14380 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix: ní word: první lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14401 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvéj lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 75 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 6, 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14381 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ích finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: pirvních lemma_id: 1777 tag_id: 202 dd_lemma lemma: první dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6PM1CS in manuscripts: 5, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14383 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14383 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14383 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14383 context: po date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14402 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 47 position2: 59 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prví lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14384 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14385 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14385 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14386 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: - adv. ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14386 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: - adv. ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14386 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: - adv. ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14386 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: - adv. ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14403 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: E.P.:num.?! Není prvním (F,L,P,Jš), prvého (Fs). ending: ým finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 48 position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvým lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 96 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14387 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: (adv.) ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14387 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: (adv.) ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 41 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 158 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1CS in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14388 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 179 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14388 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 179 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14388 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 179 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14388 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 179 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1CS in manuscripts: 4, 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14415 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 19 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14389 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14389 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14389 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14389 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14404 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14390 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 26 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14391 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14392 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14392 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14405 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14393 context:  date: 2013-06-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: é finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvé lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14394 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ej finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix:  word: prvej lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14395 context:  date: 2013-05-09 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ém finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 10 positiondetail: N prefix:  suffix:  word: prvém lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 26 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14406 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 41 position2: 20 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14397 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ém finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvém lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 26 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14416 context:  date: 2013-06-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 07 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14398 context:  date: 2013-08-16 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ém finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvém lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 124 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SM-C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14407 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14399 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 26 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvéj lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14408 context:  date: 2013-09-24 00:00:00 description: (!) description2: ne description3: x chyba m. pravého (v. pravý) ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 41 position2: 20 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14417 context:  date: 2013-06-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 32 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14409 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 05 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14410 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 48 position2: 00 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvého lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14411 context: u date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ých finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvých lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 202 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6PM1CS in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14418 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14412 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 23 position2: 32 positiondetail: P1 prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 14413 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 61 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: prvý lemma_id: 1779 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: prvý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15884 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 31 position2: 51 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15859 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 24 position2: 36 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samého lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15853 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 2D position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15860 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 74 position2: 22 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samého lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15854 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 12 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama desáta lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 70 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15855 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samým lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 80 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15866 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: y finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 63 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samy lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 141 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15856 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samým lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 80 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3PM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15861 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: o finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 17 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samo lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 210 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15857 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ým finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samým lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 96 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SM1C- in manuscripts: 3, 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15858 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 103 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samého lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15862 context: <s> date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samú lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 118 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SF-C- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15872 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 25 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 70 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15863 context: z date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samú lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 118 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SF-C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15867 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: y finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samy lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 141 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15864 context: s date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samú lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 76 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15870 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 14 position2: 22 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 70 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15865 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: y finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 10 position2: 51 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samy lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 141 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15868 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15869 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15874 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 84 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 70 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF-N- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15871 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 26 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15873 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 90 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15876 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 55 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samému lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15875 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: a finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 53 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sama lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 323 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1DM-N- in manuscripts: 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15877 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 77 position2: 20 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: samému lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 145 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SM1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15878 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15879 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 40 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15880 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 48 position2: 20 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15881 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 53 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15882 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 12 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15883 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 32 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15885 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 55 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15886 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 24 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15935 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 102 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15887 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 36 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15888 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15889 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 104 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15925 context:  date: 2013-05-12 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 74 position2: 43 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15890 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 56 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15911 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 89 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15891 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 104 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15892 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15893 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15912 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 60 position2: 31 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15894 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15895 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 29 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15896 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15913 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15897 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 50 position2: 44 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15898 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 36 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15926 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: x ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 04 position2: 40 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15899 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15914 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15900 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 38 position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15901 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 00 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15902 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 36 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15915 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 78 position2: 03 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15903 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 02 position2: 26 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15904 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 64 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15905 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 67 position2: 44 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15916 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 46 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15906 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15907 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description: (!) description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 25 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 3, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15927 context:  date: 2013-05-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 72 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15908 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 00 position2: 59 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15909 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 99 position2: 19 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15917 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 10, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15936 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 81 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15918 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 27 position2: 33 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15928 context:  date: 2013-05-16 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 12 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15919 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 62 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15920 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 28 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15921 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending:  finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 52 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sám lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 69 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM-N- in manuscripts: 9, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15929 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: E.P.: v edici není ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 34 position2: 12 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15922 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 01 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15923 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 55 position2: 32 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15924 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 37 position2: 24 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15930 context:  date: 2013-05-17 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 81 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15937 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 102 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15931 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 04 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15932 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 102 position2: 24 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15933 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 93 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15938 context:  date: 2013-05-13 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 76 position2: 04 positiondetail: P10 prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15934 context:  date: 2013-05-16 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 11 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15946 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 57 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samé lemma_id: 2012 tag_id: 128 dd_lemma lemma: samý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN-C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15939 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 89 position2: 36 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15940 context:  date: 2013-05-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 10 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15941 context:  date: 2013-05-16 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: i finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 79 position2: 08 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: sami lemma_id: 2008 tag_id: 142 dd_lemma lemma: sám dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM-N- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 15945 context:  date: 2013-07-10 00:00:00 description:  description2:  description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: samého lemma_id: 2012 tag_id: 49 dd_lemma lemma: samý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM-C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 16855 context:  date: 2013-05-10 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 69 position2: 06 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: stú lemma_id: 2178 tag_id: 173 dd_lemma lemma: sto dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N2DN--- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 16853 context: po date: 2013-06-12 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ech finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 56 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: stech lemma_id: 2178 tag_id: 82 dd_lemma lemma: sto dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N6PN--- in manuscripts: 4, 9, 11, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 16860 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ě finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 36 position2: 22 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: stě lemma_id: 2178 tag_id: 231 dd_lemma lemma: sto dd_lemma pos: 0 dd_tag tag: N1DN--- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17897 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 37 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: šěstého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17898 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: t namedentity: 0 position1: 37 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: šestého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 10, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17901 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 10 positiondetail: N prefix:  suffix:  word: šestého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17903 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 106 position2: 34 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: šestého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 17904 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 02 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: šestého lemma_id: 2309 tag_id: 72 dd_lemma lemma: šestý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN1C- in manuscripts: 9, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18174 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 47 position2: 05 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18169 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: éj finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 21 position2: 54 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takéj lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 20 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18170 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 18 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takému lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 165 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SN1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18171 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: í finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 44 position2: 36 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: tací lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 25 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18172 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 70 position2: 50 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18173 context:  date: 2013-05-08 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 63 position2: 12 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18175 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 03 position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18176 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 10, 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18177 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 17 position2: 21 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18200 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 23 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18178 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 39 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18179 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 45 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18180 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 12 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18201 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 80 position2: 25 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 14 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1PF1C- in manuscripts: 10, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18181 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 22 position2: 35 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18182 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 4D position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 32 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18183 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 3D position2: 40 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taký lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18202 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 98 position2: 29 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 74 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SN1C- in manuscripts: 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18184 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 68 position2: 26 positiondetail: P4 prefix:  suffix:  word: takú lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18186 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 92 position2: 54 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takú lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 28 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SF1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18187 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ú finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takú lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 76 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A7SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18188 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 46 positiondetail: P2 prefix:  suffix:  word: takého lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 9, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18189 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 65 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takého lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 17 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 11, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18204 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ý finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 12 position2: 13 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takýto lemma_id: 2361 tag_id: 27 dd_lemma lemma: takýto dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4SM1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18190 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 105 position2: 03 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18191 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 98 position2: 43 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 4, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18192 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 94 position2: 09 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18205 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ému finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 18 position2: 07 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takémuž lemma_id: 2362 tag_id: 165 dd_lemma lemma: takýž dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A3SN1C- in manuscripts: 0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18193 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 14 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 4, 12, 13, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18194 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 33 position2: 11 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18195 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: á finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 30 position2: 37 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: taká lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 45 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A1SF1C- in manuscripts: 0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18196 context: při date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: ých finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 15 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: takých lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 149 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A6PM1C- in manuscripts: 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18197 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 39 position2: 16 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 21 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SF1C- in manuscripts: 9, 11, 12, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18198 context:  date: 2013-04-26 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 93 position2: 27 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 113 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PF1C- in manuscripts: 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18199 context:  date: 2013-07-11 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3:  ending: é finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 45 position2: 30 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: také lemma_id: 2360 tag_id: 44 dd_lemma lemma: taký dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A4PM1C- in manuscripts: 11, 
Z dalimil1 odstraneno: Dal1: id: 18375 context:  date: 2013-07-03 00:00:00 description:  description2: ne description3: xxx ch ending: ého finished: f namedentity: 0 position1: 64 position2: 60 positiondetail:  prefix:  suffix:  word: třidcátého lemma_id: 2425 tag_id: 99 dd_lemma lemma: třidcátý dd_lemma pos: 1 dd_tag tag: A2SN-C- in manuscripts: 10, 

Process finished with exit code 0
4 4
import java.util.Scanner;
5 5

6 6
public class Starter {
    public static ArrayList<String> deletedRedundantItIds; //contains ids of duplicated items which were deleted (duplicated items existed mefore merge...)

7 9
    public static void main(String[] args){
        //establish connection to DBs
        deletedRedundantItIds = new ArrayList<>();

        //establish connection to DBs with unmodified content (dalimil1, dalimil2)
9 13
        Connection dalimil1Con = establishDalimilX("dalimil1");
10 14
        Connection dalimil2Con = establishDalimilX("dalimil2");
        //retrieve content of "dd_wordform"s
        //retrieve content of "dd_wordform"s of dalimil1
12 16
        ResultSet dalimil1Wordform = retrieveWordformDalimilX(dalimil1Con, "dalimil1");
13 17
        //start process of finding whats missing in dalimil2 (AND is present in dalimil1)
        checkMissingWordformDalimil2(dalimil1Con, dalimil2Con, dalimil1Wordform);
        checkMissingWordformDalimil2(dalimil1Con, dalimil2Con, dalimil1Wordform); //UNCOMMENT THIS TO MERGE

        /*System.out.println("MERGED DB CHECK mergedDBCheck - START");
        System.out.println("MERGED DB CHECK mergedDBCheck - END");
        System.out.println("REVIEW DELETED ITEMS MERGE reviewDeletedItemsMerge - START");
        System.out.println("REVIEW DELETED ITEMS MERGE reviewDeletedItemsMerge - END");*/

15 29
        //close connection to DBs
16 30
        closeDalimilX(dalimil1Con, "dalimil1");
17 31
        closeDalimilX(dalimil2Con, "dalimil2");
101 115
102 116

103 117
                    if(finished.equals("f") && finishedSec.equals("t")){
                        System.out.println("OK, found finished equivalent to unfinished item.. From first drop item: " + dal1Print);
                        //System.out.println("OK, found finished equivalent to unfinished item.. From first drop item: " + dal1Print);
105 119
                        //if unfinished item from first db has finished equivalent in second db, then drop item from first db and keep entry in second
106 120
                        if(!doNotDeleteID[0].contains(Integer.valueOf(id))){ //drop from first only if supervisor doesnt want to keep
107 121
                            deleteConflict(dalimil1Con, "dalimil1", id, dal1Print); //drop from first db
108 122
                            System.out.println("Conflicting ID: " + id + " kept..");
                            //System.out.println("Conflicting ID: " + id + " kept..");
110 124
111 125
112 126
115 129
                        if(!doNotDeleteID[0].contains(Integer.valueOf(id))){ //drop from first only if supervisor doesnt want to keep
116 130
                            deleteConflict(dalimil1Con, "dalimil1", id, dal1Print); //delete conflicting item from first db
117 131
                            System.out.println("Conflicting ID: " + id + " kept..");
                            //System.out.println("Conflicting ID: " + id + " kept..");
119 133
120 134
                        if(!doNotDeleteID[1].contains(Integer.valueOf(idSec))){ //drop from second only if supervisor doesnt want to keep
121 135
                            deleteConflict(dalimil2Con, "dalimil2", idSec, dal2Print); //delete conflicting item from second db
122 136
                            System.out.println("Conflicting ID: " + idSec + " kept..");
                            //System.out.println("Conflicting ID: " + idSec + " kept..");
124 138
125 139
126 140
136 150
137 151
138 152

     * Checks whether all finished entries present in dalimil1original and dalimil2original (original, not modified DBs) are present in dalimil2 (merged DB)
     * @param dalimil2Con connection to dalimil2 DB (merged DB with all finished rows from dalimil1original and dalimil2original - except the ones, which supervisor wanted to delete)
    private static void mergedDBCheck(Connection dalimil2Con){
        Connection dalimil1origCon = establishDalimilX("dalimil1original"); //connection to db which contains unmodified dalimil1
        Connection dalimil2origCon = establishDalimilX("dalimil2original"); //connection to db which contains unmodified dalimil2

        ResultSet dalimil1origWordform = retrieveWordformDalimilX(dalimil1origCon, "dalimil1original"); //content of dalimil1 original dd_wordform
        ResultSet dalimil2origWordform = retrieveWordformDalimilX(dalimil2origCon, "dalimil2original"); //content of dalimil2 original dd_wordform

        //go through dalimil1original + dalimil2original and check presence of each finished item in dalimil2 (merged DB)
                //get all fields dalimil1original/dd_wordform - START
                String id = dalimil1origWordform.getString("id");
                String context = dalimil1origWordform.getString("context");
                String date = dalimil1origWordform.getString("date");
                String description = dalimil1origWordform.getString("description");
                String description2 = dalimil1origWordform.getString("description2");
                String description3 = dalimil1origWordform.getString("description3");
                String ending = dalimil1origWordform.getString("ending");
                String finished = dalimil1origWordform.getString("finished");
                String namedentity = dalimil1origWordform.getString("namedentity");
                String position1 = dalimil1origWordform.getString("position1");
                String position2 = dalimil1origWordform.getString("position2");
                String positiondetail = dalimil1origWordform.getString("positiondetail");
                String prefix = dalimil1origWordform.getString("prefix");
                String suffix = dalimil1origWordform.getString("suffix");
                String word = dalimil1origWordform.getString("word");
                String lemma_id = dalimil1origWordform.getString("lemma_id");
                String tag_id = dalimil1origWordform.getString("tag_id");
                //get all fields dalimil1original/dd_wordform - END

                //look where points lemma_id and tag_id
                String[] lemma_id_dd_lemma = retrieveLemmaContForId(dalimil1origCon, "dalimil1original", lemma_id);
                String tag_id_dd_tag = retrieveTagContForId(dalimil1origCon, "dalimil1original", tag_id);
                ArrayList<String> manuscript_cont = retrieveManuscriptNumsForId(dalimil1origCon, "dalimil1original", id);

                if(finished.equals("t")){ //entry is considered as finished, continue with check of presence in merged DB
                    boolean isPresentMerge = checkPresenceEntryMergedDB(id, "dalimil1", dalimil2Con, context, date, description, description2, description3,
                            ending, finished, namedentity, position1, position2, positiondetail, prefix,
                            suffix, word, tag_id_dd_tag, lemma_id_dd_lemma[0], lemma_id_dd_lemma[1], manuscript_cont);
                    if(!isPresentMerge){ //finished entry is not present in merged DB, that should not ever occur :(!!!
                        System.out.println("ERR, finished item from FIRST DB is not present in merged DB!!!" + id);
                        //System.out.println("Ok, item " + word + " (FIRST DB) found in merged DB " + id);

                //get all fields dalimil2original/dd_wordform - START
                String id = dalimil2origWordform.getString("id");
                String context = dalimil2origWordform.getString("context");
                String date = dalimil2origWordform.getString("date");
                String description = dalimil2origWordform.getString("description");
                String description2 = dalimil2origWordform.getString("description2");
                String description3 = dalimil2origWordform.getString("description3");
                String ending = dalimil2origWordform.getString("ending");
                String finished = dalimil2origWordform.getString("finished");
                String namedentity = dalimil2origWordform.getString("namedentity");
                String position1 = dalimil2origWordform.getString("position1");
                String position2 = dalimil2origWordform.getString("position2");
                String positiondetail = dalimil2origWordform.getString("positiondetail");
                String prefix = dalimil2origWordform.getString("prefix");
                String suffix = dalimil2origWordform.getString("suffix");
                String word = dalimil2origWordform.getString("word");
                if(word.equals("viz'u")){ //DB contains just one word, which throws exception -> edit the word
                    word = "viz''u";

                String lemma_id = dalimil2origWordform.getString("lemma_id");
                String tag_id = dalimil2origWordform.getString("tag_id");
                //get all fields dalimil2original/dd_wordform - END

                //look where points lemma_id and tag_id
                String[] lemma_id_dd_lemma = retrieveLemmaContForId(dalimil2origCon, "dalimil2original", lemma_id);
                String tag_id_dd_tag = retrieveTagContForId(dalimil2origCon, "dalimil2original", tag_id);
                ArrayList<String> manuscript_cont = retrieveManuscriptNumsForId(dalimil2origCon, "dalimil2original", id);

                if(finished.equals("t")){ //entry is considered as finished, continue with check of presence in merged DB
                    boolean isPresentMerge = checkPresenceEntryMergedDB(id, "dalimil2",dalimil2Con, context, date, description, description2, description3,
                            ending, finished, namedentity, position1, position2, positiondetail, prefix,
                            suffix, word, tag_id_dd_tag, lemma_id_dd_lemma[0], lemma_id_dd_lemma[1], manuscript_cont);
                    if(!isPresentMerge){ //finished entry is not present in merged DB, that should not ever occur :(!!!
                        System.out.println("ERR, finished item from SECOND DB is not present in merged DB!!!" + id);
                        //System.out.println("Ok, item " + word + " (FIRST DB) found in merged DB " + id);
        }catch (SQLException throwables) {
            System.out.println("err, working with dbs");

        closeDalimilX(dalimil1origCon, "dalimil1original");
        closeDalimilX(dalimil2origCon, "dalimil2original");

     * Checks whether entry specified by given parameters is present in merged DB (dalimil2).
     * @param id id the entry in given DB
     * @param nameDB name of the checked DB (dalimil1 or dalimil2 expected)
     * @param dalimil2mergedCon connection to merged database (dalimil2)
     * @param context original DB - table dd_wordform - context
     * @param date original DB - table dd_wordform - date
     * @param description original DB - table dd_wordform - description
     * @param description2 original DB - table dd_wordform - description2
     * @param description3 original DB - table dd_wordform - description3
     * @param ending original DB - table dd_wordform - ending
     * @param finished original DB - table dd_wordform - finished
     * @param namedentity original DB - table dd_wordform - namedentity
     * @param position1 original DB - table dd_wordform - position1
     * @param position2 original DB - table dd_wordform - position2
     * @param positiondetail original DB - table dd_wordform - positiondetail
     * @param prefix original DB - table dd_wordform - prefix
     * @param suffix original DB - table dd_wordform - suffix
     * @param word original DB - table dd_wordform - word
     * @param tag original DB - table dd_tag - tag
     * @param lemma original DB - table dd_lemma - lemma
     * @param pos original DB - table dd_lemma - pos
     * @param manuscriptNums original DB - table dd_manuscript - numbers of all manuscript assigned to doc
     * @return true if specified entry is present in second DB, else false
    private static boolean checkPresenceEntryMergedDB(String id, String nameDB, Connection dalimil2mergedCon, String context, String date, String description, String description2, String description3,
                                                      String ending, String finished, String namedentity, String position1, String position2, String positiondetail, String prefix,
                                                      String suffix, String word, String tag, String lemma, String pos, ArrayList<String> manuscriptNums){
        ResultSet retrievedResMerge = null; //result retrieved from merged DB (dalimil2)
        Statement statementMerge = null; //statement to be executed on merged DB (dalimil2)

        //tags in first DB are shorter than the ones in second DB (sec is 12char length) -> make it match
        while(tag.length() < 12){
            tag += "-";

            //retrieve all rows from dd_lemma which match desired lemma + pos (then one of the retrieved ids has to be assigned to the wordform) - START
            Statement statementLemma = dalimil2mergedCon.createStatement();
            ArrayList<String> possibleLemmaIdsList = new ArrayList<>();

            ResultSet statementLemmaRes = statementLemma.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM public.dd_lemma WHERE lemma='" + lemma + "' AND pos='" + pos + "';");

            //retrieve all rows from dd_lemma which match desired lemma + pos (then one of the retrieved ids has to be assigned to the wordform) - END

            //retrieve all rows from dd_tag which match desired tag (then one of the retrieved ids has to be assigned to the wordform) - START
            Statement statementTag = dalimil2mergedCon.createStatement();
            ArrayList<String> possibleTagIdsList = new ArrayList<>();

            ResultSet statementTagRes = statementTag.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM public.dd_tag WHERE tag='" + tag + "';");
            //retrieve all rows from dd_tag which match desired tag (then one of the retrieved ids has to be assigned to the wordform) - END

            boolean dd_wordformPresent = false;

            //retrieve all items from dd_wordform which match all attributes except for tag_id and lemma_id (then one one of retrieved ids must have assigned required manuscripts) - START
            statementMerge = dalimil2mergedCon.createStatement();
            ArrayList<String> wordformIds = new ArrayList<>();

            retrievedResMerge = statementMerge.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM public.dd_wordform WHERE context='" + context + "' AND date='" + date + "' AND description='" + description + "' AND description2='" + description2 + "' AND description3='" + description3 + "' AND ending='" + ending + "' AND finished='" + finished + "' AND namedentity='" + namedentity + "' AND position1='" + position1 + "' AND position2='" + position2 + "' AND positiondetail='" + positiondetail + "' AND prefix='" + prefix + "' AND suffix='" + suffix + "' AND word='" + word + "';");
                if(possibleTagIdsList.contains(retrievedResMerge.getString("tag_id")) && possibleLemmaIdsList.contains(retrievedResMerge.getString("lemma_id"))){ //found item with suitable tag id and lemma id
            //retrieve all items from dd_wordform which match all attributes except for tag_id and lemma_id (then one one of retrieved ids must have assigned required manuscripts) - END

            int matchCountWordform = 0; //number of matches found in merged DB, table dd_wordform
            ArrayList<String> matchingWordformLemmaTagManucriptIds = new ArrayList<>(); //wordform ids of items WHICH HAVE SAME: wordform, lemma, tag, assigned manuscript = totally equiv entry

            //got suitable dd_lemma + dd_tag -> from that deducted possible dd_wordform ids. now check if any of possible dd_wordform ids have assigned required manuscripts
            for(String suitableId : wordformIds){ //go through possible wordform ids and check if they have required entries in dd_manuscript
                Statement statementManuscript = dalimil2mergedCon.createStatement();
                ArrayList<String> assignedManuscriptNumsList = new ArrayList<>(); //manuscript numbers assigned to traversed id
                ResultSet statementManuscriptRes = statementManuscript.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM public.dd_manuscript WHERE wordform_id=" + suitableId + ";");

                while({ //add all manuscripts assigned to specified id to list
                    String manuscript = statementManuscriptRes.getString("manuscript");

                int traversedManuscriptCount = 0; //number of already checked assigned manuscripts
                for(String manuscriptNum : assignedManuscriptNumsList){

                if(traversedManuscriptCount == assignedManuscriptNumsList.size()){ //number of checked items equals to total number of assigned manuscripts, items MATCH (same wordform, lemma, tag and assigned manuscripts...)

            if(matchCountWordform == 1){ //found exactly one matching entry in merged DB (dalimil2), ok (if > 1 is not nice -> db contains redundant information, but doesnt matter that much...)
                dd_wordformPresent = true;
            }else if(matchCountWordform == 0){
                System.out.println("Not FOUND: db" + nameDB + ", id: " + id + "context='" + context + "' AND date='" + date + "' AND description='" + description + "' AND description2='" + description2 + "' AND description3='" + description3 + "' AND ending='" + ending + "' AND finished='" + finished + "' AND namedentity='" + namedentity + "' AND position1='" + position1 + "' AND position2='" + position2 + "' AND positiondetail='" + positiondetail + "' AND prefix='" + prefix + "' AND suffix='" + suffix + "' AND word='" + word + "';");
            }else if(matchCountWordform > 0){
                System.out.println("Found more than once! - START");

                for(int i = 0; i < wordformIds.size(); i++){
                    String wfid = wordformIds.get(i);
                    System.out.println("In merged db " + nameDB + " id is: " + wfid + ", id from original: " + id);

                    if(i != 0){ //do not delete the first one, must keep one equiv
                        deleteConflict(dalimil2mergedCon, "dalimil2merged", wfid, "DELETE AFTER MERGE"); //drop from first db
                System.out.println("Found more than once! - END");
                dd_wordformPresent = true;

            if(dd_wordformPresent){ //found entry with matching content - dd_wordform + dd_lemma + dd_tag + dd_manuscript (except for ids, thats obvious)
                return true;
                return false;
        } catch (SQLException throwables) {
            System.out.println("ERR, checking data in merged DB. id in original: " + id);
            return false;

     * Checks whether all deleted items really had equivavelents.
     * @param dalimil2mergedCon connection to DB which does not contains redundant items (final DB to be used)
    private static void reviewDeletedItemsMerge(Connection dalimil2mergedCon){
        Connection dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundantCon = establishDalimilX("dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant"); //connection to DB which still contains redundant items

        for(String removedId : deletedRedundantItIds){ //go through removed items in dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant and check if equiv is really present in dalimil2
            ResultSet wordformDeletedMerge = retrieveWordformIdDalimilX(dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundantCon, "dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant", removedId); //retrieve content of dd_wordform for deleted id

            int matchCount = 0; //number of items found in dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant with the specified id (SHOULD NOT EVER BE > 1!)

                while({ //go through items found with specified id

                    //get all fields dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant/dd_wordform - START
                    String id = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("id");
                    String context = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("context");
                    String date = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("date");
                    String description = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("description");
                    String description2 = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("description2");
                    String description3 = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("description3");
                    String ending = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("ending");
                    String finished = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("finished");
                    String namedentity = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("namedentity");
                    String position1 = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("position1");
                    String position2 = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("position2");
                    String positiondetail = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("positiondetail");
                    String prefix = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("prefix");
                    String suffix = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("suffix");
                    String word = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("word");
                    String lemma_id = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("lemma_id");
                    String tag_id = wordformDeletedMerge.getString("tag_id");
                    //get all fields dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant/dd_wordform - END

                    String[] lemma_id_dd_lemma = retrieveLemmaContForId(dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundantCon, "dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant", lemma_id); //retrieve lemma from dd_lemma for deleted id
                    String tag_id_dd_tag = retrieveTagContForId(dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundantCon, "dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant", tag_id); //retrieve tag from dd_tag for deleted id
                    ArrayList<String> manuscript_cont = retrieveManuscriptNumsForId(dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundantCon, "dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant", id); //retrieve manuscripts from dd_manuscript for deleted id

                    boolean isEquivPresent = checkPresenceEntryMergedDB(id, "dalimil2", dalimil2mergedCon, context, date, description, description2, description3,
                            ending, finished, namedentity, position1, position2, positiondetail, prefix,
                            suffix, word, tag_id_dd_tag, lemma_id_dd_lemma[0], lemma_id_dd_lemma[1], manuscript_cont);

                    if(!isEquivPresent){ //if equivalent is not present in DB with removed duplicates, something is wrong...
                        System.out.println("ERR, duplicated item with id " + id + " has no equivalents in final DB!!!");
                        System.out.println("Ok, found equivalent to removed id: " + removedId);
            }catch (SQLException throwables) {
                System.out.println("err, working with dbs");

            if(matchCount != 1){
                System.out.println("err, match count for deleted id is not 1!");

        closeDalimilX(dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundantCon, "dalimil2mergedWOdeletedredundant");

139 448
140 449
     * Parses content of the file which contains only valid entries and returns ArrayLists which contains ids of entries which should stay in DB. Each entry begins with "Dal1:" or "Dal2:" and ends with ", OK"
141 450
     * @param pathToFile path to the file which contains valid entries (checked by contracting authority)
176 485
177 486
178 487

        System.out.println("size is: " + toStayInDB[0].size() + " and " + toStayInDB[1].size());
        //System.out.println("size is: " + toStayInDB[0].size() + " and " + toStayInDB[1].size());
180 489

181 490
        return toStayInDB;
182 491
194 503
            int affectedManuscript = statement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM public.dd_manuscript WHERE wordform_id=" + id); //delete entry which is associated with the word from dd_manuscript
195 504
            int affectedWordform = statement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM public.dd_wordform WHERE id=" + id); //delete entry from dd_wordform
196 505
            //System.out.println("Removing affected wordform num:  " + affectedWordform + ", affected manuscript num: " + affectedManuscript + " info line: " + whichDB + " " + textRepres);
            System.out.println("Z " + whichDB + " odstraneno: " + textRepres);
197 507
        } catch (SQLException throwables) {
198 508
            System.out.println("ERR, " + whichDB + " - deleting conflicts from database.");
199 509
543 853
    private static Connection establishDalimilX(String whichDB){
544 854
        String jdbcDal1 = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/" + whichDB;
545 855
        String username = "postgres";
        String password = "PASS_TO_DB"; //obviously - replace this with your admin password
        String password = "YOUR_ADMIN_PASS"; //obviously - replace this with your admin password
547 857

548 858
        Connection connection = null;
549 859


Také k dispozici: Unified diff