




Weekly standup nr 3

Date: 02.04. 2021, 13:00
Present: Jan Pašek, Michal Seják, David Friesecký, Stanislav Král


  1. Current progress - each of us 3 minutes
  2. Branch naming conventions
  3. Responsibility for analysis before the implementation starts
  4. How to handle design changes
  5. Testing vs Implementation classification of issues.


  1. Based on the experience of Stanislav and David, the estimations for implementation issues were underestimated. In the next iteration, the estimations shall contain a larger buffer.
  2. The faced problems caused by insufficient analysis before the implementation started. However, the conclusion is that it was caused by the fact that at the beginning of the first implementation iteration, we implemented large pieces of code from scratch. Probably these problems will disappear and no process improvement is needed.
  3. Desing updates will be done on one branch, that is created for each iteration. Synchronization mutex in MS Teams will be used. Supporting classes/methods can be left out of the design. Public methods and parameters shall be kept updated in the main classes in the design so that the main interfaces are known. - see the policies wiki page.
  4. Current progress is ok. All iteration targets are feasible.

Aktualizováno uživatelem Jan Pašek před téměř 4 roky(ů) · 6 revizí