




Demo meeting nr 4 » Historie » Revize 4

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Jan Pašek, 2021-04-25 14:34

Demo meeting nr 5

Date: 23.04. 2021, 14:00
Present: Ing. Jakub Daněk, Michal Seják, Stanislav Král, David Friesecký, Jan Pašek


  1. Presentation and discussion about the current state of the application
    • Certificate creation improvement
    • Certificate details view
    • CRL/OCSP
    • Certificate deletion and revocation
    • Downloading associated keys
  2. Templating requirements
  3. Plans for the next iteration
  4. Q&A


  1. Current state of the application was presented to the customer. The customer was satisfied with the current state and the functionality provided.
  2. Mr. Daněk confirmed that he tried to use a certificate created using our application for signing a document via YOSO application and it works - validation procedure was passed.
  3. The customer agreed to implement only a minimalistic version of templating functionality via providing OpenSSL extension strings. This proposal came from our team since there were doubts, whether the customer will really use this function.
  4. Tasks that will be realized in the next two iterations were presented to the customer. Mr. Daněk requested a new functionality - to be able to generate a PCKS#12 identity based on provided name and password. Team made a commitment to implement this functionality into the final version of the application.
  5. In the next iteration the customer can expect the following functionality to be implemented:
    • Templating - user-provided extensions
    • Creating certificates based on provided/generated private keys with passwords.
    • Filtering of the certificate listing.
    • Creating PCKS#12 identity
    • Automatic tests using Robots framework.

Meeting chat

Jakub Danek14:13
certutil -urlcache * delete
Jakub Danek14:21
Jakub Danek14:30
Jakub Danek14:36
openssl pkcs12 -name pokus -export -out pokus.p12 -in chain.
pem -inkey 4_private_key.pem
chain.pem obsahuje komplet cert + inter + root v tomto poradi
Jakub Danek14:40

Aktualizováno uživatelem Jan Pašek před téměř 4 roky(ů) · 4 revizí