


Application for X509 certificate management » Historie » Revize 22

Revize 21 (Jan Pašek, 2021-03-03 12:14) → Revize 22/26 (Jan Pašek, 2021-03-03 14:21)

h1. Application for X.509 certificate management 

 *Process type:* ASWI process (iterative) 
 *Iteration length:* 2 weeks 
 *Expected iteration workload:* 40-50 hours 

 h2. Description% Description 

 The customer requested a web application that allows X.509 certificates management. The application shall provide three basic operations with the certificates: 
 * Create a new certificate issued by its own CA 
 * Manage the lifecycle of the certificate 
 * Certificate validation 

 * *Customer:* Ing. Jakub Daněk ( 
 * *Mentor:* Ing. Petr Pícha ( 

 h2. Team 

 * Bc. Jan Pašek ( 
 * Bc. Stanislav Král ( 
 * Bc. Michal Seják ( 
 * Bc. David Friesecký ( 

 h2. Milestones 

 * *PRI* - project initialized- initiation - _vision, production environment, project plan, requirements_ 
 * *LCOA* - lifecycle objectives and architecture- elaboration - _baseline architecture, proof of concept, requirements finalization_ 
 * *IOC* - initial operational capability- construction - _beta version, finalized architecture, at least 90% of the requirements_ versions_ 
 * *REL* - product release- transition - _final product, transition protocol, questionnaire for the team and customer_ 

 h2. Other pages 


 *ASWI Process reference:* 
 *ASWI Process specification:*