#8219 - Changed gunicorn Dockerfile
#8219 - Change .gitlab-ci.yml
#8219 - Dockerization improvements and gunicorn WSGI implementation
- when using docker to run the application nginx proxy is now used (app is then available at localhost:80)
#8219 - CI/CD progress
#8219 - added CI/CD pytest stage
#8219 - Updated README.md
#8219 - Updated README.md so it contains Docker deployment description
#8219 - Basic project dockerization
- created docker/Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
#8219 - Added recommended Python interpreter version to README.md
#8219 - Removed a new line character
#8219 - Added "Testing" section to README.md
#8219 - Added pytest dependency used for testing
- added a simple testcase that checks whether index page is being served correctly
#8219 - Python & Flask project initialization with a simple index endpoint
- added auto-generated .gitignore for Python and PyCharm projects
Update README.md
Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Initial commit
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