Revize 7294a1db
Přidáno uživatelem Stanislav Král před téměř 4 roky(ů)
robot_tests/user_stories.robot | ||
1 | 1 |
*** Settings *** |
2 | 2 |
Library Browser |
3 |
Suite Teardown Teardown |
3 |
Test Setup Setup Homepage |
4 |
Test Teardown Delete Root Certificate Authority Teardown |
4 | 5 |
5 | 6 |
*** Variables *** |
6 | 7 |
${url} http://localhost:5000 |
7 | 8 |
${root_ca_common_name} Root CA |
8 | 9 |
${inter_ca_common_name} Inter CA |
10 |
${end_cert_common_name} Foo Certificate |
9 | 11 |
${common_name_field} xpath=//input[@id='subject_CN'] |
10 | 12 |
${created_certificate_link} xpath=//table//td[1]/a |
11 | 13 |
${delete_button} xpath=//button[contains(@class, 'certificate-control') and text()="Delete"] |
12 | 14 |
${delete_button_modal} xpath=//div[@id="deleteModal"]//button[text()="Delete"] |
13 | 15 |
${table_rows} xpath=//div[@id="certificateListingPage"]//table/tbody/tr |
16 |
${table_rows_count} xpath=count(//div[@id="certificateListingPage"]//table/tbody/tr) |
14 | 17 |
${create_cert_select} xpath=//select[@id="CA"] |
15 | 18 |
${revocation_reason_select} xpath=//select[@id="reasonSelect"] |
16 | 19 |
${revoke_button_modal} xpath=//div[@id="revokeModal"]//button[text() = "Revoke"] |
... | ... | |
18 | 21 |
19 | 22 |
*** Test Cases *** |
20 | 23 |
User Can Manage Certificate Authorities |
21 |
Setup Homepage |
22 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
24 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing # FR 1.1 - root CA |
23 | 25 |
Certificate Table Is Empty |
24 | 26 |
Create Root Certificate Authority ${root_ca_common_name} |
25 | 27 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
26 | 28 |
Certificate Table Has Number Of Entries 1 |
27 | 29 |
Verify Certificate Is A Certificate Authority ${root_ca_common_name} |
28 |
Create Intermediate Certificate Authority ${root_ca_common_name} ${inter_ca_common_name} |
30 |
Create Intermediate Certificate Authority ${root_ca_common_name} ${inter_ca_common_name} # FR 1.1 - inter CA
29 | 31 |
Certificate Table Has Number Of Entries 2 |
30 | 32 |
Verify Certificate Is A Certificate Authority ${inter_ca_common_name} |
31 |
Open Certificate Detail ${inter_ca_common_name} |
33 |
Open Certificate Detail ${inter_ca_common_name} # FR 1.3 - validity
32 | 34 |
Page Title Is Certificate Detailed View |
33 | 35 |
Certificate Status Is Valid |
34 |
Revoke Certificate keyCompromise |
36 |
Revoke Certificate keyCompromise # FR 1.2 - revocation
35 | 37 |
Check Certificate Is Revoked |
36 |
Click Delete Button |
38 |
Click Delete Button # FR 1.3 - deletion
37 | 39 |
Confirm Delete Dialog |
38 | 40 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
39 | 41 |
Certificate Table Has Number Of Entries 1 |
40 | 42 |
First Certificate Table Entry Common Name Is ${root_ca_common_name} |
41 | 43 |
44 |
User Can Manage Certificates |
45 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing # root CA required |
46 |
Certificate Table Is Empty |
47 |
Create Root Certificate Authority ${root_ca_common_name} |
48 |
Create Certificate ${root_ca_common_name} ${end_cert_common_name} # FR 2.1 |
49 |
Certificate Table Has Number Of Entries 2 |
50 |
Open Certificate Detail ${end_cert_common_name} # FR 2.3 |
51 |
Certificate Status Is Valid |
52 |
Revoke Certificate keyCompromise # FR 2.2 |
53 |
Check Certificate Is Revoked |
54 |
42 | 55 |
*** Keywords *** |
43 |
Teardown |
44 |
Log Inside teardown |
56 |
Delete Root Certificate Authority Teardown |
45 | 57 |
Setup Homepage |
46 |
FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 |
47 |
Log About teardown |
48 |
${certificate_table_is_empty} Certificate Table Is Empty |
49 |
Exit For Loop If ${certificate_table_is_empty} |
50 |
Click First Certificate Table Entry |
51 |
Click Delete Button |
52 |
Confirm Delete Dialog |
53 |
54 |
Log Exited |
58 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
59 |
Open Certificate Detail ${root_ca_common_name} |
60 |
# deleting the root CA deletes all of it's children |
61 |
Click Delete Button |
62 |
Confirm Delete Dialog |
63 |
Certificate Table Is Empty |
55 | 64 |
56 | 65 |
Create Root Certificate Authority |
57 | 66 |
[Arguments] ${common_name} |
... | ... | |
59 | 68 |
Page Title Is Create Certificate |
60 | 69 |
Fill Common Name Field ${common_name} |
61 | 70 |
Click "Create certificate" |
71 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
62 | 72 |
63 | 73 |
Create Intermediate Certificate Authority |
64 | 74 |
[Arguments] ${issuer_common_name} ${common_name} |
... | ... | |
70 | 80 |
Click "Create certificate" |
71 | 81 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
72 | 82 |
83 |
Create Certificate |
84 |
[Arguments] ${issuer_common_name} ${common_name} |
85 |
Click "+" |
86 |
Page Title Is Create Certificate |
87 |
Select Issuer ${issuer_common_name} |
88 |
Fill Common Name Field ${common_name} |
89 |
Click "Create certificate" |
90 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
91 |
73 | 92 |
Open Certificate Detail |
74 | 93 |
[Arguments] ${common_name} |
75 | 94 |
Click xpath=//td/a[string() = "${common_name}"] |
... | ... | |
129 | 148 |
130 | 149 |
Select Revocation Reason |
131 | 150 |
[Arguments] ${revocation_reason} |
132 |
Log Revocation Reason |
133 |
Log ${revocation_reason} |
134 | 151 |
Get Element ${revocation_reason_select} |
135 | 152 |
Select Options By ${revocation_reason_select} Label ${revocation_reason} |
136 | 153 |
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Re #8703 - Extended user_stories.robot with a test case that verifies the "User can manage certificates " user story
Added test case comments describing which FRs are being tested.