


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
  unit_tests 0 Bajtů 202 Bajtů 182 Bajtů

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
19e5260d 2021-04-12 23:00 Stanislav Král

Re #8573 - Implemented extract_public_key_from_certificate

ce8b9aaf 2021-04-12 22:15 Stanislav Král

Re #8573 - Implemented get_private_key_of_a_certificate method in CertController and added /api/certificates/<id>/private_key endpoint

cfda1725 2021-04-12 21:28 Stanislav Král

Re #8573 - Implemented get_public_key_of_a_certificate method in CertController and added /api/certificates/<id>/public_key endpoint

19d25d2f 2021-04-12 20:46 Stanislav Král

Re #8573 - Added get_public_key method to KeyService that extracts a public key from a private key

e8face67 2021-04-12 20:36 Stanislav Král

Re #8573 - Changed extract_public_key method in such way that it now extracts a public key from a private key instead of a certificate

5c748d51 2021-04-12 20:16 Stanislav Král

Re #8573 - Implemented extract_public_key method that allows the caller to extract a public key from a certificate

2bb3759c 2021-04-11 14:15 Stanislav Král

Re #8579 - Changed of service and DAO tests in such way that test_configuration is now used

d2b0ef43 2021-04-11 14:15 Stanislav Král

Re #8475 - Applied FlaskInjector to REST API tests

2f38462f 2021-04-09 19:24 Jan Pašek

Re #8569 Fixed failing pipeline

3195e946 2021-04-09 18:46 Jan Pašek

Re #8569 Fixed broken tests after injection implementation

Zobrazit revize

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