


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
.gitignore 3.96 KB
.gitlab-ci.yml 286 Bajtů 822 Bajtů
SQLite_database.sql 2.04 KB
SQLite_default_values.sql 712 Bajtů 452 Bajtů
design.EAP 3.02 MB
docker-compose.yml 417 Bajtů
requirements.txt 27 Bajtů 82 Bajtů

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
10fab051 2021-04-04 13:53 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Implemented get_certificate method in CertificateService and added a test testing this method

a7411982 2021-04-04 13:51 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Fixed a bug in CertificateRepository that resulted in inability to get a single certificate by ID

4cf3b539 2021-04-04 13:40 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Extended integration test asserting correct reading from the database

f9711600 2021-04-04 13:39 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Fixed a bug in PrivateKeyRepository that resulted in inability to get a single private key from the repository

e39e138f 2021-04-04 13:31 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Improved SQL connection/cursor fixtures in such way that connection to DB happens only once per test module

d3fa9147 2021-04-04 12:53 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Added simple integration tests

313b647b 2021-04-04 12:15 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Finished implementation of create_root_ca method in CertificateService

f3125948 2021-04-04 12:12 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Made small fixes to the CertificateRepository

36409852 2021-04-04 10:17 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Improved parse_cert_pem method in such way that it also parses notBefore and notAfter fields now

cc51ca2c 2021-04-04 00:00 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Finished implementation of parse_cert_pem method that parses a subject out of a PEM formatted certificate

Added few unit tests testing this method.

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