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Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
c0aed2f5 2021-03-30 15:07 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Added create_sscrt method that creates a self signed certificate

Added 5 unit tests verifying the validity of the certificate generation.

f16fb9e7 2021-03-29 13:02 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Added CryptographyService class and implemented a method to generate private keys

Added CryptographyException exception that is thrown when incorrect parameters are passed to openssl or when openssl process exits with non-zero return code.
Added 3 unit tests verifying the validity of the private key generation.

9f021e9c 2021-03-13 11:17 Stanislav Král

Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should pass)

2a934a9a 2021-03-13 11:15 Stanislav Král

Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should fail)

7065d97a 2021-03-04 22:40 Stanislav Král

#8219 - Added pytest dependency used for testing

- added a simple testcase that checks whether index page is being served correctly

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