Re #8472 - Implemented create_ca method in CertificateService and added test verifying this method's validity
Re #8472 - Fixed CertificateRepository bug that resulted in inability to create certificates
Re #8472 - Implemented get_certificate method in CertificateService and added a test testing this method
Re #8472 - Fixed a bug in CertificateRepository that resulted in inability to get a single certificate by ID
Re #8472 - Extended integration test asserting correct reading from the database
Re #8472 - Fixed a bug in PrivateKeyRepository that resulted in inability to get a single private key from the repository
Re #8472 - Improved SQL connection/cursor fixtures in such way that connection to DB happens only once per test module
Re #8472 - Added simple integration tests
Re #8472 - Finished implementation of create_root_ca method in CertificateService
Re #8472 - Made small fixes to the CertificateRepository
Re #8472 - Improved parse_cert_pem method in such way that it also parses notBefore and notAfter fields now
Re #8472 - Finished implementation of parse_cert_pem method that parses a subject out of a PEM formatted certificate
Added few unit tests testing this method.
Re #8472 - WIP commit of adding a method capable of parsing a Subject from a cert PEM
Re #8472 - Implemented KeyService
Re #8472 - Fixed PrivateKey field assignment typo
Re #8471 - Merge implement DAO - source code
Re #8471 - Implemented selection of all private keys
Re #8471 - Implemented filter of certificates- Implemented filter by certificate type using index (id) from CertificateTypes table- No multiple types supported
Merge branch '8512_update_architecture'
Re: #8471 - Modified database- password can be null- FKs in CertificateUsages can not be null
Re #8512 - Rewritten ERA model
Re #8471 - Error correction after review
Re #8471 - Added initialize test
Re #8471 - Simplification of CRUD functions- conversion source of private key repository to one file- added comments
Re #8471 - Simplification of CRUD functions- conversion source of certificate repository to one file- added comments
Re #8471 - Added name of tables to constants- TAB_CERTIFICATE_TYPES for CertificateTypes table- TAB_USAGE_TYPES for UsageTypes table
Re #8471 - Modified scripts and database- relation between Certificates and CertificateUsages tables on delete 'no action' >> 'cascade'
Re #8471 - Modified relation between tables- relation between Certificates and CertificateUsages tables 'no action' >> 'cascade'
Re #8471 - Modified source- deleted redundat files- deleted '_impl' from repositories filename
Re #8471 - Added comments for CRUD functions
Re #8471 - Tested direct DB communication- implemented tests for Certificates and PrivateKeys tables via DBManager
Re #8471 - Created database file
Re #8471 - Added FK of parent certificate
Re #8472 cryptography service implementationMerge branch '#8472_CryptographyService_Implementation' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!6
Re #8471 - Edited files for DB communication
Re #8471 - Edited Certificate object- due to database modification
Re #8471 - Edited constants
Re #8472 - Changed order of create_sscrt method parameters
Re #8472 - Changed some parameter names in create_csr method and renamed to
Re #8472 - Changed access modifier of run_for_output method to private (was protected previously)
Re #8472 - Changed access modifier of subject_to_param method to private (was protected previously) and added docstring to it
Re #8472 - Changed access modifier of sign_csr method to private (was protected previously)
Re #8472 - Changed access modifier of create_csr method to private (was protected previously)
Re #8471 - Repaired datamodel (SQLite)- inserted new table for NxN relation (Certificates - UsageTypes)
Re #8471 - Repaired datamodel (SQLite)- inserted new table for NxN relation (Certificates - UsageTypes)- edited .sql scripts
Re #8512 - Minor updates of parameters and method names.
Re #8472 - Removed useless private key generation in
Re #8472 - Changed access modifiers of some methods and fixed
Re #8472 - Added new line to `_run_for_output` method's docstring
Re #8472 - Removed unused method parameters
Re #8472 - Renamed `verify_ca` method to `verify_cert` and improved its documentation
Re #8472 - Improved `create_crt` documentation
Re #8472 - Renamed `make_csr` method to `create_csr`
Re #8471 - Corrected stylistics and warnings
Re #8472 - Added few unit tests that perform further testing of _run_for_output method
Re #8472 - Added verify_ca method that verifies whether a certificate has expired
Added 3 unit tests that verify the added method.Added "days" parameter to some methods in order to be able to specify the number of days after which the generated certificate will expire.
Re #8472 - Small changes in the documentation
Re #8472 - Added create_crt method that creates a certificate
Added 3 unit tests testing the added method.
Re #8472 - Added sign_csr method that signs a CSR
Re #8472 - Added make_csr method that makes a CSR
Added 2 unit tests testing the added method.Moved CryptographyService tests into a separate files
Re #8512 - Parameter updates, parameter names shown.
Re #8472 - Added create_sscrt method that creates a self signed certificate
Added 5 unit tests verifying the validity of the certificate generation.
Re #8512 - Updated the architecture according to discussion conclusion.
Re #8471 - Implemented DB communication- Implementation of communication with specific tables (Certificate, PrivateKey)
Re #8471 - Edited arguments in headers of functions
Re #8471 - Created constants of DB names- Constant for each of names in DB (table, column)
Re #8471 - Implemented DB communication- implemented operations create, read, update, delete- created file with constants contains name of DB file and default values in DB
Re #8471 - Initialization of DAO implementation- created data class according to DB tables (Certificate, PrivateKey)- created abstract class for DB communication
Re #8474 - Added Bootstrap .map files
Re #8474 - Fixed index.html table header alignment
Re #8472 - Added CryptographyService class and implemented a method to generate private keys
Added CryptographyException exception that is thrown when incorrect parameters are passed to openssl or when openssl process exits with non-zero return code.Added 3 unit tests verifying the validity of the private key generation.
Re #8474 - Separated issuer and subject in create_certificate.html
Re #8474 - Styling of create_certificate.html using Bootstrap
Re #8474 - Styling of index.html using Bootstrap
Re #8474 - Added Bootstrap resources
Re #8474 - Created create_certificate.html for creating certificates
Re #8474 - Created index.html with certificate listing
Fixed a typo
Re #8429 - Updates resulting from the standard review.
Re #8429 - Fixed minor issues discovered during Architecture Documentation updates.
Re #8429 - Completed the contained artefacts according to discussion conclusion.
Re #8429 - Finished discussion-independent updates.
Re #8305 create era modelMerge branch '#8305_Create_ERA_model' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!5
Re #8305 - Edited ERA model and script for generate database- password column migrated from Certificate table to PrivateKey table
Re #8305 - Created ERA model and DB script- ERA model- script for generate DB- script for insert default values into DB
Re #8306 architecture mergeMerge branch '#8306_architecture' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!4
Re #8306 - Removed a redundant, empty model.
Re #8306 - Architecture overview saved.
Re #8306 - Architecture overview added.
Re #8306 - Added sequence diagrams for OpenSSL calls
Re #8306 - Minor changes to the architecture design.
Re #8306 - Created Class UML diagram, prepared the issue for reviewal.
Re #8306 - Added a Main Sequence Diagram
Re #8306 - Activity diagram created, Requirement model directory created
Re #8310 - Updated the use case diagram with accordance to new requirement specifications.
Re #8310 updated use case diagram
Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should pass)
Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should fail)