Re #8779 - Implemented disabling logging during tests
Re #8880 - Edited config file (inserted RootDir)- improved creating of logs and db directories
Merge branch '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion' into 'master'
8778 subject country code assertion
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!30
Merge branch 'master' into '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion'
Extended with a parametrized test (added "" country code)
Merge branch '8885_Global_exception_handler' into 'master'
8885 global exception handler
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!29
Moved global error handlers out of the CertificateController to a separate file.Renamed generic exception handlers.
Added a global error handler for generic exceptions.Covered the added global exception error handler in a test.
Added a global error handler for DatabaseException errors.Covered the added global DatabaseException error handler in a test.
Added a global error handler for CryptographyException errors.Added a dependency ony pytest-mock library in order to be able to mock method calls in tests.Covered the added global CryptographyException error handler in a test.
Added a logger call when an invalid subject attribute error is raised in a request handler.
Empty country code is now considered as a valid country code when creating a new certificate.
Changed tests accordingly.
Added REST API tests covering whether specifying an invalid country code when making new certificate requests results in a Bad request HTTP status code and a particular response
Covered test cases where CertificateService should/shouldn't raise InvalidSubjectAttribute error
Removed assert_invalid_subject_attribute_error function in test
Improved by using test parametrization.
Covered the new CertificateService check_subject_is_valid with unit tests.
Improved InvalidSubjectAttribute string representation and added an "except" block in CertificateController that handles this error.
Added docstrings describing the reasons why an InvalidCertificateAttribute error might be raised in the CertificateService.
Added a new exception that is thrown when a subject with an invalid attribute is passed while creating a new certificate via CertificateService.
Added db folder to .gitignore and deleted it from the repository
Added logging of OperationalError errors
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8696_Improve_database_init'
Update swagger.yaml
Re #8703 - Review -> Merge into master.
Re #8703 - Added ./robot_tests/.gitignore and changed
Deleted outdated sample.robot test.
Re #8703 - Extended user_stories.robot with a test case that verifies the "User can manage certificates " user story
Added test case comments describing which FRs are being tested.
Re #8703 - Added user_stories.robot test and implemented a test case that verifies the "User Can Manage Certificate Authorities" user story
Merge branch 'master' into 8714_Robot_framework_preparation
Re #8703 - Improved sample.robot test by adding various keywords
Merge branch '8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' into 'master'
8706 functional improvement of gui
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!27
Re #8706 - Bugfix of downloading identity binary files
Re #8696 - Added TODO to SQL query constant
Re #8706 - Minor adjustments of GUI
Re #8696 - Improved DB creation- secured start application without lost data
Re #8706 - Removed debug print statements.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' into 8706_functional_improvement_of_gui
Re #8706 - Fixed a bug where certificates without usages would not be returned when the usage filter was unspecified. Added a related integration test.
Re #8706 - Certificate list filtering
Re #8706 - Pagination implemented
Re #8706 - Filtering options implemented in the GUI
Re #8706 - certificate creation - change in filtering of available CAs
Re #8706 - Extensions specification improvement
Re #8706 - revocation status improvement
Re #8706 - Added pagination elements
Re #8706 - Specify custom extensions
Re #8706 - Rebased to current master
Re #8706 - More downloads in certificate listing
Re #8706 - Fix of downloading PKCS#12
Re #8706 - Downloading PKCS#12 identity
Re #8706 - Added issuer link
Re #8706 - Added status adn issuer details to certificate details view
Merge branch 'resolve_conflicts_master'
Merge branch 'resolve_conflicts' into resolve_conflicts_master
Re #8705 - Fixed a merge conflict.
[Merge conflict] - reverted controller version from #8702
[Merge conflict] - reverted controller version from #8705
Merge branch '8705_rapi_private_key' into 'master'
8705 rapi private key
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!23
Merge branch 'master' into '8705_rapi_private_key'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8705_rapi_private_key' into 8705_rapi_private_key
Re #8705 - Added CertService tests for `verify_key` and key reusal functionality of `wrap_custom_key`.
Re #8705 - Reformatting, test updates (discussed invalid branch returns 400).
Re #8705 - `verify_key` bugfix - added check whether the passed PEM is an actual key
Re #8705 - Review updates.
Re #8702 - Updated Certificate constructors in compliance with the recent database updates.
Re #8706 - Providing custom private key
Merge branch '8702_augmented_filtering' into 'master'
8702 Augmented filtering of certificates
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!25
Merge branch '8704_create_cert_extensions' into 'master'
8704 Let certificate extensions be specified via REST API
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!24
Re #8704 - Minor fix (return code 500 -> 400)
Merge branch '8706_functional_improvement_of_gui' of into 8706_functional_improvement_of_gui
Merge branch '8708_PKCS_Identity' into 'master'
8708 pkcs identity
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!22
Re #8708 - Changed the generate_pkcs_identity method of the CertificateService in such way that the Certificate class instance is now passed instead of a certificate ID resulting in a decrease of SQL queries.
Re #8714 - Extended the sample.robot test case with a custom keyword
Re #8705 - Changed usage dict to usage list in the client application while creating certificate
Re #8714 - Added a simple Robot Framework GUI test that verifies whether creation and removal of a certificate is working correctly
Re #8708 - Added a unit test covering a scenario in which an empty identity password is passed to the generate_pkcs_identity method of the CryptographyService
Improved the generate_pkcs_identity method in such way that when None is passed as the identity password then an empty string literal ("") is used instead.
Re #8704 - Minor fix (extensions default None -> "")
Re #8704 - Added an invalid extension test.
Re #8704 - Added the `extension` parameter to the create endpoint.
Re #8702 - Reset DB w.r.t. new ``.
Re #8702 - Added filtering/pagination tests.
Re #8702 - Minor bug and flow fixes.
Re #8702 - Finished implementing filtering methods in the CertService.
Re #8702 - Added filtering methods to CertRepository.
Re #8708 - Changed /api/certificates/{id}/identity endpoint method back to POST (facepalm)
Changed REST API tests accordingly.
Merge branch '8590_Implement_subject_fields'