Re #8702 - Added filtering/pagination tests.
Re #8700 - Review merge.
Re #8707 - Added integration test of the RestAPI
Re #8700 - Implemented certificate revalidation check and fixed affected tests
Re #8709 - included root certificate into the trust chain
Re #8575 - Removed useless print method calls
Re #8576 crl endpointMerge branch '8576_crl_endpoint' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!15
Re #8577 - Added OCSP integration tests.
Re #8576 - Added crl endpoint integration tests, fix of serial number
Merge branch 'master' into 8583_interactive_details_page
Re #8572 - resolved conflicts
Re #8574 - Added tests for the new filtering functionality.
Re #8572 - Added tests for certificate deletion.
Re #8583 - Fixed failing tests
Re #8571 - Fixed problems during walk-through code review
Re #8571 - RestAPI testing
Re #8573 - Minor test bugfix (review)
Re #8573 - Fixed an invalid test_get_cert_private_key_incorrect_id test
Re #8573 - Fixed an invalid test_get_cert_private_key test
Re #8573 - Implemented get_private_key_of_a_certificate method in CertController and added /api/certificates/<id>/private_key endpoint
Re #8573 - Implemented get_public_key_of_a_certificate method in CertController and added /api/certificates/<id>/public_key endpoint
Re #8475 - Applied FlaskInjector to REST API tests
Re #8569 Fixed failing pipeline
Re #8569 Fixed broken tests after injection implementation
Re #8475 - Fixed minor bug in GET /api/certificates endpoint with filtering
Re #8475 - Added redirect from "/" to "/static/index.html"
Re #8476 - Changed structure of tests- Renamed DAO integration tests so that they are found by pytest- Moved RestAPI tests from UnitTests to IntegrationTests