Re #8583 - certificate.js and utilities.js using await
Re #8583 - index.js uses await
Re #8583 - create_certificate.js uses await
Re #8583 - create_certificate.js moved initialization code into mounted
Re #8583 - index.js moved initialization code into mounted
Re #8583 - certificate.js moved initialization code to mounted
Re #8583 - Fixed a typo in a comment
Re #8583 - Certificate management tab design improvement
Re #8583 - Display issued certificates
Re #8583 - Deleting certificates
Re #8583 - Revocation finished, deletion modal
Re #8583 - Loading screen and error reaction in certificate.html
Re #8583 - GUI simplified
Re #8583 - Downloading certificate keys
Re #8583 - Details page subject data
Re #8583 - Improved certificate listing
Re #8583 - Merged certificate details static page
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 8583_interactive_details_page
Re #8568 - Implemented new buttons/links- implemented buttons (chain of trust, root), links (CRL, OCSP)- move locale css to the file
Re #8568 - Added buttons and list of certificates- added button download certificate, download public/private key
Re #8568 - Edited detailed view by the RestAPI
Re #8568 - Added signature info- added signature info into static GUI of detailed view
Re #8568 - Created static GUI of certificate detailed view
Re #8583 Certificate creation - highlight CN if empty
Re #8583 Certificate listing - downloading certificates as .pem instead of .crt
Re #8583 Certificate creation - creation success alert using Bootstrap
Re #8583 Certificate creation - display bootstrap alert instead of popup alert
Re #8583 Certificate creation - when 'Self-signed' is checked, CA usage is selected by default
Re #8583 Added self-signed checkbox when creating certificates
Re #8475 - Connection to the RestAPI
Re #8475 - Changed notBefore & notAfter to validityDays
Re #8475 - Added code comments
Re #8475 - Create certificate, added cancel button, success alert
Re #8475 - Create certificate, binding input fields
Re #8475 - Create certificate, available CA selection
Re #8475 - Create certificate, selected CA binding
Re #8475 - Created constants.js for Rest API endpoint definitions
Re #8475 - Certificate item component added
Re #8475 - Added utilities.js with file download support
Re #8475 - Added Axios library
Re #8474 - Added Bootstrap .map files
Re #8474 - Fixed index.html table header alignment
Re #8474 - Separated issuer and subject in create_certificate.html
Re #8474 - Styling of create_certificate.html using Bootstrap
Re #8474 - Styling of index.html using Bootstrap
Re #8474 - Added Bootstrap resources
Re #8474 - Created create_certificate.html for creating certificates
Re #8474 - Created index.html with certificate listing
#8219 - Dockerization improvements and gunicorn WSGI implementation
- when using docker to run the application nginx proxy is now used (app is then available at localhost:80)