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Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
6f4a5f24 2021-04-06 16:30 Michal Seják

Re #8476 - Repository bugfix.

45744020 2021-04-05 22:03 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Changed delete methods in repositories in such way that delete methods now return True only when at least one row was deleted

0f3af523 2021-04-05 21:41 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Changed CertificateRepository.read_all method in such way that empty list is now returned instead of None when no certificates are found

ef65f488 2021-04-05 21:19 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Implemented get_chain_of_trust method and added an integration test validating it

Added return type specification to read_all method in CertificateRepository

6f64f062 2021-04-05 19:57 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Fixed an issue in the certificate repository that resulted in inability to filter certificates by their type

093d06df 2021-04-05 18:45 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Fixed an issue in CertificateRepository.create() method where update result (boolean) was returned instead of the created ID

fa72c969 2021-04-04 17:38 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Fixed CertificateRepository bug that resulted in inability to create certificates

a7411982 2021-04-04 13:51 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Fixed a bug in CertificateRepository that resulted in inability to get a single certificate by ID

f9711600 2021-04-04 13:39 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Fixed a bug in PrivateKeyRepository that resulted in inability to get a single private key from the repository

f3125948 2021-04-04 12:12 Stanislav Král

Re #8472 - Made small fixes to the CertificateRepository

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