Re #8573 - Implemented extract_public_key method that allows the caller to extract a public key from a certificate
Re #8475 - Applied FlaskInjector to REST API tests
Re #8476 - Cleaned-up database.
Re #8476 - Auxiliary script for database initialization, FileAnchor
Re #8476 - Clarity update.
Re #8476 - Changed the name of `CertificatesUsages` to `CertificateUsages`.
Re: #8471 - Modified database- password can be null- FKs in CertificateUsages can not be null
Re #8471 - Modified scripts and database- relation between Certificates and CertificateUsages tables on delete 'no action' >> 'cascade'
Re #8471 - Tested direct DB communication- implemented tests for Certificates and PrivateKeys tables via DBManager
Re #8471 - Created database file
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