Merge branch 'master' into '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion'
Moved global error handlers out of the CertificateController to a separate file.Renamed generic exception handlers.
Added a global error handler for generic exceptions.Covered the added global exception error handler in a test.
Added a global error handler for DatabaseException errors.Covered the added global DatabaseException error handler in a test.
Added a global error handler for CryptographyException errors.Added a dependency ony pytest-mock library in order to be able to mock method calls in tests.Covered the added global CryptographyException error handler in a test.
Empty country code is now considered as a valid country code when creating a new certificate.
Changed tests accordingly.
Added REST API tests covering whether specifying an invalid country code when making new certificate requests results in a Bad request HTTP status code and a particular response
Covered test cases where CertificateService should/shouldn't raise InvalidSubjectAttribute error
Re #8706 - Removed debug print statements.
Re #8706 - Fixed a bug where certificates without usages would not be returned when the usage filter was unspecified. Added a related integration test.
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