Revize b0917325
Přidáno uživatelem Jan Pašek před téměř 4 roky(ů)
robot_tests/user_stories.robot | ||
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
*** Variables *** |
7 | 7 |
${url} http://localhost:5000 |
8 |
${root_ca_common_name} Root CA |
8 |
${root_ca_common_name} Root CA
9 | 9 |
${inter_ca_common_name} Inter CA |
10 | 10 |
${end_cert_common_name} Foo Certificate |
11 |
${no_certificate_found} No certificate found |
11 | 12 |
${common_name_field} xpath=//input[@id='subject_CN'] |
12 | 13 |
${created_certificate_link} xpath=//table//td[1]/a |
13 | 14 |
${delete_button} xpath=//button[contains(@class, 'certificate-control') and text()="Delete"] |
... | ... | |
55 | 56 |
*** Keywords *** |
56 | 57 |
Delete Root Certificate Authority Teardown |
57 | 58 |
Setup Homepage |
59 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
58 | 60 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
59 | 61 |
Open Certificate Detail ${root_ca_common_name} |
60 | 62 |
# deleting the root CA deletes all of it's children |
61 | 63 |
Click Delete Button |
62 | 64 |
Confirm Delete Dialog |
65 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
63 | 66 |
Certificate Table Is Empty |
64 | 67 |
65 | 68 |
Create Root Certificate Authority |
66 | 69 |
[Arguments] ${common_name} |
67 | 70 |
Click "+" |
71 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
68 | 72 |
Page Title Is Create Certificate |
69 | 73 |
Fill Common Name Field ${common_name} |
70 | 74 |
Click "Create certificate" |
75 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
71 | 76 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
72 | 77 |
73 | 78 |
Create Intermediate Certificate Authority |
74 | 79 |
[Arguments] ${issuer_common_name} ${common_name} |
75 | 80 |
Click "+" |
81 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
76 | 82 |
Page Title Is Create Certificate |
77 | 83 |
Select Issuer ${issuer_common_name} |
78 | 84 |
Fill Common Name Field ${common_name} |
79 | 85 |
Check Checkbox "CA" |
80 | 86 |
Click "Create certificate" |
87 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
81 | 88 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
82 | 89 |
83 | 90 |
Create Certificate |
84 | 91 |
[Arguments] ${issuer_common_name} ${common_name} |
85 | 92 |
Click "+" |
93 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
86 | 94 |
Page Title Is Create Certificate |
87 | 95 |
Select Issuer ${issuer_common_name} |
88 | 96 |
Fill Common Name Field ${common_name} |
89 | 97 |
Click "Create certificate" |
98 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
90 | 99 |
Page Title Is Certificate Listing |
91 | 100 |
92 | 101 |
Open Certificate Detail |
93 | 102 |
[Arguments] ${common_name} |
94 | 103 |
Click xpath=//td/a[string() = "${common_name}"] |
104 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
95 | 105 |
96 | 106 |
Revoke Certificate |
97 | 107 |
[Arguments] ${reason} |
98 | 108 |
Click Revoke Button |
99 | 109 |
Select Revocation Reason ${reason} |
100 | 110 |
Confirm Revoke Dialog |
111 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
101 | 112 |
102 | 113 |
Verify Certificate Is A Certificate Authority |
103 | 114 |
[Arguments] ${common_name} |
104 | 115 |
Open Certificate Detail ${common_name} |
116 |
Wait Until Network Is Idle |
105 | 117 |
Get Checkbox State xpath=//input[@id="isCA"] == checked |
106 | 118 |
Go Back |
107 | 119 |
... | ... | |
113 | 125 |
Get Element Count ${table_rows} == ${number_of_entries} |
114 | 126 |
115 | 127 |
Certificate Table Is Empty |
116 |
Certificate Table Has Number Of Entries 0 |
128 |
Certificate Table Has Number Of Entries 1 |
129 |
Get Text ${table_rows} == ${no_certificate_found} |
117 | 130 |
118 | 131 |
Page Title Is |
119 | 132 |
[Arguments] ${title} |
Také k dispozici: Unified diff
Re #8701 - Fixed failing robots test