Merge branch 'master' into 8652_date_storage
Re #8927 improve load db scriptsMerge branch '8927_Improve_load_DB_scripts' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!37
Removed redundant debug lines in
Re #8927 - Deleted historical directory with conftest
Re #8927 - Improved loading scripts into DB
Merge branch 'master' into '8586_response_code_updates'
Re #8586 - Changed 205 to 404.
Re #8652 - Updated the conversion method of dates from db to ca index format.
Re #8589 - Implemented get_root(unique_id) in CertificateService
Merge branch 'master' into '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion'
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