


| Větev: | Tag: | Revize:
Název Velikost
.gitignore 3.98 KB
.gitlab-ci.yml 391 Bajtů 1.14 KB
SQLite_database.sql 2.29 KB
SQLite_database_check.sql 1.99 KB
SQLite_default_values.sql 712 Bajtů 6.03 KB
design.EAP 3.02 MB
docker-compose.yml 480 Bajtů
requirements.txt 116 Bajtů
test_server.cfg 123 Bajtů 169 Bajtů

Poslední revize

# Datum Autor Komentář
5678036c 2021-05-12 13:56 David Friesecký

Re #8880 - Edited config file (inserted RootDir)
- improved creating of logs and db directories

57133ed8 2021-05-09 14:48 Jan Pašek

Merge branch '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion' into 'master'

8778 subject country code assertion

See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!30

a0568c13 2021-05-09 14:47 Jan Pašek

Merge branch 'master' into '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion'

  1. Conflicts:
  2. tests/integration_tests/rest_api/
c6a4e5d4 2021-05-09 14:45 Stanislav Král

Extended with a parametrized test (added "" country code)

f5ee6a21 2021-05-09 14:22 Jan Pašek

Merge branch '8885_Global_exception_handler' into 'master'

8885 global exception handler

See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!29

266e1b4d 2021-05-08 09:01 Stanislav Král

Moved global error handlers out of the CertificateController to a separate file.
Renamed generic exception handlers.

d55b3aff 2021-05-08 08:47 Stanislav Král

Added a global error handler for generic exceptions.
Covered the added global exception error handler in a test.

2166bb21 2021-05-08 06:47 Stanislav Král

Added a global error handler for DatabaseException errors.
Covered the added global DatabaseException error handler in a test.

da0fc952 2021-05-08 06:37 Stanislav Král

Added a global error handler for CryptographyException errors.
Added a dependency ony pytest-mock library in order to be able to mock method calls in tests.
Covered the added global CryptographyException error handler in a test.

0c75dfd8 2021-05-08 05:44 Stanislav Král

Added a logger call when an invalid subject attribute error is raised in a request handler.

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