Re #8471 - Simplification of CRUD functions- conversion source of private key repository to one file- added comments
Re #8471 - Simplification of CRUD functions- conversion source of certificate repository to one file- added comments
Re #8471 - Added name of tables to constants- TAB_CERTIFICATE_TYPES for CertificateTypes table- TAB_USAGE_TYPES for UsageTypes table
Re #8471 - Modified scripts and database- relation between Certificates and CertificateUsages tables on delete 'no action' >> 'cascade'
Re #8471 - Modified relation between tables- relation between Certificates and CertificateUsages tables 'no action' >> 'cascade'
Re #8471 - Modified source- deleted redundat files- deleted '_impl' from repositories filename
Re #8471 - Added comments for CRUD functions
Re #8471 - Tested direct DB communication- implemented tests for Certificates and PrivateKeys tables via DBManager
Re #8471 - Created database file
Re #8471 - Added FK of parent certificate
Re #8471 - Edited files for DB communication
Re #8471 - Edited Certificate object- due to database modification
Re #8471 - Edited constants
Re #8471 - Repaired datamodel (SQLite)- inserted new table for NxN relation (Certificates - UsageTypes)
Re #8471 - Repaired datamodel (SQLite)- inserted new table for NxN relation (Certificates - UsageTypes)- edited .sql scripts
Re #8471 - Corrected stylistics and warnings
Re #8471 - Implemented DB communication- Implementation of communication with specific tables (Certificate, PrivateKey)
Re #8471 - Edited arguments in headers of functions
Re #8471 - Created constants of DB names- Constant for each of names in DB (table, column)
Re #8471 - Implemented DB communication- implemented operations create, read, update, delete- created file with constants contains name of DB file and default values in DB
Re #8471 - Initialization of DAO implementation- created data class according to DB tables (Certificate, PrivateKey)- created abstract class for DB communication
Fixed a typo
Re #8429 - Updates resulting from the standard review.
Re #8429 - Fixed minor issues discovered during Architecture Documentation updates.
Re #8429 - Completed the contained artefacts according to discussion conclusion.
Re #8429 - Finished discussion-independent updates.
Re #8305 create era modelMerge branch '#8305_Create_ERA_model' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!5
Re #8305 - Edited ERA model and script for generate database- password column migrated from Certificate table to PrivateKey table
Re #8305 - Created ERA model and DB script- ERA model- script for generate DB- script for insert default values into DB
Re #8306 architecture mergeMerge branch '#8306_architecture' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!4
Re #8306 - Removed a redundant, empty model.
Re #8306 - Architecture overview saved.
Re #8306 - Architecture overview added.
Re #8306 - Added sequence diagrams for OpenSSL calls
Re #8306 - Minor changes to the architecture design.
Re #8306 - Created Class UML diagram, prepared the issue for reviewal.
Re #8306 - Added a Main Sequence Diagram
Re #8306 - Activity diagram created, Requirement model directory created
Re #8310 - Updated the use case diagram with accordance to new requirement specifications.
Re #8310 updated use case diagram
Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should pass)
Testing GitLab+MS Teams pipelines integration (this one should fail)
#8224 - Merge branch '#8224_Create_requirements_model' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!2
#8219 Update .gitlab-ci.yml - missing space in `only` clause - fixed failing pipeling
Merge branch '8219_CICD_Test' into 'master'
8219 cicd test
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!1
#8219 Update .gitlab-ci.yml- removed build step- setup deploy on master only- enable tests everywhere
#8224 - Create EAP project for diagrams
#8219 - Changed in order to test CI/CG
#8219 - Changed .gitlab-ci.yml
#8219 - Rollbacked timeout argument in pip3 install command in the gunicorn Dockerfile
#8219 - Changed gunicorn Dockerfile
#8219 - Change .gitlab-ci.yml
#8219 - Dockerization improvements and gunicorn WSGI implementation
- when using docker to run the application nginx proxy is now used (app is then available at localhost:80)
#8219 - CI/CD progress
#8219 - added CI/CD pytest stage
#8219 - Updated
#8219 - Updated so it contains Docker deployment description
#8219 - Basic project dockerization
- created docker/Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
#8219 - Added recommended Python interpreter version to
#8219 - Removed a new line character
#8219 - Added "Testing" section to
#8219 - Added pytest dependency used for testing
- added a simple testcase that checks whether index page is being served correctly
#8219 - Python & Flask project initialization with a simple index endpoint
- added auto-generated .gitignore for Python and PyCharm projects
Add .gitlab-ci.yml
Initial commit