Re #8927 - Deleted historical directory with conftest
Re #8927 - Improved loading scripts into DB
Merge branch 'master' into '8586_response_code_updates'
Re #8586 - Changed 205 to 404.
Re #8589 - Implemented get_root(unique_id) in CertificateService
Merge branch 'master' into '8778_Subject_country_code_assertion'
Extended with a parametrized test (added "" country code)
Moved global error handlers out of the CertificateController to a separate file.Renamed generic exception handlers.
Added a global error handler for generic exceptions.Covered the added global exception error handler in a test.
Added a global error handler for DatabaseException errors.Covered the added global DatabaseException error handler in a test.
Added a global error handler for CryptographyException errors.Added a dependency ony pytest-mock library in order to be able to mock method calls in tests.Covered the added global CryptographyException error handler in a test.
Empty country code is now considered as a valid country code when creating a new certificate.
Changed tests accordingly.
Added REST API tests covering whether specifying an invalid country code when making new certificate requests results in a Bad request HTTP status code and a particular response
Covered test cases where CertificateService should/shouldn't raise InvalidSubjectAttribute error
Removed assert_invalid_subject_attribute_error function in test
Improved by using test parametrization.
Covered the new CertificateService check_subject_is_valid with unit tests.
Re #8706 - Removed debug print statements.
Re #8706 - Fixed a bug where certificates without usages would not be returned when the usage filter was unspecified. Added a related integration test.
Merge branch 'master' into '8705_rapi_private_key'
Re #8705 - Added CertService tests for `verify_key` and key reusal functionality of `wrap_custom_key`.
Re #8705 - Reformatting, test updates (discussed invalid branch returns 400).
Re #8705 - Review updates.
Merge branch '8702_augmented_filtering' into 'master'
8702 Augmented filtering of certificates
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!25
Merge branch '8704_create_cert_extensions' into 'master'
8704 Let certificate extensions be specified via REST API
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!24
Re #8704 - Minor fix (return code 500 -> 400)
Merge branch '8708_PKCS_Identity' into 'master'
8708 pkcs identity
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!22
Re #8708 - Changed the generate_pkcs_identity method of the CertificateService in such way that the Certificate class instance is now passed instead of a certificate ID resulting in a decrease of SQL queries.
Re #8708 - Added a unit test covering a scenario in which an empty identity password is passed to the generate_pkcs_identity method of the CryptographyService
Improved the generate_pkcs_identity method in such way that when None is passed as the identity password then an empty string literal ("") is used instead.
Re #8704 - Added an invalid extension test.
Re #8702 - Added filtering/pagination tests.
Re #8708 - Changed /api/certificates/{id}/identity endpoint method back to POST (facepalm)
Changed REST API tests accordingly.
Merge branch '8590_Implement_subject_fields'
Re #8700 - Fixed a test bug related to date format differences.
Re #8708 - Improved /api/certificate/{id}/identity test coverage by testing to send non well formed requests
Re #8708 - Improved generate_pkcs_identity tests in such way that the identity's friendlyName attribute is now checked
Re #8708 - Changed the endpoint generating PKCS12 identities to GET from POST (the generated identity is not stored on the server)
Changed the endpoint test accordingly
Re #8708 - Changed the behaviour of the generate_pkcs_identity method in the CryptographyService that now does not use the -CAfile argument when the passed chain of trust is empty
Added a unit test verifying that the changed method works as expected when empty chain of trust is passed
Re #8708 - Renamed a test
Re #8708 - Added a test verifying the validity of the generate_pkcs_identity method in CertificateService when a chain of trust is empty
Re #8708 - Added a new integration test verifying valid status code and content type of /api/certificates/<id>/identity endpoint
Re #8708 - Implemented a new method in the CertificateService that does generate a PKCS12 identity by using the CryptographyService
Covered the new method with few integration testsFixed minor typos in the CertificateService
Re #8705 - Added tests, changed usages (dict -> list).
Re #8700 - Review merge.
Re #8708 - Implemented a new method in the CryptographyService that allows the caller to create a PKCS12 identity of a certificate and it's chain of trust
Covered the new method with unit tests.
Re #8590 - Modified tests due to fields of subject implemented
Merge branch 'master' into '8670_Enhance_revocation_logic'
Re #8670 - minor extension of integration test during review
Re #8670 - Covered certificate_repository by the CRUD tests
Re #8707 - Added integration test of the RestAPI
Re #8707 - Added integration test of the service
Re #8670 - Modified deletion for historical storage of certificates
Re #8700 - Implemented certificate revalidation check and fixed affected tests
Re #8709 - included root certificate into the trust chain
Certificate usage hotfix before DEMO #4 - digital signature does not specify timestamping
Re #8575 - Removed useless print method calls
Re #8585 - Edited tests asserting that various extension field flags are set when certain usages are selected
Re #8585 - Fixed an issue where required extensions based on cert. usages were not present in the generated certificate
Created an utility that converts usages to extension configuration linesDefined which extension field flags are required for certain usages
Re #8576 crl endpointMerge branch '8576_crl_endpoint' into 'master'See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!15
Re #8577 - Minor refactoring (crl -> crl_ocsp).
Re #8577 - Added OCSP integration tests.
Re #8576 - Added crl endpoint integration tests, fix of serial number
Re #8576 - Added integration test for empty CRL
Re #8576 - Fixed generating index file for generating empty CRL
Re #8576 - integration test of CrlService
Merge branch '8583_interactive_details_page' into 'master'
8583 - Interactive details page
See merge request aswi/aswi-2021/aswi2021jmsd!14
Re #8576 - calling CryptographyService from CrlService, passphrase support
Re #8576 - implemented generate_crl()
Re #8575 - Serial number item in the index file is now always uppercase
Re #8575 - Fixed an issue where when creating an index file the valid_to field was passed instead of the revocation_date field
Re #8575 - Improved comments
Re #8575 - Removed a useless CryptographyService fixture
Re #8575 - Implemented CrlService that allows the caller to generate a CA database index of revoked certificates
Added an integration test verifying its validity.Renamed NOT_BEFORE_AFTER_DATE_FORMAT constant to VALID_FROM_TO_DATE_FORMAT in
Re #8575 - Added a file that defines methods used for generating CA index file lines
Added unit tests verifying the validity of added methods
Re #8575 - Renamed some variable names in
Re #8575 - Added unit tests verifying that serial number is correctly set when creating a certificate
Renamed some tests.
Re #8575 - Added unit tests verifying that serial number is set when creating a self signed certificate
Merge branch 'master' into 8583_interactive_details_page
Re #8572 - resolved conflicts
Re #8574 - Added tests for the new filtering functionality.
Re #8572 - Adjusted CertificateService unit tests according to the new `delete_certificate` specification.
Re #8572 - Added tests for certificate deletion.
Re #8583 - Fixed failing tests
Re #8571 - Fixed problems during walk-through code review
Re #8571 - Fixed import error in unittests
Re #8571 - RestAPI testing
Re #8571 - CertificateService tests
Re #8571 - revocation support end tests
Fixed failing tests after performing a merge.
Merge branch '8578_Implement_database_changes'
Re #8573 - Minor test bugfix (review)
Re #8578 - Edited conftest- tests from private_key_repository_test use unique database
Re #8578 - Repaired test after review- edited conftest - inicialization database before each test
Re #8573 - Fixed an invalid test_get_cert_private_key_incorrect_id test
Re #8573 - Fixed an invalid test_get_cert_private_key test
Re #8578 - Extended tests after review- added second tree of certificates to better cover
Re #8578 - Cover private_key_repository tests- created tests for functions create, read, read_all, update, delete- (+) edited certificate_repository to the same stylistics
Re #8573 - Added some CertificateService tests and improved CryptographyService tests of methods that extract public keys
Re #8573 - Improved testing of extract_public_key_from_certificate and extract_public_key_from_private_key methods