Re #8706 - Providing custom private key
Re #8583 Certificate creation - highlight CN if empty
Re #8583 Certificate creation - display bootstrap alert instead of popup alert
Re #8583 Certificate creation - when 'Self-signed' is checked, CA usage is selected by default
Re #8583 Added self-signed checkbox when creating certificates
Re #8475 - Changed notBefore & notAfter to validityDays
Re #8475 - Create certificate, added cancel button, success alert
Re #8475 - Create certificate, binding input fields
Re #8475 - Create certificate, available CA selection
Re #8475 - Create certificate, selected CA binding
Re #8474 - Separated issuer and subject in create_certificate.html
Re #8474 - Styling of create_certificate.html using Bootstrap
Re #8474 - Created create_certificate.html for creating certificates