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# Datum Autor Komentář
443d18f2 2021-04-15 19:46 David Friesecký

Re #8568 - Implemented new buttons/links
- implemented buttons (chain of trust, root), links (CRL, OCSP)
- move locale css to the file

5f5de859 2021-04-15 14:11 David Friesecký

Re #8568 - Added buttons and list of certificates
- added button download certificate, download public/private key

f2316dc4 2021-04-15 12:14 David Friesecký

Re #8568 - Edited detailed view by the RestAPI

6b0adc31 2021-04-14 23:19 David Friesecký

Re #8568 - Added signature info
- added signature info into static GUI of detailed view

785793c3 2021-04-14 23:09 David Friesecký

Re #8568 - Created static GUI of certificate detailed view