Re #8575 - Fixed an issue where the serial number was not passed when signing a CSR
Re #8575 - Added a "sn" parameter to some CryptographyService
Re #8572 - resolved conflicts
Re #8574 - Added the `get_certificates_issued_by(id)` method to the CertificateService (just calling the homonymous CryptoService method).
Re #8574 - Extended the `get_certificate_list` method of CertificateController to reflect the filtering query 'issuedby' update.
Re #8572 - Added a `get_all_descendants_of(id)` (meaning descendants in general) method to the CertificateRepository.
Re #8572 - Extended the method in the CertificateService.
Re #8572 - Added the `delete_certificate(id)` method to the Controller.
Re #8571 - Fixed problems during walk-through code review
Re #8571 - RestAPI testing
Re #8571 - Added RestAPI endpoint for revoking certificates
Re #8571 - revocation support end tests
Re #8571 - unified extension specification and support for CRL LF
Re #8571 - Added get_next_id to CertificateRepository in order to be able to specify CRL/OCSP endpoints
Re #8571 - Added necessary configuration
Merge branch '8578_Implement_database_changes'
Re #8578 - Delete old rows of test validity revocation data
Re #8573 - Fixed typos
Re #8578 - Cover private_key_repository tests- created tests for functions create, read, read_all, update, delete- (+) edited certificate_repository to the same stylistics
Re #8573 - Added some CertificateService tests and improved CryptographyService tests of methods that extract public keys
Re #8573 - /api/certificates/{id}/public_key endpoint now does not extract public key from private key but does so directly from the certificate instead
Re #8578 - Remaked tests files- created tests for new functions - set_certificate_revoked, clear_certificate_revocation, get_all_revoked_by, get_all_issued_by
Re #8573 - Implemented extract_public_key_from_certificate
Re #8578 - Updated certificate and certificate_repository- certificate initialize revocation_date and revocation_reason on "" if input is None- certificate_repository - repaired error after tests - edited comments (return) - stylistics
Re #8578 - Edited init queries for initialize database
Re #8573 - Implemented get_private_key_of_a_certificate method in CertController and added /api/certificates/<id>/private_key endpoint
Re #8573 - Implemented get_public_key_of_a_certificate method in CertController and added /api/certificates/<id>/public_key endpoint
Re #8573 - Added get_public_key method to KeyService that extracts a public key from a private key
Re #8573 - Changed extract_public_key method in such way that it now extracts a public key from a private key instead of a certificate
Re #8573 - Implemented extract_public_key method that allows the caller to extract a public key from a certificate
Re #8578 - Implemented new functions- set_certificate_revoked, clear_certificate_revocation, get_all_revoked_by, get_all_issued_by- update returns of all functions
Re #8578 - Applied changes of the database
Re #8475 - Applied FlaskInjector to REST API tests
Re #8569 Added comments to
Re #8569 Fixed failing pipeline
Re #8569 Added support for handling configuration files
Re #8569 Checking presence of OpenSSL during init
Re #8569 Added application initialization and running dependency injection
Re #8569 Added configuration class and loading it using injector
Re #8569 implementation
Re #8569 Prepared services for dependency injection
Re #8569 Parsing datetime in service on windows (stripping \r)
Re #8569 Removed cursor from repository constructors
Re #8475 fix failing setup of CertificateController
Re #8475 - Add a try/catch block in order to account for invalid JSON data being passed when accessing /api/certificates endpoint
Re #8475 - Fixed minor bug in GET /api/certificates endpoint with filtering
Re #8475 - Getting root and trust chain from controller uses correct service
Re #8475 - Connection to the RestAPI
Re #8476 - Heavy refactoring and added comments.
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_chain(id)`.
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_root(id)`.
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_details(id)`.
Re #8476 - Added `to_dict` method to Subject, minor bugfix
Re #8476 - Certificate usages bugfix (?)
Re #8476 - Added and tested `get_certificate(id)`.
Re #8476 - Fixed and tested filtering for GET /api/certificates
Re #8476 - Refactored the application; swagger is not used for code generation anymore, REST API is being implemented from scratch. Migration only, fixing tests.
Re #8476 - Implemented `list_certificates` with unit tests.
Re #8476 - Auxiliary script for database initialization, FileAnchor
Re #8476 - Repository bugfix.
Re #8473 - Added get_subject_from_certificate to
Re #8473 - Fixed minor typo in
Re #8472 - Added a parameter to the craete_sscrt method in CryptographyService in order to be able to specify tha number of days for which the generated certificate will be valid.
Re #8472 - Added missing docstrings to KeyService and CertificateService classes
Re #8472 - Added KeyService.delete test and renamed a test suite
Applied a small change to the KeyService.get_keys method
Re #8472 - Changed delete methods in repositories in such way that delete methods now return True only when at least one row was deleted
Re #8472 - Implemented delete_certificate method in CertificateService and added a test validating it
Re #8472 - Changed CertificateRepository.read_all method in such way that empty list is now returned instead of None when no certificates are found
Re #8472 - Added get_chain_of_trust method documentation and comments
Re #8472 - Implemented get_chain_of_trust method and added an integration test validating it
Added return type specification to read_all method in CertificateRepository
Re #8472 - Implemented get_certificates method and added an integration test validating it
Added fixtures providing a unique DB connection for each test
Re #8472 - Fixed an issue in the certificate repository that resulted in inability to filter certificates by their type
Re #8472 - Implemented create_end_cert method and added an integration test validating it
Re #8472 - Added the ability to pass usage dictionary to create_ca and create_root_ca methods via optional parameter
Re #8472 - Fixed an issue in CertificateRepository.create() method where update result (boolean) was returned instead of the created ID
Re #8472 - Implemented create_ca method in CertificateService and added test verifying this method's validity
Re #8472 - Fixed CertificateRepository bug that resulted in inability to create certificates
Re #8472 - Implemented get_certificate method in CertificateService and added a test testing this method
Re #8472 - Fixed a bug in CertificateRepository that resulted in inability to get a single certificate by ID
Re #8472 - Fixed a bug in PrivateKeyRepository that resulted in inability to get a single private key from the repository
Re #8472 - Improved SQL connection/cursor fixtures in such way that connection to DB happens only once per test module
Re #8472 - Finished implementation of create_root_ca method in CertificateService
Re #8472 - Made small fixes to the CertificateRepository
Re #8472 - Improved parse_cert_pem method in such way that it also parses notBefore and notAfter fields now
Re #8472 - Finished implementation of parse_cert_pem method that parses a subject out of a PEM formatted certificate
Added few unit tests testing this method.
Re #8472 - WIP commit of adding a method capable of parsing a Subject from a cert PEM
Re #8472 - Implemented KeyService
Re #8472 - Fixed PrivateKey field assignment typo
Re #8471 - Merge implement DAO - source code
Re #8471 - Implemented selection of all private keys
Re #8471 - Implemented filter of certificates- Implemented filter by certificate type using index (id) from CertificateTypes table- No multiple types supported
Re #8471 - Error correction after review
Re #8471 - Simplification of CRUD functions- conversion source of private key repository to one file- added comments
Re #8471 - Simplification of CRUD functions- conversion source of certificate repository to one file- added comments
Re #8471 - Added name of tables to constants- TAB_CERTIFICATE_TYPES for CertificateTypes table- TAB_USAGE_TYPES for UsageTypes table
Re #8471 - Modified source- deleted redundat files- deleted '_impl' from repositories filename
Re #8471 - Added comments for CRUD functions
Re #8471 - Tested direct DB communication- implemented tests for Certificates and PrivateKeys tables via DBManager
Re #8471 - Added FK of parent certificate
Re #8471 - Edited files for DB communication