Re #8589 - Added a log check to test if the directory exists and if not, print error.
Re #8779 - Implemented disabling logging during tests
Re #8880 - Edited config file (inserted RootDir)- improved creating of logs and db directories
Merge branch '8570_Implement_logging'
Re #8570 - Rotating file settings
Re #8570 - Logger configuration- implemented dictionary to string in utils- implemented log functions with parameter message only (name of file, name of class and name of functionare getting automaticaly)
Merge branch 'master' into 8570_Implement_logging
Re #8585 - Improved a code comment in
Re #8585 - Fixed an issue where required extensions based on cert. usages were not present in the generated certificate
Created an utility that converts usages to extension configuration linesDefined which extension field flags are required for certain usages
Re #8577 - Minor adjustment to accept binary contents.
Re #8570 - Setted configuration of logging
Re #8570 - Implemented logger- implemented static functions (debug, info, warning, error, critical) (sorted by level)- used configuration for setting logging library
Re #8476 - Refactored the application; swagger is not used for code generation anymore, REST API is being implemented from scratch. Migration only, fixing tests.
Re #8476 - Auxiliary script for database initialization, FileAnchor
Re #8471 - Merge implement DAO - source code