Re #8475 fix failing setup of CertificateController
Re #8475 - Add a try/catch block in order to account for invalid JSON data being passed when accessing /api/certificates endpoint
Re #8475 - Fixed minor bug in GET /api/certificates endpoint with filtering
Re #8475 - Getting root and trust chain from controller uses correct service
Re #8475 - Connection to the RestAPI
Re #8476 - Heavy refactoring and added comments.
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_chain(id)`.
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_root(id)`.
Re #8476 - Implemented and tested `get_cert_details(id)`.
Re #8476 - Added and tested `get_certificate(id)`.
Re #8476 - Fixed and tested filtering for GET /api/certificates
Re #8476 - Refactored the application; swagger is not used for code generation anymore, REST API is being implemented from scratch. Migration only, fixing tests.